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protetype October-31st-2002 06:20 AM

has anyone seen the teckademics videos? i know zuMP5 posted a long trailer for it from the dtmpower board a while back. but, the new teck. video came out on the 29th called Mischief 3000. If you haven't seen it, go pick it up at best buy, it's like $12.99. It has the gumball 3000 race in it, which has the sickest cars in it, and has a lot of good footage. some street racing, a little auto abuse. if you've never seen any of the teckademics stuff, pick up the other video too called Mischief. The original thread about this was And John, they have Dado running from the cops in the video. ;) They were getting some of the cars up to 200+ mph on US highways. insane.

Prophet October-31st-2002 07:43 AM

I have mischeif. I wasnt' to impressed with some of the stuff I saw. A few things looked like they took it straight from Jackass..... not very original. There was some good footage, but most looked as if it was fake. Some of what I thought was fake was a few scene's when they were either "hiding" from the cops or "running" from the cops. That stuff could have been easily faked. I will check out the 3000 just cause the trailor looked awesome...but knowing them, all the good footage was put into the trailor.


protetype October-31st-2002 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Prophet
I have mischeif. I wasnt' to impressed with some of the stuff I saw. A few things looked like they took it straight from Jackass..... not very original. There was some good footage, but most looked as if it was fake. Some of what I thought was fake was a few scene's when they were either "hiding" from the cops or "running" from the cops. That stuff could have been easily faked. I will check out the 3000 just cause the trailor looked awesome...but knowing them, all the good footage was put into the trailor.


Actually, most of the video is all Gumball. So, if you liked the trailer, you *should* like the video. :)

redrims October-31st-2002 11:41 AM

Teck. was doing there next street racing video in my town 2 weeks ago. I was trying to go but I got to busy. I wanted to be in it too. :mad: Oh well, I'll be in the next one. They always shoot in my area. Like twice a year.

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