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JDM-P5 May-31st-2005 12:40 PM

Shoot this dumb F**k!!!
Don't want to ruffle any feathers...but as an Active Duty Service member, that fights everyday whether directly or indirectly for you guys and one idiot does something stupid as makes me want to reach out and choke the son-of-a-bitch.
See the Un-American Bastard here
This was him on Hannity & Colmes on Fox News.
Fawking loser.

hughes412 May-31st-2005 04:27 PM

it no worky!

Jackelope May-31st-2005 04:49 PM

can't get to the file. :(

JDM-P5 May-31st-2005 04:52 PM$file/050521_FoxNews_Hannity&Colmes_ForsakeTheMilitary.w mv

There ya go...

JDM-P5 May-31st-2005 04:53 PM

BTW...when I clicked took me straight to Media it's supposed to.

Jackelope May-31st-2005 04:55 PM

Windows Media Player encountered a network problem. You may encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:

The server is down or busy. Try connecting to the server again later.
You are not connected to the local area network (LAN) or to the Internet. Connect to the network or Internet, and then try again.
The proxy server settings for the Player are not configured properly. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.

oh well...

JDM-P5 May-31st-2005 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Jackelope
Windows Media Player encountered a network problem. You may encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:

The server is down or busy. Try connecting to the server again later.
You are not connected to the local area network (LAN) or to the Internet. Connect to the network or Internet, and then try again.
The proxy server settings for the Player are not configured properly. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.

oh well...

Ehhh, got it to work after all anyway....

hughes412 May-31st-2005 08:36 PM

Mannnnnn, I wished he lived in Texas! I wished it wasn't illegal to say I'd pay money to have some thing done to him. I wished they would bring the draft back just for him. I wished I wished I wished!

Stueck May-31st-2005 09:45 PM

kind of like that one guy who thought that the military was treated too nicely and ment nothing to the USA.

yea, his website got lots of hits.....then he got murdered.

p5 May-31st-2005 09:50 PM

few things that strike me as odd. should files like this really be hosted on a us government website? what is the purpose of spreading this (fox news) garbage?

anyway, the guy is an obvious idiot, so i don't see much to get worked up about. just an ignorant redneck inteviewed by a disrespectful host.

Stueck May-31st-2005 09:57 PM

ok, scratch what i said.

Roddimus Prime May-31st-2005 11:12 PM

P5, thank you.... who's the bigger idiot?? The guy who says something stupid or the anchorman who gives the person a NATIONAL soapbox to spout his garbage in an attempt to bolster ratings??

p.s. I don't know anyone who SERIOUSLY dislikes our soldiers...maybe dislikes what they have to do but not THEM.... it's the leaders that are f-in' us right now, not the soldiers.

Rio Grande June-1st-2005 08:24 AM

That guy has received alot of death threats and he just mocks them. One day he will mock the wrong person.

Stueck June-1st-2005 10:06 AM

maaan there was his website, (when it was up) saying that a former marine and his army buddy beat the **** out of him and he died in the hospital later.... maybe a hoax?

Roddimus Prime June-1st-2005 10:26 AM

if you guys want him to go away we could start with ignoring him and not talking about him..... the more we discuss it or bring attention to it the more he gets what he wants.

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