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Protoss July-6th-2004 03:46 PM

That Simpson's Quote thread
i'm bored so why not.

"Screw Flanders!"

"I thought the cop was a prositute"

"Look at this perpetual motion machine lisa made. It keeps on going faster and faster. In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

midnightblue97 July-6th-2004 04:57 PM

They're not saying boo, they were saying
Were you people saying boo or boourns??
I was saying boourns

Oh boy sleep thats where I'm a viking.

Hey every body, look at me!!!!
Hey look its bart, and he's doing stuff
CAW CAW!!!!!!

STUPIDER LIKE A FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get out here boy, there's a doins a' transpiring!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Lets shut the gate and seal them in!!!
You lousy springfielders........ SHAKE HARDER BOY!!!

Funny, I usually have a simpsons quote for all occasions, but I'm a little lost at the moment.

tyvan27 July-6th-2004 05:23 PM

"Oh save me Jebus!" (Homer)

"Me fail English? Thats unpossible." (Ralph)

"Howdy Homer, how's it hanging?" (Apu)
"Low and loose. Hey something is different about you Apu."(Homer)
"You are just noticing the way I talk. It turns out I was an American citizen all along. I just plum forgot about it." (APu)
"What do you say you and I take a relaxed attitude towards work and watch the baseball match on TV. The NY Mets are my favourite squadron." (Apu)

"Worst episode ever." (Comic boof store guy)

"I am so smart, I am so smart. S-M-R-T...I mean S-M-A-R-T, I am so smart." (Homer)

Roddimus Prime July-6th-2004 05:26 PM


"D'oh" (homer)

you guys leave out the obvious@!

Anarchistchiken July-6th-2004 07:06 PM

wowwwww. Have you guys ever considered doing something besides...... whatever the hell it is you're doing. I honestly worry about you guys sometimes. But while I'm here


"I like paste" Ralph

"My parents hate each other" Milhouse

"WHY YOU LITTLE!!!" Everyone in the series at one point in time
^^^best quote ever^^^

kreamy73 July-7th-2004 10:17 AM

"I think he's talking to you"...Homer
"Dying tickles" Ralph
"My cats name is mittens" Ralph
"Can I have a new crayon? I ate mine" Ralph
"You bent my wookie" Ralph
"Why does everybody keep running away from me?" Ralph
"mmmmmmmmmmmm....floor pie" Homer
"mmmmmmmmm....100 slices of american processed cheese...mmmmmmmmm...99 slices of american processed cheese" Homer

lol Ralph's my favourite!


Roddimus Prime July-7th-2004 11:02 AM

ralph is the best. I like Ralphie and Millhouse....they are just like friends of mine growing up. One was a jew and one ate poo.

2.0GT July-7th-2004 11:12 AM

the more it rocks, the angrier I get (homer)

Racing Beat July-7th-2004 11:14 AM

'Tastes like Burning " ralph
"Tastes Like Grandma" Ralph
"argllll..forbidden donut"

macdaddyslomo July-7th-2004 12:08 PM

"hey Marge, guess how many boobies I saw today?" - Homer

"mmmmmmm-organized crime" - Homer

"how the hell can I talk about hell without saying hell? " - Bart

" I've got a problem. When this car stops, I gonna hug you, and I'm gonna kiss you, and then I'll never let you go" - Homer....awwwwww

"operator, what's the number for 911 ?" - Homer

"mmmmmmmmm- beer" - Homer

" I will now retire undefeated in the world of video boxing " - Bart

akaveli July-7th-2004 08:29 PM

" I know you could read my thoughts Boy, Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow " Homer

Protoss July-7th-2004 11:34 PM

"Dental plan.... Lisa needs braces"(homer's brain)

"my names Patty i'll be the one testing you. When you do good i'll be using the green pen, when you do bad i will be using the red pen. any questions?"(Patty)

"Feels like i am wearing nothing at all... nothing at all"
"Stupid sexy Flanders"(homer)

"2 dollars... hmmm and it ONLY transports matter? i'll give you 35 cents"(homer)

"Beer the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems" (homer)

"no tv and no beer make homer go something something"(homer)

"Nures someone is trying to kill me"(grandpa)
"ok then we'll start by doubling your medication"(nurse)

dontfeedtheanimal July-8th-2004 12:14 AM

"Can't sleep..clown will eat me..."

"You people are pigs! I'm personally going to spit in every 50th burger!" "I like those odds."

"Got your nose!" "Got your wallet!" flush....

"It's craptacular."

"Lisa, her teeth are big and green. Lisa, she smells like gasoline"

Just sitting around watching season 4 so I just had to throw some out there!

macdaddyslomo July-8th-2004 01:00 AM

"Sax-a-ma-phone, sax-a-maphone" - Homer

"Wow the Smashing Pumpkins, thanks to you guys and your gloomy music, my kids have stopped dreaming of a future I can't possibly provide" - Homer

"And then Harry Potter and all of his wizard friends - burned in hell for practicing witchcraft" - Flanders

"You know Marge, all this running around naked is kind of a turn on" Homer

"da - da" - Maggie

" hey kids, try some of my patented Krusty brand pork products" - Krusty the Clown

"Why if it isn't Bart Simpson, my arch nemesis, and his sister Lisa, to which I am somewhat indifferent" - Sideshow Bob

Roddimus Prime July-8th-2004 08:06 AM

"to which I'm somewhat indifferent".....thats awesome!

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