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JDM-P5 May-25th-2005 02:15 PM

Post your Pets
I'm thinking about getting another pet (maybe pets). I'm pretty partial to cats, but I love dogs too. Thinking about getting a Pinscher...but 'em up!

Matty Mooling May-25th-2005 02:27 PM

3 year old Cairn Terrier. Poor guy gets neutered tomorrow.

JDM-P5 May-25th-2005 03:04 PM

Ha ha...I remember seeing that! Isn't he getting today Matt?

JDM-P5 May-25th-2005 03:05 PM

Nice Pup btw!

Matty Mooling May-25th-2005 03:20 PM

yup. we're taking him in tomorrow morning

JDM-P5 May-25th-2005 04:44 PM sure to take an OWN3D pic....naw...j/k...poor guy...atleast he won't be humping the stuffed dog or your leg anymore for that matter...

juddz May-25th-2005 08:54 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Okay, my little bungalow is a zoo. So, here goes:
1) Peanut - aged five months. Fiance and I decided that we would not get any more animals before we got this one. We went to the store to get dinner, and there was a couple outside with a box of kittens. 'Nough said. We're suckers. Like the others, an indoors cat.
2) Holly - Was a barn cat out in Battle Creek. Caught and domesticated. Hasn't been outside in two years. Emotional, but sweet.
3) Kitty and Toby - Kitty was my first one. Actually, I found her, and never got around to naming her. Toby is old, also a stray that we took in. Both are not allowed outside.
4) Cyborg - aged eight. Who else on this forum do you 'spose has a 12-pound, 40-inch long green iguana that is so big that he is kept in a large dog cage? He outgrew every terrarium that I ever bought for him. And, when trying to get a pill down his throat one day, he bit my finger. Down to the bone. Lots of stitches. Ouch. Mean as a snake. Actually, not a lot different than a snake that sprouted legs. I also want a snake, but fiance says "no".

Stueck May-25th-2005 10:20 PM

no pics, but a black cat, about 3 years old. name: daggott. we got his name from the show angry beavers. if you have ever seen that show, daggott is the dark brown beaver who is always crazy. thought that would be a good name since our cat....yea, lost his mind. found in a box, must have been a wild kitten. freak like w0ah, but sweet and cuddly (to a point, watch your chin)

used to have a billion-ish fish, about 12 frogs, 20 green anoles, and an iguana named paco.

Rio Grande May-26th-2005 08:12 AM

Stitch male Jackson Chameleon:

Spike male Veiled Chameleon, very mean:

Elektra female Jackson Chameleon(red phase):

scotty878 May-26th-2005 02:24 PM

^Thats so sick!!! I've wanted a chameleon but theyre a little expensive, maybe in a few years though...How do you like them, are they hard to take care of?

Roddimus Prime May-26th-2005 03:11 PM

me and my pussy! Ain't she cute! She's even house-trained as well....with the proper motivation she'll do chores like cooking and cleaning and handing me the remote control.
THATS what you should be looking for Phil.

kargoboy May-26th-2005 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Roddimus Prime
me and my pussy! Ain't she cute! She's even house-trained as well....with the proper motivation she'll do chores like cooking and cleaning and handing me the remote control.
THATS what you should be looking for Phil.

Hahahaha, I think Karen might have something to say about this one...

Rio Grande May-26th-2005 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by scotty878
^Thats so sick!!! I've wanted a chameleon but theyre a little expensive, maybe in a few years though...How do you like them, are they hard to take care of?

They are not as expensive as a dog. You can get them for as cheap as $35. It all depends on what type you want. The Jacksons are $75-100. The Veileds are $35 when they are young. Getting them from a breeder or reptile expo will be cheaper. They can be hard to care for because care depends on the species. Like temperature and humidity. They also need screen cages, they don't do well in aquariums. If you do your research and start with a male veiled you will do well. Females will lay eggs regardless of whether or not she is mated. So they tend to be harder to care for. I have lost two females in the past year. The biggest thing about chameleons is that they don't like to be held. So if you want a pet to hold and be interactive, chameleons are not for you.

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