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semtex November-4th-2003 09:22 PM

so this is what has become of you
its funny how this place has become totally dead, club P R O T E G E has more posts per day than this place does in a week,

if you havent already converted over , save yourself and join up, you cant seriously think this place still has anyhting to offer you.

BTW this is my offical last post

and for all that down time that set this all in motion and while i needed some serious help during that time and could not find it anywhere.............

FUCK YOU PROTEGE CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

BOOSTD 7 November-4th-2003 09:45 PM

You know, I'm not going to delete this thread so people can always look and see what an immature little dweeb you are.

You sure showed us :rolleyes:

THEGOLDPRO November-4th-2003 10:14 PM

all this anger, its like a soap opera in here.

Liquid_Ag November-5th-2003 12:45 AM

y cant we all just be friends? :)

demoninvictus November-5th-2003 12:47 AM

heh, might be immature, we're just tired of our posts being deleted. it's called information control... something that is supposed to be free, that is no longer because it conflicts with interest. funny how the nazi's did the same thing.. and i'm in no way comparing you to a nazi, but if i was to be a highly active member here, i'd have to see less of this shit bro.

Liquid_Ag November-5th-2003 12:49 AM

boosted 7 is a really good guy. hes having to work backwards to fix what jason did. unfortuanetly for him, jason did a lot of harm to the protege community, and most members are wary to return. there is a HUGE amount of archived material here, and hopefully, we can all use the info in peace

UCSBgeek November-5th-2003 01:29 PM

just post where you want to post, don't get so bitter about it

BOOSTD 7 November-5th-2003 02:11 PM

I wish I had a dollar for every time some know-it-all kid has called me a Nazi. "Freedom of speech man" ... whatever. That rap is so played out. Just be cool, and you'll be treated cool. I have no use or tolerance for people who cause drama.

Redfyre November-5th-2003 02:14 PM

We don't need idiots like that in here.

Protoss November-5th-2003 04:14 PM

Ohh yeah i'd be deleting posts like that to. I mean there is an image to try to keep. granted I was very hurt by what Jason did. And yes i am wary to return. BOOSTED you seem like a very competent owner. thank you for taking over this site. would it be possible for me to link the "other" site in my sig? i mean no harm, it is just that i have a lot of useful infomation on sites other than this one.

lost_concept November-5th-2003 06:11 PM


So much anger
So much drama
So much chaos

LOL My type of place :D

BOOSTD 7 November-5th-2003 08:11 PM

Hang with me guys, I'm trying to clean shit up ... make this a place for information again, not drama.

thejoker0409 November-5th-2003 08:17 PM

so angry
so young so angry damn that rap music

BOOSTD 7 November-5th-2003 08:49 PM

Re: so angry

Originally posted by thejoker0409
so young so angry damn that rap music
Right on .. let's see some pics of that MSP

lost_concept November-5th-2003 11:42 PM

Rap music

Kill kill kill
murder murder murder

I put a gat to you face and spray u with some mace !
I push the lexus for the blood money, i gets mad and slap your honey
I gets mad, i hit my dad !
You gets mad and you grab the gun buss caps fun fun fun

Rap music is violent ! Come sing it with me


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