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choke on words January-15th-2003 07:18 PM

Ratted out on 2 possibly theifs
Did I do the right thing? Last night when I was leaving Wally-World I saw these two guys leaning up(face foward) against the passenger front door of a Toyota Camry('96-'98). The car had a wing, wheels, and side markers. The first thing that came to my head was 'their trying to break into it'. Why I thought that? Well b/c they looked really suspicious, looking all around the lot, leaning up against the car, hooded sweater(with the hood over). I was parked in front of them, so what I did was wait in my car for like 15min. to see if they would leave, sure enough they didn't. So I just went up to security and told him what was going on.

KpaBap January-15th-2003 08:01 PM

Thats cool. You did the right thing. Did they catch them redhanded?

choke on words January-15th-2003 08:06 PM

I'm not sure, but as I was pulling out of the parking lot I looked back and I saw the security guy talking to them. But theres no question about it, they were up to no good.

semtex January-15th-2003 08:31 PM

good job u DID do the right thing, wish there where more people like you:bigthumb:

choke on words January-15th-2003 08:49 PM

Thanks semtex.:bt: I felt really good after that.

ZoomZoomH January-15th-2003 11:02 PM

even a rice Camry doesn't deserve to be stolen/trashed...

... or does it? :D

UCSBgeek January-16th-2003 12:56 AM

Thank you man.

I wish somebody had done that when they tried to break in my camry. Of course they were too stupid. Just messed up both locks :rolleyes:

The first time I tried to get into a locked car, I did it in about a minute and a half (locked keys inside).....It would be a lot nicer if thieves could figure out how to do that,, instead of smashing windows, leaving us with less property damage. (See Ambient's post). Oh well :rolleyes:

redrims January-16th-2003 02:35 AM

The AAA guy popped my lock in 5 seconds. I was like :eek: "that easy". That made me realize how easy it is for ppl to steal cars.

Sir Nuke January-16th-2003 09:11 AM

Re: Ratted out on 2 possibly theifs

Originally posted by enderFound
Did I do the right thing? Last night when I was leaving Wally-World I saw these two guys leaning up(face foward) against the passenger front door of a Toyota Camry('96-'98). The car had a wing, wheels, and side markers. The first thing that came to my head was 'their trying to break into it'. Why I thought that? Well b/c they looked really suspicious, looking all around the lot, leaning up against the car, hooded sweater(with the hood over). I was parked in front of them, so what I did was wait in my car for like 15min. to see if they would leave, sure enough they didn't. So I just went up to security and told him what was going on.
OF COURSE you did the right thing.....and THANK YOU for doing so.

NO ONE...I repeat NO ONE deserves to get their cars vandalized, broken into, stolen or damaged in anyway....regardless of what they are or what they look like......

I wish more people had the ballz to get involved and do things like you did...


choke on words January-16th-2003 05:19 PM

Thanks guys. But I really thought that car jacking, stealing speakers, radios, etc. died many years ago & everyone just went out & bought their stuff...but I guess not.

KpaBap January-17th-2003 01:56 AM

Originally posted by enderFound
Thanks guys. But I really thought that car jacking, stealing speakers, radios, etc. died many years ago & everyone just went out & bought their stuff...but I guess not.
Heh, welcome to reality :p

Glazedham42 January-18th-2003 01:41 PM

Hey thanks for ratting me out at Wally World. I had to spend an extra 20 min. there trying to explain no thanks to you. J/k. haha

Good job man. There's lots of times when I wished that I would've done something and didn't. Now you'll never have to think "what if." You did the right thing. :D

Witchdoktor January-18th-2003 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Protegé Menacé
of course you did the right thing!

if YOUR car was being stolen wouldn't YOU want someone to report it? ;)

good job:D

exactly, would you want someone to do something if someone was messing with your car?..........Although I'd prefer it be reported to me because I believe in a justice system like they have in countries where they cut off fingers. :bonk:

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