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turbonium959 August-14th-2003 12:40 PM

I saw an old guy fall asleep behind the wheel, on I-95 in HN, it was when all the snow has not melted away yet. Anyhow. All of the sudden he turns left, jump the first medium size snow bank, flies into the medium, then the second snow bank, into the traffic, and lands between two cars! He was so fricking lucky! I pulled over and ran up to his car, and so did another guy. The old man said that he fell asleep! I took a look at his car and was ok I guess, considering that the guys had air time after hitting the banks at about 70mph! He then turned around, and when back home I guess. I have a detailed image, but I will upload it as soon as I get home.

THEGOLDPRO August-14th-2003 01:00 PM

dude i swear, i have been saying this for years, OLD PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE A DRIVERS TEST ONCE A YEAR. its dangerous. they dont look before they pull out. fall asleap,drive ungodly slow, turn up off ramps. the list goes on and on. god i hate old people.

Hong Kong Fever August-14th-2003 01:32 PM

Yeah older drivers need to get off the my grandpa. Good god he is so damn stubborn and won't give up his wheels even though my family has offered to take him where he wants to go when he wants to. Much safer that way, the last thing we need is him getting into an accident. BTW Protegé Menacé that is the funniest thing Ive seen today :rofl: Made my day!

midnightblue97 August-14th-2003 01:46 PM

Yet again, where is edwin doing handstands??

kcbhiw August-14th-2003 01:59 PM

lmao. that picture is too funny. :rofl:

lost_concept August-14th-2003 02:05 PM

LOL !!!!



icynelly August-14th-2003 03:55 PM

Lol theres a lot of pros on that highway eh?

Mark_02DX August-14th-2003 06:01 PM

What highway was that, out of curiosity?

TaiMaiShu August-15th-2003 01:28 AM

those geezers need the new york treatment. Throw em into times square for a while and they'll be straight. The only old people that drive fast are cab drivers. I remember recently i had to cut off this old couple on a solid yellow line on my side b/c dude was driving like he needed his prozac, so I did, and passing him he looked like he was hugging the friggin steering wheel. It was kinda funny when I looked in the rear view and noticed a bunch of people doing the same while gramps is still there hugging the wheel. :p

Liquid_Ag August-15th-2003 10:39 AM

i agree that older drivers really need to take tests...even my grandma...i know she shouldnt drive...she ran into the side of walmart the other day because she wasnt paying attention...they just dont have the reflexes to drive anymore...and are more dangerous in my opinion than myself, and others that drive fast

Mark_02DX August-16th-2003 11:08 AM

Originally posted by iwokeupfrmadrea
...she ran into the side of walmart the other day because she wasnt paying attention...
?!?:eek: ?!?
Explain, please...

Liquid_Ag August-18th-2003 12:16 AM

sorry for my absence...just moved in to my dorm, and i still have no fucking internet. She thought she was in reverse picking up some flowers and ended up putting it in drive and hitting it into the side of walmart...rather funny/scary

NegatiZE August-18th-2003 01:20 AM

ROFLMAO!! I wonder if they went and ran into some farmer's market after that...

MisterT August-18th-2003 06:18 PM

Re: OMFG I watched old people in a 97 protege get onto highway going WRONG WAY

Originally posted by Protegé Menacé
So my dad and I dropped my car off at sams club to get 4 new all seasons put on for rallying, were drivin home in his car, and I see a 97/98 protege in front of us.

At this one itnersection the West side is the offramp for the highway and I see the old people right in front of us turn INTO IT.

I was like HAHA stupid people and figured they woudl see all the people comign AT THEM or see the HUGE do not enter signs and turn around.

we take the frontage road t see fi they turn aroudn and the STUPID ASS 90 year old couple Is sitting at the END OF THE OFFRAMP deciding if ty should get onto the highway or not!!!!

my dad tells me tog et the cel outta the glove, but all we had was the HAM, and figured someone else ahs already called since tons of people are passing them on the offramp.

Well we couldnt truna round to see if they got turned around or what, but STUPID FUCKING OLD PEOPLE kill themselves and OTHERS, they are WORSE than street racers.

here is my representation of what they did:

LMAO at your drawing there!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Mark_02DX August-19th-2003 05:50 PM

Originally posted by iwokeupfrmadrea
sorry for my absence...just moved in to my dorm, and i still have no fucking internet. She thought she was in reverse picking up some flowers and ended up putting it in drive and hitting it into the side of walmart...rather funny/scary
Whew. Glad that's all it was. I was picturing a tan Le Sabre halfway into the sporting goods aisle or something...

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