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ashutoshsm October-23rd-2002 01:32 PM

Re: Re: Good luck, Hank!

Originally posted by ZoomZoomH

planning to get a Masters in Computer Science.....

Sweet, all the best! Let me know when you start applying to schools (in the area, I presume? Have you decided? And a research concentration/interest?) or if you need any help with the process etc.

Brycer79swoman October-23rd-2002 03:24 PM

my words
okay here are mine...

chauchy bitch - a GQ guy that think he's all that and a bag of chips

lur lur- chubbyness

roke- cigarette

dickdo- a guy with a big tummy that hangs where his dick do

gunt- a girl with a big tummy that hangs know

well ya that's all that i can think of...*laffs*

JPBlackMP5 October-23rd-2002 04:05 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda

ok here goes my blondeness again!!WTF does that mean lol. is that a kind of pickle...(damn I am gonna get made fun of ha ha)

No, no, emphatically NO. I meant no harm. I just thought you were implying you were a jewish gal, hence "Jewess"... My humblest apologies.


Makaveli October-23rd-2002 06:47 PM


meaning fcukin ugly

I'm sure everyone's heard it before, but it's one that I use in everyday situations hehe

fourty03 October-23rd-2002 06:52 PM


i.e., "the plane had a nearmiss with the other aircraft , what a tragedy"


Makaveli October-23rd-2002 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
"toilet" is a stupid word..........could never figure out where the hell they got it from.

French- Toilette......

'toile' means a 'tile' in french I believe....

mito7878 October-23rd-2002 08:27 PM


If you need to know just let me know

Sir Nuke October-23rd-2002 10:41 PM

Originally posted by mito7878

If you need to know just let me know

I am EX NAVY....I am all to familuar with FUBAR....

another is SNAFU

Wil....of course you do know that the inventor of the toilet's REAL last name is CRAPPER! FUNNY FACT...AND TRUE.

LitlRay October-24th-2002 09:38 AM

I like to use the words M-er F-er for mother F*cker ... and Renard... ummm and I like to use the word pie hole - (mouth)

and I will add this one for my fiance- he likes to say "Shut your MAN PLEASER" - dirty ass marines :)

funkdaddysmack October-24th-2002 10:57 AM

Originally posted by blue LEDz
negatory is my favorite;)
I had a teacher in high school who was a part-time truck driver, and he used to tell us "Keep the decibles in the negatory"... That cracked me up everytime I heard it!

Erzengel October-24th-2002 11:45 AM

damnatory is a good one.

its an adj. that means to threaten by damnation

Maxx Mazda October-24th-2002 12:15 PM

They're not so much funny words, but whenever me and mybuddies get ripped, we always refer to stuff as "Gettin' our ___ on!"

For example, if you've got the munchies, you say you've "gotta get your eat on!" Or, if you're gonna score with the woman, you're "gonna get your scronk on!" You gan use that phrase for anything you can think of, and that's what makes it so funny! LOL!

"I'm gettin' my type on" right now! LOL! :D :D :D

I have to ask, what does SNAFU mean? (I'm familiar with FUBAR, but this is new to me...)

pollax October-24th-2002 05:58 PM

My favorite right now are

ass clown



You might have to think about that last one for a minute!

arl240 October-25th-2002 09:32 AM

Situation Normal All "fired" Up.

My favorite I heard on SNL when they did a parody of Bush and Gore. George Dubya said:


pasta323 October-29th-2002 03:03 PM

Originally posted by fourty03

i.e., "the plane had a nearmiss with the other aircraft , what a tragedy"

omg :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i just laughed for like 10 minutes straight...thats a sick word...

and what does FUBAR mean???

i got some more of my add to my first ones of "concur" me and my buddies also say...

Harmonize, lol &
Coincide.....both words meaning to agree i love it..

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