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IBEClozing January-25th-2002 05:42 AM

Repossessed !!
My Pro5 just got repossessed tonight. I guess they don't like it when you go 4 months without paying.


Buttersideup January-25th-2002 05:56 AM they don't. What happened? Why did you go 4 months without paying?


IBEClozing January-25th-2002 06:03 AM

I live in Silicon Valley and was laid off last August, just one month after I bought the car. I got another job in September in San Francisco but it payed crap. I was evicted from my apartment overlooking the ocean and I moved. I ended up getting a nicer apartment and I just got a job which I start on Monday. It pays $100k+, so I thought I was in the clear. Then...knock, knock, knock.


I may be able to get it back...(I hope). Gotta make some calls tomorrow.


Buttersideup January-25th-2002 06:12 AM

Dang...well, good luck. I think my laid off days are soon to be over, too. Thank gawd the missus has a good job, else I'd be in the same boat. Student loans, house, car payments...sheesh...


freekwonder January-25th-2002 02:20 PM

sorry to here about your luck man, i was unempolyed for 3 months luckily my wife dances and makes some good money. but the one thing i learned while we were broke is as long as you make an attempt to pay ($5 or more what you can afford) companies cant legally touch you, i got a few companies off my back with that.:bt: good luck in the future man.

Eric F January-25th-2002 02:31 PM

I'm surprised they were able to keep up with you with all that moving around. If you making 6 figures now I'll assume you learned your lesson and you'll put away 6 months worth of living expenses in a cash account. That way you won't have to go through this again. It's bailed me out more than once.

boostedmp5 January-25th-2002 04:24 PM

that suks you should get the new RX8 if you make that much bread. forget the pro 5. wsup hook me up wit a jobby job mo money mo money mo money good luck at the new job:bt:

IBEClozing January-26th-2002 12:42 AM

Yeah, I learned my lesson with finances. I will save money in the future. That's funny you mentioned the RX8...I went on the website last night to check it out.



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