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Ceej June-29th-2004 01:10 PM

So I went to my first Import Car show...
Some observations:

I have never seen so many "hat on backwards, pants falling down, losers wearing cheap ass silver or gold plated crap, wanna be gangstas" in one place in my life! It was seriously pathetic, I was walking around laughing the whole time. And they walked around in little groups of two and three, trying to look cool, looking like morons. Don't these guys realize how stupid they look?

O.k., and the only girls at the show were the skanky looking, fat assed, cheap sluts who would hang out with guys like that.

Now, for you guys who live in Cali. and AZ. no doubt have some slim, quality girls at your car shows but not at this one. The only hot girl I saw was a hired model.

The cars:

More pathetic crap, there were cars that had only Alteeza style lights, fogs lights and cheap ass woofer boxes, WTF is up with that? I saw a new Eclipse with only rims and Alteezas, STOCK stereo! Why on earth would you enter a car like that into a car show!?! And it was DIRTY! No P5s, and one or two MazdaSpeeds.

Now, this is Syracuse, home to snow and potholes, so there were not a hell of a lot of local, low, body kit clad cars that were not scratched up. But there were some sweet rides that were trailered in from the coast.

Anyway, my first Import Car Show and it was fun, it was fun to laugh at.

*sigh* I wish I lived in an all sunny, year round place so I could see some real Import Car shows.

Roddimus Prime June-29th-2004 01:13 PM

hahaha, if you think THAT was ricey what until NOPI in ATL...I'm going to get some pictures/video for my website and I'll show you rice in it's purest form!!

p.s. I'm also disturbed by the car-show-skanks....yuch, get the hell off my hood bitch. I didn't pay for this car for you to put your crabs on it.

kargoboy June-29th-2004 03:48 PM

*imitating Homer Simpson*
mmmmmm, car show skanks....

Roddimus Prime June-29th-2004 04:07 PM


Phantom Cruiser June-29th-2004 04:31 PM

just say NO! to hookers on your car!

Ceej June-30th-2004 01:11 PM

The skanks didn't make me laugh as much as the wanna be gangstas.

WTF is up with these guys? Do they realize how pathetic they look?

Please tell me none of you guys dress like that!

Roddimus Prime June-30th-2004 01:55 PM

<~~~Blue jeans and a polo just about everywhere I go. If I wear a hat it's a black "mazdaspeed" hat!

Phantom Cruiser June-30th-2004 02:06 PM

i wear practically nothing at all.... :eek: it's that scary.

Ceej June-30th-2004 02:32 PM

When I see those people........I wonder what they do for a living you know?

Do they show up to work with their pants hanging down their asses? Do they wear their baseball hats on sideways all of the time?

Roddimus Prime June-30th-2004 02:51 PM

no way Ceej, they have to dress like gang-bangers away from work because the MAN stifles their creativity and indiviuality!!

kargoboy June-30th-2004 02:53 PM

Who said they have jobs??

Roddimus Prime June-30th-2004 02:56 PM

if they can afford upside down visors they have jobs!!

p.s. Ever notice how they dres that way to be different and unique but end up looking like everyone else?? I blame rap music.

Ceej July-1st-2004 01:29 PM

Yea, Rap Crap does indeed contribute to this.

Roddimus Prime July-1st-2004 02:02 PM

I don't know if it's more Rap or MTv for advertising the rap as being "cool".....I think it's a little of both. Either way you never see country music stars throwing hundred dollar bills at some fat stretch-marked ass in a hot-tub.

macdaddyslomo July-1st-2004 02:28 PM

Wanna see a booty shake...check out the animations on ...check out the loop that says booty shake

kargoboy July-1st-2004 05:26 PM

Hmmm. Ripped t-shirts, jeans with gaping holes and scraggly unwashed hair.
That was a much better look, and way cooler, huh?
Bring back the grunge!
Or maybe the Hair-band/Madonna look.
Even cooler!

Phantom Cruiser July-1st-2004 06:58 PM

Originally posted by macdaddyslomo
Wanna see a booty shake...check out the animations on ...check out the loop that says booty shake

macdaddyslomo July-1st-2004 07:49 PM

Liked that didja ?

About the whole clothes thing...How about just wearing nice comfortable clothes THAT FIT. I stopped housing my pants when I was 17...That was 11 years ago...How the hell is that still in style ???

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