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Maxx Mazda November-13th-2002 12:23 PM

Talk About Nice Cops! Should Have Busted My Ass Down!
Ok, so I'm on my way home from work. I merge following the receptionist. I come off the onramp, behind her, and just fucken stand on it to pass her. Well, I didn't look in my rearview, and as it turned out, a cop was just behind me when I merged in. I thought it was only a cab (Crown Victoria, but I missed the black grill.) So, I take off, doing honestly 110 in an 80 zone, the cop follows without my knowledge. The receptionist knows the cop is there and just laughs. So, here's my car, bright as hell blue blinkers that I use not as often as I should, red underglow on, speeding, and illigal tint. So, I stop at the next intersection, (About 3 miles after I had merged onto Crowchild Tr.) I look behind me, and notice that it's a cop. (I had no idea he had been following me, I thought he just rolled up.) I quickly reach under my dash and flick the neons off, and right when I do that, the two of them in the car started laughing. I'm guessing the ran the plate, cause the were apparently following me the whole time (as the receptionist told me the next day) but since they saw I had no tickets, decided to let it go. I started driving like a good boy, and the pulled up beside me. Turning on all my interior lights to make the tint less obvious, I just stared straight ahead and did the speed limit. I look over, and the cop actually WAVES to me. The both of them are smiling, and I'm beet red by now, and my hands are shaking. They turned off to head to the station just up the street, and I drove the rest of the way home.

Those guys could have busted me for about 5 things: Speeding, tint, red underglow, blinkers, and changing lanes without signalling.

I swear it's a miracle that I wasn't pulled over. I have no idea why they decided not to. I'm happy with the end result, but still. They must have had a reason for not busting me, I mean, like I said, I could have been paying about $1000 in fines! :eek: I could tell by their smiles and such they were "messing" with me, but why I didn't get pulled over is beyond me.

alcoholiday November-13th-2002 12:33 PM

maybe they'd met quota for the day?

they were probably trying to pull the old "scared straight" thing or something.

you're lucky.

Brycer79 November-13th-2002 12:35 PM

wow you got lucky there, I have two stories.. :o)

first when my mom got her jag my dad took me for a ride and we went up this hill behind our house and it's a 80 zone or somehting like that maybe 60 or 70, but we went up this hill and got up to 170kpm and a cop goes by and just waves his hand down to tell us to slow down and my dad almost crpped his pants...

then here in edmonton with danielle first she pulls a u turn and a guy in the bck seat yells cop... then at hte light a head of up she goes watch this and starts to peel out and turn the corner.. we start going down the road and at oh the second intersection up the red and blue go off and we get pulled over... we are sitting there thinking oh crap... roll dow nthe front tinted windows, and shut off the lights so the leds on the washers turn off.. he comes up asks if she knows how to drive and she starts scratchign her foot with her other foot talking baout how we jsut go out of swimming and she thought she had athletes foot.. he then asked if we had been drinking and asked for hte liscense and registration... she then says okay oh I should know betteRI work for this comany as she hands over the registration.. then he jsut lets us go and tells her to be careful i nthe future...

he woulda had us for the u-turn, the tint, stunting, and the washer LED and those are 160 buck fine and 5 points on the liscense.. ouch.. not to mention the side tint... now the guy who was with us says he wants tits for x-mas...

protegeDX November-13th-2002 12:56 PM

u best thank and praise god for his gracious blessings :D

Pro_fan November-13th-2002 02:33 PM

That's right!! Don't ever tell me the Calgary Police Service sucks!
Just goes to show that not all cops are out to get you.

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