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arl240 May-27th-2002 04:29 PM

Which reviewers are biased/unbiased?
I was reading some reviews on cars from all sorts of different sources and then the question donned on me....which ones are the best? Seeing how I can't ask the reviewers to review themselves (other than consumer reports, they probably would) I thought I would ask my all-knowing brethren the question. So ante up with your preferred reviewers and magazines. Personally, I have always like car and driver (seems less fishy than MT) and consumer reports (b/c they tell it like it is). Any thoughts on Edmunds reviews?

Travis May-27th-2002 05:42 PM

I personally do not read magazines for reports on cars, I wait til they come out and ask OWNERS, not these fools up at the magazine who take it out for a day. I want somebody who drives it everyday, knows how it drives, and doesnt have a "report" to look to when a question is asked. If you were interested in buying a 93 accord (like mine) would you rather look to some old magazine or ask me, or some other enthusiast?

ZoomZoomH May-27th-2002 05:42 PM


with that out of the way, the reviewer from each magazine tend to favor one aspect of the car over another. For example Car & Driver puts heavy emphasis on driving performace over everything else. Motor Trend tends to favor sponsors that pay them the most money, and Consumer Report leans for practicality and value (ie reliability & resale value).

any other comments? :D

arl240 May-27th-2002 05:49 PM

wouldn't drivers on forums usually be biased towards their own vehicles (if they are relatively new) jsut because they don't want to look like suckers for buying a crappy car. My roomate has himself convinced his car is the cat's ass, even though it is already starting to fall apart.

Travis May-27th-2002 06:01 PM

Originally posted by arl240
wouldn't drivers on forums usually be biased towards their own vehicles (if they are relatively new) jsut because they don't want to look like suckers for buying a crappy car. My roomate has himself convinced his car is the cat's ass, even though it is already starting to fall apart.
I agree a lot of newbies will be biased but a true enthusiast like me, and many others on this board will give you true answers.

Makaveli May-27th-2002 06:28 PM

Edmunds reviews are the WORST

leungwingkei May-27th-2002 09:09 PM

I think CD is the most reliable source. They may be inclined towards cars of a sporty nature with character, and bash unsporty cars but thats fine with young people like me. Besides, soccer moms can look elsewhere. At least CD doesn't accept bribes like Motor Trend.

don668 May-27th-2002 11:45 PM

I would agree Motor Trend is the worst. IE butchering the P5, praising the Matrix, keep in mind EVERY other mag. stated oposite, and there was a huge Matrix ad in that issue. I like Car & Driver, R&T is good although they tend to prefer european cars, and I think its Sports Car International, its also quite good.


turbonium959 May-28th-2002 08:50 AM

I would say and Motor Trend are the worst. I personally read Road & Track, but it is more of an enthusiatic magazine, and even though they mostly rank up-scale vehicles, they also do a great job on the regular vehicles as well. Car and Driver is a great magazince too. I was looking at one recently, and Mazda P5 was rated No. 1 amongst other five cars in its class. Thouhg, the best thing to do, is to test drive the car yourself, because other owners, and especially the dealers would be biased, dealers heavily!

ProtegeMaster May-31st-2002 01:45 PM

Ahh! This Is My Game!
Sorry guys! This is a long post, as it strikes a chord that I've always considered critically important to us as car buyers.

I've long paid close attention to various magazine/web site rating schemes, and also, having worked in television for many years (I'm out of that damn field now, fortunately), can speak to the reality of sponsorship skewing.

Here's the reality of the situation, to all of those who are either unaware or unwilling to accept the way things really work:

Car & Driver, Road & Track, etc. etc. etc.-- They all carry advertising that keeps them in business. They also happen to "review" vehicles made by the same manufacturers that put advertising in their magazines. Given that they depend on these advertisers to stay in business (i.e. keep their jobs), do any of you really think they'll ever say anything that really paints a true picture of a car? Yeah, right. The wording in any of these magazines will never assume a truly negative slant, regardless of how lame a car really is. Never. Such magazines might be worth reading to get technical data, but you'll never get a freely written review-- The reality of our capatalistic system (which I'm not saying isn't the best in the world-- It's not perfect, but it's the best we have in society) is that money talks. Period. If you think otherwise you're kidding yourself and not getting the best information possible.

Contrast that to Consumers Union (the publisher of Consumer Reports). They never have, and never will accept advertising. In fact, they don't accept money in any form from any company. They employ professionals in every field from finances to chemistry to automotive engineering. They are sworn to uphold integrity and present data in a manner that is unbiased, objective, and in the best interests of American and Canadian consumers, the very people to whom it is Consumers Union's mission to protect. They're a non-profit organization and are not in business to make itself a buck. I wouldn't say anyone is perfect, but Consumer Reports is the BEST source of automotive information in the world. Period. They test every car they review in more detail than anyone else. They assess true fuel use (not just those stated in the EPA ratings) by splicing fuel meters in the fuel line. They exhaustively test handling characteristics. They assess comfort, roominess, fit and finish, and report on every single flaw they encounter, noted in their "sample defect" indication at the end of every one of their car reviews. They seriously look at safety ratings in every car they test, and if they're not safe, for any reason, they say so, and then don't recommend the car based thereon.

Auto manufacturers (Isuzu and Suzuki) have tried to sue Consumers Union because of supposedly "biased" reports on their cars that rated them "Unacceptible" (they flip over and roll way too easily). The auto makers have lost every lawsuit against Consumers Union, with even internal company memos stating that they knew they'd lose but only wanted to try and screw Consumers Union with legal costs, and try to force them to not rate cars as "Unacceptible" anymore. They failed, and we as consumers prevail in honorable victory in working to keep our vehicles safe, and to keep auto makers accountable for building shit vehicles. Isuzu and Suzuki can fuck off, in my opinion. They should have just agreed to fix the problems instead of whining about it, those dishonorable bastards. Their behavior as companies was cowardly and weak.

Other areas of getting reviews? Owners don't cut it, case in point being a guy I knew who just *loved* his 1989 Hyundai Excel. That car is a piece of shit, period. There are a hell of a lot of people out there who just love their British roaster cars... even though they've never, ever been reliable. People who love their cars are blind to their faults, for the most part, and are the worst people to ask.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Consumer Reports. The best anywhere, bar none. :bt:

arl240 May-31st-2002 02:19 PM

So what you are saying is that I should only trust the opinion of capitalist car owners that write articles for major car magazines?:chicken: (i like this smiley)

turbonium959 May-31st-2002 02:55 PM

I see what you are saying, Master. Advertisements do reflect on what a certain magazine would say about certain things on a certain vehicle. I would still suggest Road & Track, because sometimes they do not go to dealers, and would borrow a car from an owner (McLaren F1, Ferrari 550 Barchetta), and they very often invite great drivers like Mario Andretti, or Bryan Herta and get their true opinion, but I am talking about exotics here.

As for Car and Driver or Motor Trend, if I were running either, I would be shot by my own readers if GM would pay me to write great things about Pontiac ASStek. That is perhaps why I do not read either of them, because they probably did.

But the car owners will always be EXTREMELY biased, without a doubt. That just comes natural, it is like calling your children crap, compared to others. It is funny, how men(mostly) think of thier cars as a family member.

Though, Master, I agree with you. Money talks, always has, always will be. And I will check out the Consumer Reports, I am very curious now.

David June-3rd-2002 01:19 PM

ProtegeMaster you're so right that you might be wrong. The thing is this Consumer Reports does a great job at rating car that a family would want to buy. They give them a the basic road test how quiet they are how the brakes work, how big the trunk is, how well there built. But if you're a driver and don't give a damn about how well the car is built but need to know that you can not take the turn at 65MPH in car A but car B can do it 68MPH then what the hell do you do?

Shawn June-3rd-2002 03:03 PM

I'm a bit confused. :confused: In the Car and Driver where they compared the P5, Aerio, Matrix, Vibe, PT Cruiser and Focus they totally insulted the looks of the Aerio. They mentioned things like wanting to burn it (because of it's hideousness).
Here are some quotes:

"well, face it, Suzuki is cruising for ugly tickets with this one. There's no disputing that point."
"Lows: Having to look at it and trying to defend it when the neighbors gather in your driveway with burning torches."

That sounds pretty negatively slanted to me. But I sorta understand what you mean.

turbonium959 June-3rd-2002 03:03 PM

Originally posted by David
But if you're a driver and don't give a damn about how well the car is built but need to know that you can not take the turn at 65MPH in car A but car B can do it 68MPH then what the hell do you do?
If I were to buy a car, I could care quite less if it can take a corner faster than the other. You are talking speed, a by product. If you want a faster car, just by a race car, tune the way you want to take corners and be happy. Sorry for sarcasm, but you are talking from a performace point of view, and I am sure that they test all kinds of cars, fast and slow, for their handling and over all performance.

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