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shackmgr6073 June-5th-2003 12:21 PM

Sammy Sosa
Does anyone think he's used a corked bat before?? I used to play college baseball and I think there is no way he wouldn't know the difference between his corked bat for batting practice, and his game bats. He has that huge chunk of tape on the handle of his bats, and he's trying to tell me he couldn't tell the difference from one to the other?? I like Sammy, but come on, does anyone buy this???

ProtegeMaster June-5th-2003 12:57 PM

Destroyed His Rep
Sosa really screwed up, here. I've been a long time baseball fan, and I must say I'm extremely disappointed with this fellow.

Although there isn't any way to really know for sure if he's been doing this all along, a player of his caliber shouldn't need cork in his bats, ever. I don't care if it's batting practice or not. Baseball is a game to be respected and played in honesty, and Sosa was trying to make himself look better than he really was, be it in batting practice or otherwise. I consider that a breach of integrity that might even call for dismissal from consideration into the Hall of Fame.

Cheating is dead wrong. Always. I find its practice inexcusable.

Go A's , by the way... :D

Witchdoktor June-5th-2003 01:22 PM

and the roids' he takes is accidental as well.......:rolleyes:

UCSBgeek June-5th-2003 03:07 PM

Re: Destroyed His Rep

Originally posted by ProtegeMaster
Sosa really screwed up, here. I've been a long time baseball fan, and I must say I'm extremely disappointed with this fellow.

Although there isn't any way to really know for sure if he's been doing this all along, a player of his caliber shouldn't need cork in his bats, ever. I don't care if it's batting practice or not. Baseball is a game to be respected and played in honesty, and Sosa was trying to make himself look better than he really was, be it in batting practice or otherwise. I consider that a breach of integrity that might even call for dismissal from consideration into the Hall of Fame.

Cheating is dead wrong. Always. I find its practice inexcusable.

Go A's , by the way... :D

lol my roommate from last year always posts on the A's forum, greenngold53

sileighty21 June-5th-2003 06:21 PM

Go A's , by the way...
the twin's are gonna smoke them this year just like they did last year:smoke:

jowettw June-5th-2003 06:30 PM

how does corking a bat work?

sileighty21 June-5th-2003 07:07 PM

by corking a bat you lower the weight by about one ounce. this gives you the hardness and strength of a heavier bat but the swinging speed of a lighter bat

JAC June-5th-2003 11:16 PM

I like Sammy a lot, he seems like a very down to earth person and he also contributes a lot to charity...he's a good guy, as for the cork bat...I really don't know, I've never used one before so I have no idea if the difference is that obvious. Cork or no cork, he's a great bball player, I don't think a cork bat alone would get you to 500+ home runs.
Think about this though, why would a guy with 500+ hr risk his chance to be a hall of famer at this point of his career? IMO he already had that spot even if he had retired the day before the cork incident and I think he knew that, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Honest mistake? could be. Is he a great bball player? definately. Will this damage his reputation? sadly yes.

Witchdoktor June-5th-2003 11:52 PM

Originally posted by JAC
Will this damage his reputation? sadly yes.
why sadly? He got BUSTED!!! Do the crime, do the time. Sammy is great off the field, but his ass got caught. I love Sammy, still do. I just hope he doesn't get caught with roid's.

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