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Bruce95fmla August-8th-2003 06:10 PM

Some really funny shi!@
Well I am at work and decided to go to google and type in the above title and here are some of the things that came up ... i am still reading the 1st link page soo I will add more as I find them .. but check this stuff out it is frigin hilarious ..

Stuff this guy and his girl argue about

MisterT August-8th-2003 06:19 PM

Wow and I thought my ex was bad! Whenever she would go to bed, she would put tooth paste on my tooth brush while she brushed her teeth. An hour later, I would go in to brush my teeth and the shit is like rubber!!!:eek: If it was the opposite, me going to bed before her, I wouldn't fix her brush (unless she was right there with me or shortly behind), she would get all pissed and say that I am self centered and never think of her. Every thing we did revolved around her. Now you know why I am divorced?!:rant:

:D happier now though:D


Bruce95fmla August-8th-2003 06:51 PM

ohh god , this women is to much ...
read this part

Margret flooded the kitchen last week. Turned the taps on, put the plug in the sink, and utterly forgot about it (because she'd come upstairs and we'd got involved in an unrelated argument). She goes back downstairs, opens the door and - whoosh - it's Sea World. The interesting thing about this is, if I'd flooded the kitchen, it would have been a bellowing, 'You've flooded the kitchen, you idiot!' and then she'd have done that thing where I curl up in a ball, trying to protect my head, and she kicks me repeatedly in the kidneys. As it was, however, there's a shout, I run downstairs and stand for a beat in the doorway - taking in the scene, waves lapping gently at my ankles - and she turns round and roars, 'Well, help me then - can't you see I've flooded the kitchen, you idiot?'
or this one

Margret's four-hundred-and-fifty-second most annoying habit is to stealthily turn off the central heating (then light the gas fire in the room she's in, natch). I'll suddenly notice that, sitting typing at the keyboard, I can see my own breath while from the bedroom one of the kids will call out, 'Papa, I can't feel my legs...' And I'll shiver down the stairs to find the central heating set to 'Summer/Hypothermia/Cryogenic Suspension,' and Margret in the living room watching the TV in a door frame warping furnace.

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