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Pro_fan July-8th-2002 07:07 PM

Photo Radar Sucks my F#%@ A$$
So I got home today and received a great surprise...a photo radar ticket for $75 CDN.

They got me for doing 114 km/h in a 100 km/h zone that is almost out of the city. For those in Calgary, they got me on near 64th Ave NE while I was travelling northbound on Deerfoot.

For you Americans, they got me for doing 8 mph over the speed limit.

Stupid fucking bureaucrats that think this shit isn't a cash cow. :mad:

:ak47: Photo Radar

alcoholiday July-8th-2002 08:00 PM

in the 4 years i've lived here. i've only got one just recently. on sarcee heading south just shy of bow trail. 93 in an 80.

buggers. total cash cow. oh well. we *were* speeding but at least no demerit points.

none with the new car yet though. i've been lucky.

dre2ooo July-8th-2002 08:19 PM

That's gay. They have to ticket the DRIVER, not the CAR. Maybe you can find a REAAAAAAAAAAAAAALY good friend to take the blame....

don668 July-8th-2002 08:21 PM

Originally posted by TheMAN
And fight it because they can't prove you were driving the car!!!
You used to be able to do that... now they charge you with being the "owner" of the car that created the infraction. "You" being responsible for how your car is driven. Rental agencies here make you sign a waver stating all photoradar tickets will be billed to your credit card.

Although the good thing... no points.


pr5owner July-8th-2002 10:08 PM

Re: Photo Radar Sucks my F#%@ A$$

Originally posted by Pro_fan
So I got home today and received a great surprise...a photo radar ticket for $75 CDN.

They got me for doing 114 km/h in a 100 km/h zone that is almost out of the city. For those in Calgary, they got me on near 64th Ave NE while I was travelling northbound on Deerfoot.

For you Americans, they got me for doing 8 mph over the speed limit.

Stupid fucking bureaucrats that think this shit isn't a cash cow. :mad:

:ak47: Photo Radar

YOU TOO MAN????!!!!!!!!! FUCK! i got a 73 dollar ticket today too! damn memorial drive! i was doing 63 in a 50 zone

i sped up because it turns from a 50 into a 70 and they caught me like 2 seconds away from the 70 sign! GRRRRRR

pr5owner July-8th-2002 10:09 PM

to tell you the truth, i REALLY don't mind photoradar tickets, i don't care if i have to pay 73 or 273 dollars beucase its ZERO demerits.. getting pulled over.. is another story
Ford Cht Engine

nightowl July-8th-2002 11:14 PM

Re: Photo Radar Sucks my F#%@ A$$

Originally posted by Pro_fan
So I got home today and received a great surprise...a photo radar ticket for $75 CDN.

They got me for doing 114 km/h in a 100 km/h zone that is almost out of the city. For those in Calgary, they got me on near 64th Ave NE while I was travelling northbound on Deerfoot.

For you Americans, they got me for doing 8 mph over the speed limit.

Stupid fucking bureaucrats that think this shit isn't a cash cow. :mad:

:ak47: Photo Radar

hehe there was such an up roar in ottawa over photo radar they got rid of them...however we do have red light if you run a red light it will tike a picture and ticket you

onehawaiian July-9th-2002 12:26 AM

damn, i got camera-tagged for doing 62 in a 55mph zone. 7 f#cking miles over the limit! SEVEN! wtf???

but since this was a new thing in hawaii, they got waaaay too much heat for it and ended up throwing out all tickets that were below 9mph over the limit.

i got mine tossed. :D

Green Skanka July-9th-2002 12:31 AM

Ok, I have 1 question for all you Canadians.. I am an american, and have no idea what you are talking about with your demerit points, or whatever the heck they are, so can ya please fill me in????

Pro_fan July-9th-2002 12:35 AM

Originally posted by TheMAN
Anything that has something to do with cameras... THEY MUST BURN IN HELL! What due process do you get out of them? NONE.

For now, get a radar detector. :the finge

Funny thing is, I HAVE a radar detector....IIRC, it's a BEL 936 or something like that. What a POS....the only thing I've heard it go off for is other detectors and automatic doors.

It MAY have gone off when I got the photo radar ticket, but when it goes off all the damn time b/c of doors and false signals, how are you supposed to know it's a real hit when it happens????


I don't mind red light cams so much....I think they could act as a deterrent to people running the lights. They are there ALL the time, so people should at least get wise to that intersection if they intend to run the light.

BUT, photo radar is a cash grab. It's not a deterrent b/c even though you are technically caught in the act, you aren't "punished" /deterred until weeks later. It's like watching your dog take a piss on your floor and then getting mad at him days later. He's not gonna know what he did wrong and he's also gonna be pissed off at you for getting mad at him.

I like what the Liberals did in BC....they made a campaign promise to get rid of photo radar and they kept it. But now the freaking Tories in Alberta wanna put it on the highways????? Fuck that! Screw you Ralph!!!

Makaveli July-9th-2002 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
Is it planes taking pictures of your car from the sky?

Sorry, that was too funny........

no, it's just radars that are set up along certain streets like up on posts where you can't really see them or recognize them unless you know that they are there and if they detect you going too fast at a certain place they'll take a picture and then after a few weeks you'll get it in mail and you'll have to pay the ticket.

onehawaiian July-9th-2002 04:14 AM

in hawaii they tried to implament "van-cams", private contracted company who clocks your speed and takes your pic. that got A LOT of heat by both pedestrians and cops. (cops weren't exempt) so that program got canned.

used to piss me off, seeing those unmarked vans on the side of the road... and radar/laser detectors don't work anymore (not in time anyways) new guns have variable bands, making the cheaper detectors pretty much worthless. oh wait, it'll still pick up hospital doors, ambulances and private home security... :rolleyes:

doctor_r July-9th-2002 11:55 AM

We got the red light camera out here in saskabush too... I really can't stand it because I'm so damn paranoid to run a red and usually end up stopping abruptly at yellow lights. Then I'm always paranoid that the a$$hole behind me wasn't thinking the same thing and is going to bust me right up the a$$.....

I know all about the photoradar thing, I lived out in Alberta for a few years and I hated it never did get one, but I know a lot of friends who did...

Pro I was out in Calgary last week and saw all the signs and ads about taking photo to the highways, thats bullshat!!!

noodles July-9th-2002 01:31 PM

Move to Vancouver! Haha, they actually made the police get rid of that thing.

Bruce95fmla July-9th-2002 02:14 PM

In the US in the southern states, they do use radar from planes, like Florida for instance , but anyway , i am curious to know if you a out of stater came to calgary and sped would I be mailed a ticket , being as I am from new york or new jersey ,, or somewhere out of canada

Pro_fan July-9th-2002 02:55 PM

Good question...I dunno the answer to this. The City Police do have access to US registries, but I'm not sure if they would deem it worth their efforts to mail you a ticket to your registered address in the USA.

If you didn't pay your ticket, and assumming they cared enough, they would eventually put out a local warrant for your arrest. That's fine if you're NEVER coming back to Calgary (or surrounding area), but it would be in your file...I think this is how it works.

It's how things worked when I was with the Park Wardens in regards to other infractions, so I would think this would be similar.

Pro_fan July-9th-2002 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Protégé Ménacé
are you sure they use radar from airplanes? I dont think that is possible (and to be accurate).

because the closer to perpendicular the cop/radar is to your car, the faster it shows you are going (or was it slower?)

but from an airplane, the angle is quite great, making radar invalid for that application.

they use a stopwatch, and white marks every 1/4 mile on highways to get your speed from an airplane.

but correct me if im wrong, but airplanes can NOT use radar;)

As far as I know Menace is right. Here, whenever they use a chopper to catch speeders, they have to use the "stopwatch" method and catch you between the lines. Then, the chopper radios the info to the cops ahead and they then pull you over.

But maybe there's some super hi-tech cam that I don't know about??

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