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Mp3Angel April-26th-2002 03:28 PM

Talk about a bad day!...
So some of you might be in a bad mood and thinking your day can't get much worse... So did I... Then I had a customer at the sushi bar who came in today and told me how HIS day has gone so far:

He went out to start his car this morning, and discovered his alternator was dead. Well damn, not a HUGE deal he thinks. He goes to his other car and tries to start it. Alternator was ALSO DEAD in this car. What are the odds?!?!

"Well then I said screw it!" he says. So he calls into work and decides he's going to mow his lawn. Yeah freaking right. His lawn mower breaks down. :mad:

So then he thinks, you know what? It can't get much worse, I'm going turkey hunting, the rest of the world can just go straight to hell. He gets out on the trails, next thing you know, his ATV broke down.

He told me then that the sushi he'd just ordered was the best part of his day so far. Poor guy. :(

So now my day has seemed pretty damn good! Hope it makes yours seem a little better in comparison as well :D

onehawaiian April-26th-2002 03:31 PM

check out the post on the buzzard. pretty tight comp on who's had the worst day... :p

Racer91 April-26th-2002 03:32 PM

The intersting part of this story is that a guy who owns a ATV and goes Turkey hunting goes to a sushi bar :-)

Mp3Angel April-26th-2002 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Racer91
The intersting part of this story is that a guy who owns a ATV and goes Turkey hunting goes to a sushi bar :-)
LoL no doubt, he was sitting there in his cammo and everything, with his broke down atv sitting on a trailer hitched to the back of a borrowed truck. First thing when he got there, he ordered an extra large Plum Sake and 2 Sapporo's (Japanese beer) :rolleyes:

onehawaiian April-26th-2002 03:43 PM

japanese are taking over the country! we should never have bombed them. of course, they should never have sneaked those bombs in my backyard either... :p
-sushi bars
-sushi bars
-hondas/import cars
-golf courses
-import beer
-micro technology
damn, it's funny how the japanese have a part of everything we buy... bastards.

Mp3Angel April-26th-2002 03:51 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian
japanese are taking over the country!
I SERIOUSLY wonder why no one in this airforce town questions the fact that the Japanese Sushi Bar here was opened on December 7th??!?!? That was the first thing I wondered about when I first started working there :eek:

ZoomZoomH April-26th-2002 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Mp3Angel

I SERIOUSLY wonder why no one in this airforce town questions the fact that the Japanese Sushi Bar here was opened on December 7th??!?!? That was the first thing I wondered about when I first started working there :eek:

because it's no longer 1941? :D

Mp3Angel April-26th-2002 03:57 PM

Originally posted by ZoomZoomH

because it's no longer 1941? :D

Just thought it was kinda ironic! lol :angel:

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