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Pugsly October-21st-2001 02:42 PM

for the yellow mp5 owners - question
I am leaning towards the purchase of the yellow MP5. None of the other colors really stand out to me (however I have yet to see a blue in person, only pics).

My question is, everyone warns of the increase of potential tickets (speeding, otherwise) since it will stand out so much.

Any yellow owners have any problems?

Man, if Mazda only had the same blue Subaru has for the wrx......


mazda2005 October-21st-2001 03:36 PM

i think the blue mp3s come pretty close to the blue of the subaru. it's a really nice color, but if i was buying one- i'd buy the yellow since it's a more rare color. i'm not sure about the ticket situation, however..

Vivid MP5 October-21st-2001 05:06 PM

Yellow MP5
I've never had a ticket in my Yellow MP5 ...Yet!!:rolleyes:

kreamy73 October-21st-2001 08:39 PM

tickets and yellow P5's
Well I have a yellow P5 and never had a ticket yet. My boyfriend drives it as well and he ALWAYS speeds, never does the limit. No tickets....yet.:D :bt: :laugh: ;)

Protege5online October-21st-2001 11:09 PM

No tickets in my Yellow Pro5 & I dont plan on getting any. Anyhow, I think the reason you go for the Yellow Pro5 is because you want to stand out & be noticed over everything. Its always fun to drive through a parking lot & have 3 different instances in about 2 minutes where a group of peoples conversation all of a sudden change to the car that just drove by them (being you!). Its nice being noticed :p

mazdamp3_18 October-25th-2001 08:28 AM

I own a yellow MP3 and i live in Ann Arbor Michigan and i have had it for a week now and ive been followed 3 times by police. But dont let that scare you from buying a yellow car Ann Arbor cops are pains. they try to pull you over for everything. Personally i would get the yellow MP5 over the blue even though the blue is very nice. the yellow is UNBELIEVABLE. The stares i get from people are awesome and i dont know if anyone has noticed but wrx owners and IS owners give me bad looks like they hate me or something. Has anyone experienced this? or is it just my mind playing tricks on me.

onehawaiian October-25th-2001 05:05 PM

my yellow 5 is sweeeet! no tickets, but then again, if you are legal then there isn't much to worry about. the yellow does grab attention, and that includes the cops, but as long as you're all good, who cares what the cops think?

i have yet to see the yellow mp3 (i'm sure it rocks!) but imo go with the yellow 5. the other colors are cool, but the yellow is nuts.

...unless you're from australia, where they have 11 colors to choose from! damn lucky aussies! :cool:

MP3-Owner October-28th-2001 11:44 AM

MP3 Owner's?
Does everyone that owns an MP3 get the feeling that they are being watched like 24/7? I swear this is the most attention grabbing car I have ever owned!

My mom and I were in Pensacola yesterday looking for her a new car and it just seemed that everywhere we went we had eyes on us at all times. She likes Honda so we went there to check out the civic and the accord. Well it wasn't too long before everyone was checking out my car. There was this one car that had 4 guys in it and they pulled up next to my car, got out and just stared at my car for like 10 minutes! I was kinda laughing my azz off but then again I was the same way when I first seen the car. :bt:

Then the other day I was coming home from work and this Harley Davidson F-150 was trailing me down the highway. I was wandering what the hell he was doing. After about 2 miles of riding my azz he pulls up as we approch a red light, he rolls down his window, (at this point I'm trying to remember if I cut him off or something), but then he asks me where I got it? I was like huh? He goes the car? I said OH! at the mazda dealership, and he says nice ride, and I say too! And we went our seperate ways. Needless to say I went home with a smile on my face.:)

Mac Daddy October-28th-2001 11:54 AM

Specially if it is VIVID Freaking YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MP3-Owner October-28th-2001 12:01 PM

hehe...I actually wanted to get the yellow MP3 when I heard that they made one. Boy OH Boy would that be a mistake or what! hehe...any yellow MP3 owners in here?

Stone October-28th-2001 02:43 PM

There you go
Some picks of the yellow, and blue


moonastery October-29th-2001 03:29 AM

The thing is, for the time being, this car's going to grab attention no matter what color it is. I've had three people in the past week already pull up next to me and ask what I was driving. I've also had a bunch of people on the highway tempting me into three-exit drags (and it's true, WRX owners are the worst, but whatever, they paid at least $6000 more than I did for my car, maybe that's why they try so hard to prove theirs against mine). I can't imagine what it'd be like in a yellow one.

I've seen the blue (officially called "Midnight Blue Mica") and it's actually a lot darker than the MP3 blue in the picture in this thread (might just be the way it was photographed). Personally, if I was choosing between yellow and blue, I'd definitely go for yellow. I saw one at the dealer with polished rims, and it really is hot. Probably be even nicer with some gold or black rims on it.

But, here's some possible BS that I've heard:

1. My insurance agent was pretty pushy about knowing what color my new P5 was. When I asked him why, he said that if you live in an urban area (which I do) it jacks up your premium. He was basing this on numbers he did on yellow Focuses (Focii?). This is especially true, apparently, if you live in the NJ/NY/CT area (which I also do).

2. My dealer made a passing statement about a problem with the paint job on yellow P5's. Didn't bother following up on his comment, since I was set on a silver one, and I haven't seen any other complaints, so take it with a grain of salt.


StuttersC October-29th-2001 04:01 AM

The blue P5 is darker than the MP3 laser blue mica.

Personally I like the blue (both P5 and MP3) better, that's why I bought one.

And, if an insurance comapny is going to charge you more for a certain color car, it's time to find a new insurance company...Just my thought.

mazdamp3_18 October-29th-2001 07:38 AM

I own a yellow mp3 and i love it. It grabs a lot of attention mostly bad looks from wrx owners, stares from IS owners, and any riced out car here.a couple times i was followed by the police.

GNO October-31st-2001 12:49 PM

I test drove a blue Protegé5 and I pulled next to one at a stoplight yesterday. In blue, it is now where near as 'standoutish' as YELLOW. BTW, I envy all of you with the yellow 5sp.

At the time of purchase, if it were availible in the same blue as the MP3, we'd probably own one that color. We would've even waited to order one.

shawnthemonster October-31st-2001 07:19 PM

i have a black mp5 and i get all kinds of stares from honda racers

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