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vegasdriver December-9th-2005 01:05 PM

Should pit bulls be banned?
We have all heard stories of attacks by pit bulls on humans and other pets.
Do you think those dogs should be banned?

vegasdriver December-9th-2005 01:08 PM

My next door neighbor owns pit bulls and they are wild. I suspect he was starting to breed them but I reported his ass!
I own a cat which at times is outdoors.
Those two don't mix well. If I ever see the dog near my cat I am bound to kill the damn thing! :Kill1:

eggynatey December-9th-2005 01:26 PM

I think ignorant owners shuold be banned. Some kind of screening would be a good idea.

My friend has a HUGE pit. Everytime he takes him to the beach, people panic and grab their kids and little dogs. What they don't know is that the dog is a big baby, and would never bite anyone. Ive personally seen little kids pulling on his ears..almost hanging off of them. The dog(Thor) just shook 'em off and licked them until they were giggling and screaming.

He's a big baby, but maybe it's because Ken is with him all the time and never would hit him or get physical in any way with him.

My Queensland heeler, on the other hand...she's pretty sketchy. F-in' high strung, so if she doesn't run during the day, she goes crazy at night. :cookoo:

kargoboy December-9th-2005 01:33 PM

My daughter's boyfriend has a Pit Bull. Beautiful, big and friendly as all hell.
Natey said it.
It's the owner, not the dog.
Yes, some dogs are more temperamental than others, but few are vicious without traning or abuse.
Personally, the dog that scares me most are Dalmations. They are far too inbred and IMO are dangerously unpredictable.

scotty878 December-9th-2005 01:41 PM

My aunt has a pitbull mix, and yes, it is a little wild and will try to bite a little, its a playful nip, not an arm wrenching bite. Now my brother has a pure pit and although I have not seen the dog personally since he lives in AZ, my brother has only good things to say about her, he said she's actually pretty calm and playful! I agree completely that its the owners not that dogs!

zerocover December-9th-2005 01:45 PM

I have to agree with the above. And add the stupid little yippy dogs should be banned.

They have a dispoisition to being anoying and enjoy bitting people. (there small so its not a big deal). Who thought Hmm today im gonna breed a neurotic anoying little bastard, surly the world will thank me for my achivement.

kargoboy December-9th-2005 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by zerocover
I have to agree with the above. And add the stupid little yippy dogs should be banned.

They have a dispoisition to being anoying and enjoy bitting people. (there small so its not a big deal). Who thought Hmm today im gonna breed a neurotic anoying little bastard, surly the world will thank me for my achivement.

First off, you are right about little dogs. My aunt had two different Yorkies and they were the nastiest dogs ever. Always tried to bite me. I wanted to slam a door on it's head.

And second, no need to breed a neurotic annoying little bastard when we already have George W Bush.

Jackelope December-9th-2005 02:54 PM

i agree, its the owners... i know some pitbulls up the road.... they try to bite ANYTHING and EVERYTHING (but its how the owner's raised 'em) - their son also has a HUGE rockweiler(sp?) 200+lbs... that dragged its owners gf around the yard (8 months pregnant) trying to get to another kid...

chiefmg December-9th-2005 04:22 PM

Hate to sound like a broken record here, but I agree with everyone that it's the owners who make the dogs what they are. The media picked up on pit bulls for some reason a few years ago (slow news week?) and that is why there is such fear of that breed. The general public's ignorance did the rest (used to have a Boston Terrier and more than one person asked if it was a pit bull). Back when I was a kid it was Doberman Pinschers that stirred dread.

I also agree about small yippy dogs. There was a movie once about a town that quit smoking, one scene had people walking by a basement barbershop. All you see are feet going by the window with this little dog tied up. All of a sudden someone hauls off and boots the dog into the next county. I always think of that (in my evil inner self) when I'm around one of those types.

ghettopro December-9th-2005 05:04 PM

Yup, I agree its the owners who cauase dogs to act the way they do...
and I second the notion to slam a small dogs haed in should be a sport...

BigCT December-9th-2005 05:23 PM

Any dog can be raised and bred to be mean although some breeds are easier than others to get that effect. It's not all the owner though. You have to place some blame breeders or the stupid and ignorant who breed them. If you have ill tempered dog, you should not breed it. If you do you should be liable for the out come.

Don't ban Pits, Ban the breeders and stupid owners.

and then blame the press for being stupid and ignorant. When i was a kid it was dobermans and rott's. now its pits. Soon it will be retired police dogs because you can place some blame on a goverment institution.

Just my 0.02

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