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lpd213 May-2nd-2003 09:31 PM

Police Radars/Jammer's --> Plz help
I have a serious yet pretty simple question, involving police radars. What kind should i get? I saw a website comparing Escort's Passport 8500 and Valentine V1. This website was a forum sort of like ours and they tested it out etc and said that the Valentine v1 was better. I know nothing about cop radars except for that fact that i need one bc i have been getting pulled over a lot recently. So if i was to get one, what kind should i get? Also is it true that the cops can block these radars and then clock you, or how does that work? I dont understand are these radars 90-100% gaurantee that i wont get ticketed ??? i need advice on that. Also i heard about a cop jammer or something like that called Phantom. I am not sure how that works, but i know that it costs less than the Valentine and Escort Radars. Does anybody know how that works or if its the best out of all three?? Please post some info so that i know how the radar's work and which one i should probably buy in order to not get caught by the police. Thanks ~

TheMAN May-2nd-2003 10:36 PM

radar jammers available on the market these days DON'T WORK.. it's also illegal in some states... there is one radar jammer that DID work that was sold about a decade ago, it was pulled off the market because it pissed FCC off ;) it's not going to happen unless you engineer your own egg frying microwave emitter attached to your car... then again, you'll be cooked too

lpd213 May-2nd-2003 10:40 PM

so you guys are saying i should just buy the escort or the valentine v1.... bc i read the reviews and they make it seem like the phantom is awesome and its hard to get busted w/ it. also i dont see how its legal for cop radars, but illegal for jammers.

king_girliegirl May-3rd-2003 03:56 AM

I don't know much about the different radar detectors they have out on the market now days, but I do have two friends that have Valentine detectors and I have seen them work miricles. Those things go off long before the cop is even in sight unless he is using a laser then you've only got a second to respond. From what I've seen I would go with the Valentine. Plus from what I've heard from my friends Valentine offers free upgrades on their detectors for a curtain amount of time. I would definatly look into then. If I get one, that's what i would go with after seeing them in action.

shackmgr6073 May-3rd-2003 11:09 AM

I sell radar detectors at work. I tell people they don't work worth a shit like they used to. But they just ignore me and when they get a ticket they get pissed and come in and holler at me.

lpd213 May-3rd-2003 11:47 AM

Yea, seems like the valentine is the best. Do you know if your not allowed to use cop jammers in all the states or is it just in certain sates, because my friend told me we are allowed to have them and we live in ohio. Also im guessing by the price of valentine (400) it should work pretty good. that is the only bad thing about it though, the price which is highly expensive.

shackmgr6073 ---- which radar do you think works the best, since your job requires you selling radars. Have u heard anything about Valentine or Escort???

king_girliegirl May-3rd-2003 12:07 PM

In my opinion $400 for the Valentine is well worth it the first time it saves you from getting a $290 speeding ticket!!!

shackmgr6073 May-3rd-2003 12:34 PM

Dude, I have no idea which one is best. I sell radioshack brand laser/ radar detectors. We also just started selling jammers. But if you want a "good" one, go with the Valentine. I think most people on this board are pretty well informed so I respect their opinions. But fuzz busters don't help anything when you get nailed by a cop doing the "sudden on" technique

lpd213 May-3rd-2003 12:57 PM

Originally posted by king_girliegirl
In my opinion $400 for the Valentine is well worth it the first time it saves you from getting a $290 speeding ticket!!!

I'm not worried about paying $290, as much as im worried about a ticket going on my profile for 3 yrs and having my insurance rate sky-rocket form there.

Originally posted by shackmgr6073 We also just started selling jammers. But if you want a "good" one, go with the Valentine. I think most people on this board are pretty well informed so I respect their opinions. But fuzz busters don't help anything when you get nailed by a cop doing the "sudden on" technique
Sorry but i dont understand what you mean by fuzz busters (are you talking about jammers) and what do you mean by the cop doing a "sudden on"
-Sorry i dont understand those terms, can you please explain and if you dont feel like explaining you obviosuly dont have to. Thanks

As far as which one i am going to buy, i guess i will buy the valentine as soon as i can save up $400 for it. But i think all radars are bound to fail at one point at or another which is why you always have to be on the lookout and cant always depend on the radar. It would be really nice if ther was no such things as cops or speed limits which one must obey.

shackmgr6073 May-3rd-2003 01:30 PM

By fuzz buster I meant radar detectors in general. As in "fuzz" (the police). Sudden on is what alot of cops do. They don't have their radar/laser on, and then when you go speeding by they flip it on and you're busted. Your detector will go off but it's too late, you're busted. The best way to avoid a ticket is not to speed. I know speeding is kind of addictive, I used to be that way. After all, if you are like me you have a short drive to work, so it doesn't effect travel time alot if you speed. For example, if you drive 20 miles to work and the speed limit is 65, and you do 75. You only save like a minute or two. Not really worth it for a expensive ticket and higher insurance.

Protege_Speed May-3rd-2003 02:25 PM

I have a Valentine One and a remote unit. I must say it is the best radar detector that I have ever purchased. What makes it so great is knowing where the radar is coming from. It matches my Protege's interior too. I will try to get a night pic later.

lpd213 May-3rd-2003 05:51 PM

yea i guess the best thing is not to speed, but if there a way to buy a radar and avoid getting ticketed ( which would enable you to speed) i think it would be worth it. also im 17yrs old so if i get a ticket it plain out sucks bc im a teen and the insurance goes up. As far as speeding, i just like to get to from point A to point B as quickly as possible, but your right if i go the correct speed limit on the highway i only go about 5 min faster than i do if speeding. In other words i learned that im better off not buying a radar and just learn places i can speed at and places i cant speed at. In the future however i might buy a valetine.

Protege_Speed May-3rd-2003 09:24 PM

Some night shots

lpd213 May-4th-2003 01:09 AM

thanks fore the shots, the radar looks pretty nice

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