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MAZDA44 October-13th-2002 12:40 PM

SLR Digital Cameras

I am looking to buy a Digital camera but an slr style. I have the Canon 1v as a film camera but want to get a Digital camera. I'm looking at the canon D60, 1D or the 1DS, I know there is a big jump from the D60 to the 1D & 1DS but if it is worth the jump I would take it. I was wondering if anyone has these cameras or knows someone that does? I would really like some input on these cameras.


hihoslva October-13th-2002 01:39 PM

The only advice I can give on ANY digital camera is:

Before you get very caught up in the megapixel resolution and all, make sure your computer is powerful enough to deal with the large file-size of super-hi-res pix. My Sony CyberShot is a couple of years old (not even made anymore, either) and only does a max of 1.3 megapixels, but I find it is PLENTY of resolution - and occasionally, my computer will get slowed down when manipulating large image files like that - but it does depend on the program used to manipulate the photos.

Other than that, an SLR digicam would be SCHWEET! Good luck.

And BTW - just know that some of the non-slr cams (like my Sony for example) can use add-on lenses and filters to get some of the capabilities of an SLR. The Sony uses a standard 37mm lens with a standard threaded housing, so finding filters, telephoto, wide angle, etc. lenses is as easy as dropping a few bucks at a decent camera shop and screwing them on over the built-in lens. So unless you are dead-set on an SLR, that can be something to consider that might save you some serious money.


MAZDA44 October-13th-2002 02:33 PM

Some things to let you know, I have a photography company on the side, so a pro digital camera is a must, the problem with the screw on lenses like with the sony is they are slow, I need fast lenses so that means a pro slr and when you have the lenses already it would not make sense to buy a camera that you can't use them on.


tonkabui October-13th-2002 03:13 PM

those are some serious cameras. the only problem i see with the D60 is availability. the problem with the 1D is price. the 1DS is not out yet. if you are looking to buy now, i would recommend the 1D because of its capabilities. however, if you are not shooting sports or news on a regular basis, i don't think it's worth it at all. i would get the d60. the 1DS right now is way overpriced according to msrp of $8000. and since it is a new camera with a new CMOS imager-- noise, resolution, and color saturation has not been tried and trued. if i had 2500 to spend, i would get the d60. if i had 5500 to spend, i would get the 1D. but then again, i'm a news photographer, so i lean heavily towards the 1D. oh yeah, what lenses are you running right now? it's important that you are running with some sweet L lenses.

mopho October-14th-2002 12:24 AM

First off, this is the wrong forum, for proper advice on professional digital cameras go here:
That forum is where all the Pros (not Proteges)hang out and you will be able to talk to people who own the cameras you are looking at. I am not a Canon user so I can't give you advice on which of their models to buy. I can tell you that you need to weigh what you will need it for and whether it will pay for itself. If your clients don't need digital but you are just looking to get your feet wet, you should go for the lower end digital slr's, since it won't pay for itself.
I have a Nikon D1x, the camera plus the accesories that I needed to operate it and the new laptop that you have to have if you travel, I spent $7000. that doesn't include the $4k in lenses, the $400 flash, the $5000 desktop computer, the $500 printer, the ...
But I had a big client that wanted to go digital in order to update their website quickly, but also they would use the photos in magazines, ads, posters, etc. so I needed good quality too. That one client more than paid for the camera.
You will love the digital, but there is a LOT to learn about file preparation and color management, especially if your photos go to print in publications.
Good Luck
Shot this today with the D1x, hanging out of the back of My Protege5

MAZDA44 October-14th-2002 12:02 PM


Originally posted by tonkabui
. oh yeah, what lenses are you running right now? it's important that you are running with some sweet L lenses. [/B]
Tonkabui these are the lenses that I have

1. 50mm f1.8
2. 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM
3. 70-200mm f2.8L IS USM
4. 300mm f2.8L IS USM

I have a lot invested in lenses for the canon so I don't want to change over to something else, plus I love the canon 1v as a film camera so don't want to get rid of that either.


tonkabui October-14th-2002 12:43 PM

mopho is correct in saying that is the place to be, but most of the time, they are very elitist, especially for a question like yours. if you were to go on there and ask what you should get between the d60, 1d, or 1ds, you will get the "why don't you do a search" comment, or "if you don't know what you should get, you shouldn't get any" response. what type of photography are you providing for your clients? again, if you do sports and news-type photography, the 1d is the way to go. if you do a lot of still life photos or posed shots and won't blow up to anything bigger than, say... 11x14, the d60 will do you good. the 1ds is supposedly as good as medium format scanned, but i have not seen any full resolution images to make a comment. also, with these newer digital cameras, you need a lens that will resolve the maximum amount of detail in order to maximize image quality, so the first lens you should think about replacing is the 28-135 if you use that lens a lot. it's a good lens, a damned sharp lens, but it doesn't resolve as well as the 28-70 f/2.8. the new 24-70 f/2.8 is also too new to really say anything, but if the 16-35 was any indication, it should be even better than its predecessor. and that, my friend, is just damn amazing! PM me if you are still stuck and i'll see what i can do. i don't think people appreciate reading about cameras when this is a car forum.

mopho October-14th-2002 01:21 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by tonkabui
[B]mopho is correct in saying that is the place to be, but most of the time, they are very elitist, especially for a question like yours. if you were to go on there and ask what you should get between the d60, 1d, or 1ds, you will get the "why don't you do a search" comment, or "if you don't know what you should get, you shouldn't get any" response

Actually, I have found the opposite true. you are more likely to get the "do a search!" response on this site. It is an older crowd on that site and I have found the people friendly and helpful. But it is definately not a site for slang, insults and crude remarks. Once you get a camera that site is invaluable for getting help, and you will need help!

Makaveli October-14th-2002 04:58 PM

Originally posted by tonkabui
i don't think people appreciate reading about cameras when this is a car forum.
Actually this is Off Topic section, so no problems. I'm enjoying reading this even though I won't be spending nearly that much on a digital camera.:)

tonkabui October-14th-2002 05:34 PM


i am not disagreeing with you at all. is THE site to go to if you are doing any serious work with a digital camera. the newspaper i worked for was familiar with the site, as was all the other local papers including the LA Times. i learned how to use a canon d30, canon 1d, nikon d1, d1h, and d1x in the context of the newsroom with the help of that site. but the only reason that site helped me was because i had access to all five cameras (not at the same time). i think a more appropriate place to point mazda44 is in the direction of on that site, it has reviews of almost every digital camera out there. the forums are also very active and the skill level of photographers there range from those who have just taken the plunge into digital to those who are regarded as experts in the field. if you know of any other digital site that is valuable, please send mazda44 on his way. oh yeah... how's your d1x holding up? the guys at the paper i used to work for has all gotten theirs replaced because all 5 quit working (d1's, not x... although i've heard some horror stories from the x end also).

SEA_P5 October-14th-2002 05:46 PM

Are you sticking only with one brand or are you trying them all...a buddy of mine is currently waiting for this camera. Nikon Coolpix 4500.

Even though his previous camera is really good...supposedly this one is sharper....

Here is pic he usually takes with his old camera.

mopho October-14th-2002 06:27 PM

My D1x has been holding up great! and I shoot mainly Rallying with it, so it is in very dusty conditions. It is funny, I heard of a lot of people having problems with Canons. Neither is better than the other, it is all in how you use and take care of it. Photojournalists tend to distroy there equipment since there is no time to pack it up neatly and a lot of the time they are running with cameras on their shoulders banging off of each other. almost every problem I have heard with the Nikon and the Canons has been from Journalists. But that is there job and it comes with the territory.


Mazda44 is looking for a SLR digital camera that he can change lenses on. Since he already owns a bunch of Canon lenses it makes financial sense for him to stick with the Canon equipment.

Bruce95fmla October-14th-2002 06:45 PM

Re: SLR Digital Cameras

Originally posted by MAZDA44

I am looking to buy a Digital camera but an slr style. I have the Canon 1v as a film camera but want to get a Digital camera. I'm looking at the canon D60, 1D or the 1DS, I know there is a big jump from the D60 to the 1D & 1DS but if it is worth the jump I would take it. I was wondering if anyone has these cameras or knows someone that does? I would really like some input on these cameras.


Nikon , has there digital SLR out also , but it is way expensive, it is a bit more advanced than the 1D from what I read about a month back and was supposed to be the hottest camera out,.. I really don't follow this level of cameras as they are way out of my price range ...
go to

tonkabui October-14th-2002 08:25 PM

i definitely agree with you mopho,

all the journalists that i have ever encountered, including myself, has had to have some gear sent in for repair. my bodies never quit on me, it's just some of my lenses were a little beat up. it happens when you have two cameras around your neck and are running after people. my horror story is when one of the nikon d1's straps broke and the camera fell onto the ground and broke. worst part is it happened in the office on carpet. boy i felt dumb. and since the paper was under new management who felt it a good idea not to cover work related damages to equipment, they fired my arse. and get this... this is how cheap they got: one of their veteran photographers d1's got totally thrashed (the shutter stopped flipping) and the newspaper refused to get him a new one but instead made him go back to 1993 technology in a first generation kodak/nikon pronea dit cam! i'm surprised they didn't fire him! anyway, i digress. i haven't shot since i moved... not one frame. i miss it a lot.

mopho October-14th-2002 10:25 PM

The D1x and the EOS 1d are fairly tough with metal chassis, but the D100 and the D60 are plastic bodies so a bit less rugged.
I had my D1x take a tumble- I was shooting a rally in Minnesota and I stopped by the team RV to "shake the dew off my lily". I walked in and put my camera on the table and went into the the bathroom. Well, one of the mechanics thought it would be funny if he drove off in RV with me in the toilet. It would have been funny had I not left my camera on the table, which promptly slid off fell to the ground, slid across the floor and spit out the memory card. Fortunately, there was not a scratch, and it worked fine. It scared the crap out of me, since we had just won the race and I needed to shoot the spraying of the champaign.:eek:

MAZDA44 October-14th-2002 10:45 PM

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on the subject and a big thats to mopho & tonkabui you have been a big help. I will try the sites that you listed and see what happens if you know of anymore sites let me know. The problem is I do all kinds of photography so to pick a camera that does all types good would be better for me. I guess the other problem is the cameras that I'm looking at each does something better then the other, you almost need 2:D but that is out of the question to much cash:( . Thanks again for your help.


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