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TitaniumMSP November-8th-2004 04:45 PM

Scary Movies....
I must say I am disappointed....I saw The Grudge this weekend and of course it was not scary. What the hell we have all this movie technology and we still can not make a scary movie well "scary". The Ring had so much potential but bombed and I saw the previews for The Ring part two which is called TWO (the ring is the O in TWO), but it was so vague that I have no idea if it will be good. If you ever think about watching 28 Days Later do not you will want that 2hrs of you life back it was almost as bad as House of 1000 Corpses. I have almost started going to the video store and start looking into the B rated Horror movies to see if they are scary....If anyone can suggest a really scary movie please share......

Roddimus Prime November-8th-2004 06:43 PM

house of 1000 corpses was about the scariest movie I've seen in a long wife slept with the lights on for 3 days afterwards. She will not look at clowns ever again.

kreamy73 November-8th-2004 06:58 PM

House of 1000 Corpses was probably the most sick, twisted movie I have ever seen! I never want to see it again just for those reasons! I freaks me out that someone can even think up this stuff! Twisted psychos!!!

ghettopro November-8th-2004 08:06 PM

Anyone ever seen Dawn of the Dead?, i watched part of it the other day when me and about 4 others were at a friends house so we all started to watch it but then couple of us ahd to leave so were gonna finish this weekend from waht ive watched it seems like a good, rather Bloody movie..

kreamy73 November-8th-2004 09:34 PM

Dawn of the Dead ROCKS!!! I saw it on Halloween! Well worth watching. It's a good horror movie. :bigthumb:

ghettopro November-8th-2004 09:39 PM

The beginning was awesome where it was still showing producers and stuff and it would show short fast clips of stuff thats happened...its great..

RipperSnapper November-9th-2004 06:47 AM

O.K, for those who enjoyed Dawn of the Dead, You may want to check out Lucio Fulci's "ZOMBIE" Its old (1979) but has one of the most realistic senerios about the "No room left in hell" VooDoo thing. Pretty cool flick and its gory as all hell :)

TitaniumMSP November-9th-2004 09:05 AM

You can not be serious about House of 1000 corpses being scary? Now we are talking about the one Rob Zombie did right?
Yeah I thought about checking out Dawn of the Dead I have heard it is pretty good. It is a remake but i have never seen the orginal. Last night I saw the previews yo the new Chuckie movie all I can say is how retarded can you get I think I would rather watch paint dry LOL.
Now if you want to go old school on some scary movies check out the original Salem's Lot (not part 2) and the original Exorcist and nothing like Amityville and The Omen. I have not heard anything about the new Exorcist movie anyone seen it?

blaznblair November-9th-2004 11:50 AM

anyone seen....
has anyone seen The Saw? i heard it was supposed to be awesome.

Redfyre November-9th-2004 01:17 PM

Dawn of the dead was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

The Ring was pretty good. So was Ringu (which it was remade after).

House of 1000 Corpses was... disturbing.

TitaniumMSP November-9th-2004 01:52 PM

What is "Ringu"? never heard of it.....

Redfyre November-9th-2004 04:05 PM

It's the original Japanese movie the Ring is remade from. There is a series of them. If you are open to foreign films it's actually quite good. As well, there is a Chinese one called "The Eye" which is not too bad.

kargoboy November-9th-2004 04:36 PM

Hmmm, it's hard to find movies that really scare any more, I must be jaded.
I do have a big soft spot for gory movies with a sense of humour, though.
Fright Night is one of my favorite movies of all time, but
nobody does it better than Sam Raimi. Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness are
all great movies...

TitaniumMSP November-10th-2004 10:17 AM

Kargo you could not be more right the Evil Dead series has really the best gore effects I think even to date they were way ahead of their time on effects...

Mp3Angel November-15th-2004 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by blaznblair
has anyone seen The Saw? i heard it was supposed to be awesome.

It was a cool thriller with some good twists... suspenseful but not really scary.

... and what is with ya'll thinking the grudge was lame, but being scared by House of 1000 corpses?!?! THAT movie sucked IMO.

Dawn of the Dead was fun to watch... especially the target practice part.

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