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kc5zom March-24th-2003 08:17 AM

Actually every thing in the constitution is weighted so we have the free will to say/do what we want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Trying to shut up war protestors? Seems infringing to me.

Yeah, we have a lot of military power but no socialized medicine for all citizens young or old (we like suffering), an archaic tax system, morons in government that have nothing better to do than name things "Freedom Fries", and some of the dumbest people in the industrialized world. Somehow even with some of the dumbest people we manage to have one of the best secondary education systems (again not socialized). Yet a lot of other nations provide these things, like those evil Germans.

I agree with Makaveli, CNN has become propoganda central lately. They report shit they don't even know (Scuds, I actually said something about this back on page 3) often with conflicting reports being filed by different agencies.

We didn't wait 12 years for Saddam to clean up his shit. We fucked it up to begin with (back on page 3 again).

Makaveli March-24th-2003 08:32 AM

Originally posted by dialup

I agree, lets go back to that old way of stopping terrorism - you know cross your fingers and hope that the bad guys get caught by middle-eastern countries who hate America? How did that work, again? Oh yeah, we had 9/11. Genius.

Yeah, Iraqis sure have a lot of terrorists.

Pissing off more countries will only improve the terrorism situation.....

Hang on, I almost forgot. Some members of Islam declaring the holy war (Jihaad) on Americans will also improve the situation....

Good luck if you ever need to use logic in your life. Hope that it's multiple choice.

Makaveli March-24th-2003 08:34 AM

Originally posted by protege king

Well put Ghost!

For people saying there might be terrorist acts against the United States, in case you suffer from amnesia - 9-11!

In case you suffer from being golluable (pardon the spelling), terrorism has nothing to do with Iraq.

JasonKilpa March-24th-2003 09:34 AM

Nooo terrorism isn't in Iraq. Go ask the human shields that were just there. Ask them what they saw. The plastic or human shredding machines. Or how about the Al Qaeda camp that they found in Southern Iraq. Is there going to be a backlash of terrorism because of we are doing this. Well we haven't seen any yet. Doesn't mean it won't happen but I bet some are starting to think twice. The Iraqi people are welcoming our soldiers with open arms. Doesn't look like all are mad. Guess it is only the people with financial interest in Iraq that are upset about this. Russia was found to have sold weapons this past weekend to Iraq. France is all about their oil contracts. Turkey is about the oil. Germany is about the oil. The coalition, which by the way is larger then the one in the Gulf war, is tired of Iraq's threat and we are not going to take it anymore.

TheMAN March-24th-2003 12:45 PM

I don't sit on my fat ass and watch CNN
and I'm not going to volunteer (my selfish lazy ass) for any military service unless there is immediate domestic danger (like we get invaded)

TheMAN March-24th-2003 12:48 PM

yeah, we shouldn't go to war because the iraqi's there don't want to get hurt and they want to rot and starve to death in their pathetic little lives and walk around with guns pointed at them every day....

Originally posted by JasonKilpa
Nooo terrorism isn't in Iraq. Go ask the human shields that were just there. Ask them what they saw. The plastic or human shredding machines. Or how about the Al Qaeda camp that they found in Southern Iraq. Is there going to be a backlash of terrorism because of we are doing this. Well we haven't seen any yet. Doesn't mean it won't happen but I bet some are starting to think twice. The Iraqi people are welcoming our soldiers with open arms. Doesn't look like all are mad. Guess it is only the people with financial interest in Iraq that are upset about this. Russia was found to have sold weapons this past weekend to Iraq. France is all about their oil contracts. Turkey is about the oil. Germany is about the oil. The coalition, which by the way is larger then the one in the Gulf war, is tired of Iraq's threat and we are not going to take it anymore.

BioSehnsucht March-24th-2003 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Makaveli

Cause of neighbouring countries....

That doesn't mean he needs anthrax and other weapons of mass destruction.

Hahahaha, after watching CNN for half an hour, couldn't stand more BS in a day, it's sad that people like you don't even realize that all that you're seeing is just as filtered. CNN and ALL of the other American stations are a JOKE!!!! I could write you ten pages of stuff that they've lied about and made sound differently only in the last two days.
riiiiight.. BTW, you do have access to international news if you have satellite.. go watch the international news channel or CNN international or etc, they say all the same stuff (just with different noticible slants .. the truth is still there, but every newscaster tries to slant it a different way)

Yeah, that's true. I don't think that many people in Iraq like Saddam, but quite a bit do. In any case, they hate the fact that US are bombing them quite a bit more then Saddam. They also hate the fact that US imposed sanctions are making their nation suffer from hunger, and also they don't appreciate their children dying of leukemia because of the depleted uranium dropped in their country by guess who.... US in the Gulf War.
We aren't bombing civilians, altho I'm sure they're scared shitless after that display we've put on. The civilians have NO reason to TRUELY like Saddam, unless they've been brainwashed by the dictatorship, in which case they are likely a lost cause, as they'll never have the impetus to use free will and will therefore have no use of it. Furthmore, depleted uranium, being depleted, is hardly likely to have enough radiation to harm anyone, unless their kids are trying to eat the A-10 Thunderbolt II's main gun's spent rounds.. which would be mostly in wrecked tanks, not someplace to be playing around.

Yup, what are the numbers for the civilians hurt now.... a few hundred?
More than likely either A: the Iraqi gov't faked it or B: (more likely) they intentionall put civilians in military/gov't structures that were sure to be bombed. Hell, our behind enemy lines recon units reported seeing women and children being forced into Iraqi military positions to be used as human shields..

Oh, I think I made a mention of what's the primary reason for starvation.... US imposed sanctions. Don't even bullshit about UN imposing the sanctions since US were the ones that pretty much influenced everyone in the UN if your remember.
Tool, the don't you remember oil for food? I mean REALLY.. they have PLENTY of OIL.. they can trade it for PLENTY of FOOD.. unless someone *cough* Saddam *cough* spends the money on things like weapons R&D, and trying to import super high quality aluminum tubes whose usefulness is limited to producing weapons grade nuclear materials..

Well at least you realize that the Gulf War was a big mistake..... I'm trying to remember the last time that a US led war was a succes...... WWII was a success in the end..... since then can't remember any others, even though they get in a conflict every couple of years.....
The Gulf War wasn't a mistake, it was unfinished. What, you think we should have sat back and let Saddam run in and knock of Kuwait?

Sure, many conflicts have occured with limited (or really, no) success, such as 'Nam and Korea.. but that was mainly because we lacked the balls (and had the brains) politically to take it to a victory - granted those two for example would never have had a chance at victory, and were a waste of time.

you don't even know what they're doing, but I like how you're making your case.....
I don't really recall diplomacy.....
OK, so just because he's missing a few thousand litres of anthrax (WHICH HE SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO BEGIN WITH), and has evidence of working on many other things, he's no threat to anyone and we should peacefully go in circles while he continues to deceive us (or rather, the U.N.). I mean its obvious he's been lying for years, why the fuck should we trust anything he says?

He's not the only one paying......... give your head a big shake, maybe even run into a wall to try and clear up your mind a bit.....
His people have been paying for years. The environment paid when he let loose an oil spill many times greater than Valdez, and set many oil fields ablaze.. he tried to set some ablaze again this time, altho he didn't get as many going, still massive crimes against the environment. And hell, with current technology setting oil fires doing stop any of our shit from firing / seeing through. Don't forget anyone harboring terrorists is supporting terrorism and indirectly harming others.

In other words, Saddam isn't cooperating with US, so now they have to go in, set up a different 'democratic' government that will bend over for the States..... Puppet government?
Saddam isn't cooperating with the U.N. either, and the U.N. is invalidating its worth by rolling over and not doing anything. I mean it said there would be consequences, then they said, nah, on second time, you can have some more time.. oh, and a little more.. and oh hell, have some more time.
It's not like the Inspectors give a fuck if they find anything. They're INSPECTING, checking what they see in front. THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN LEADS BY A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR WHO HAD CONNECTIONS IN IRAQ AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CHECK!! I mean what the fuck? They don't want to find anything, just check whats under their noses. And then couch all their comments to mean as little as possible, and leave things our of the oral report that are important and let them stay buried in the big huge printed document.

What a bunch of BS. Those 'Scuds' were not even confirmed to be Scuds. The main headline was that they were suspected of being Scuds. It's funny how no one mentioned that they likely weren't Scuds as was discovered a day later. Propaganda worked on you....
DOES IT MATTER WHAT KIND OF MISSILE IT IS? THEY FIRED MISSILES INTO KUWAIT. What if it had biological chemical warheads? They didn't, but that doesn't mean they might not have. Of course using any would immedately get the rest of the world behind us and we'd have no opposition in the U.N. And yes, they were first mis-reported as scuds.. but people are human, and there hadn't been time to actual ID them when the first reports were being made, it was just assumed by all parties involved (including the media).

That's right, France and Russia have oil contracts...........
Oh, did the States get left out? Hmmmm, I wonder why they're attacking.........
These are called bribes. They're offering oil at lower than what Iraq could make any money at, merely so that these governments won't try to stop Iraq from doing whatever it wants. And hey, since they supporting Iraq, they're also supporting terrorism indirectly. Altho, it could easily be argued that prior to Collin Powell's Feb. speech they had no clue.

Could it be that they'll have to rebuild Iraq after and funding will come from the oil fields....... Guess who'll get the contract....... An American company! They'll set up their oil companies there. No, US isn't doing it for the economic purpose.....
Of course the US does it for economic purpose. But they also do it to stop a government that harbors terrorists, and to protect its neighbors (whether they want it or not). As for whether or not we take their oil... I would doubt it would be that black and white. More likely, assuming of course that we do what we said, we'll be setting up the Iraqi oil industry to operate like a normal one, and they'll set their own prices along with good ol' OPEC.. and even if we try to structure it to our advantage, it'd never work out anyways hahaha...

Okay, I didn't wanna say it until now, but you're a real IDIOT! I don't know if a fish is more golluable then you....

I don't remember the exact details, but we have evidence tying Al Queada to other terrorists organizations & etc, INCLUDING THE FUCKING TERRORIST TRAINING CAMP IN NORTHERN IRAQ THAT SADDAM SET ASIDE SPACE FOR.

Not to mention the fact that terrorists have been known to walk around in broad daylight in Baghdad and even meet with Saddam & etc.

Bush has tried to link the two but couldn't because they're totally seperate and Al Queada considers Iraq as 'ignorant'.... However they've made reference to 9/11 always to give people reason to attack Iraq. Reference to 9/11 makes people support war even more.
Al Queada doesn't need to like someone to use them. and Saddam would be more than happy to not worry about being a target by helping them out. They didn't TRY to make the link, they HAVE. Back in Feb.. you remember that big Collin Powell speech at the U.N.? If you'd actually seen that you'd have a clue as to WTF is going on w/ Saddam & etc.. (hrm, I wonder now if I can find that for download someplace as reference.. not right now tho)

Canada seems fine to me.....
Switzerland isn't too shabby neither.....
Well I don't know about Switzerland but from what I've heard from people who actually lived in Canada, shit can be fucked up in ways there that it isn't here. I'd rather be here. Apparently their healthcare is teh suck... of course I don't live there, but Canada is stupid (har har) in ways that the U.S. isn't. (I would like to be able to import and legalize cars as easily tho.. ha)

Shawn March-24th-2003 03:05 PM

Canada is a great country. We have many problems, just like every other country in this world. Like the Americans who have said the same about their country, "I'd rather be here".

I thought the Gulf War started because Iraq invaded Kuait. Isn't that true? If so, I think the USA and their allies(cough...Canada...cough) were very heroic to help liberate Kuait. The Gulf War was bad and many ways, but necessary. Similar to WWII IMHO.

Makaveli: You seem to have a very closed-minded opinion. It's simply cheering for no-war rather than war. If you truely believe some of the things you've said, which others have already rebutted, I feel bad for you :(. Iraq is very much involved with Terrorism. Both in supporting groups that attack Isreal and the USA, and in committing their own attrocities and striking terror in their own people. THe people of Iraq live in constant fear of their own government. Fear for their lives and the lives of their families. Is that not terrorism? When the govn't will kill you and your children at any time for no necessary reason?

If the coalition forces manage to oust the Iraqi government, they will try to replace it with a more democratic one. You seem to think this is horrible. How do you figure? You moved to Canada from former Yugoslavia didn't you? Do you prefer the democratic government and structure of Canada over what you had in former Yugoslavia? IMHO, a democratic govenment is millions of times better than a tyranny that rules with an iron fist. Saddam is not better than Hitler, Stalin, Miloslovec, etc...

TheMAN March-24th-2003 03:13 PM

canada is great, but I rather not see half of my paycheck disappear on bullshit things I don't need or care about... I rather not pay the ridculous sales taxes... I rather be here in america and only pay for shit I need as I go along... not pay for other people's shit

TheMAN March-24th-2003 03:21 PM

I said this:

first of all, if shit hits the fan, I WILL fight for YOUR freedom even do I don't like what comes out of YOUR mouth and that I think y'all are fucktards...
now... otoh when people spout off bullshit protesting about some shit without a fucking clue, they ought to shut the fuck up, get a fucking clue before opening their mouths again


Originally posted by kc5zom
Actually every thing in the constitution is weighted so we have the free will to say/do what we want as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Trying to shut up war protestors? Seems infringing to me.

Yeah, we have a lot of military power but no socialized medicine for all citizens young or old (we like suffering), an archaic tax system, morons in government that have nothing better to do than name things "Freedom Fries", and some of the dumbest people in the industrialized world. Somehow even with some of the dumbest people we manage to have one of the best secondary education systems (again not socialized). Yet a lot of other nations provide these things, like those evil Germans.

I agree with Makaveli, CNN has become propoganda central lately. They report shit they don't even know (Scuds, I actually said something about this back on page 3) often with conflicting reports being filed by different agencies.

We didn't wait 12 years for Saddam to clean up his shit. We fucked it up to begin with (back on page 3 again).

Pro_fan March-24th-2003 03:34 PM

Originally posted by TheMAN
canada is great, but I rather not see half of my paycheck disappear on bullshit things I don't need or care about... I rather not pay the ridculous sales taxes... I rather be here in america and only pay for shit I need as I go along... not pay for other people's shit
I kinda agree w/ you here. A lot of people abuse the healthcare system which ruins it for everybody. Yet, I'd rather have that than a system where the rich get all the care while the poor are left untreated. I guess there's a happy medium somewhere...just not on this planet :(

midnightblue97 March-24th-2003 03:39 PM

There is a war, who cares, arguing amongst ourselves isn't gonna stop it. Its not likely that a few thousand, a few hundred thousand, or a few million protesters are going to stop it. Can anyone here remember a time when there wasn't a war going on somewhere in the world?? Probably not. War is a fact of life, there will always be wars, like it or not. Nobody has to like it. Is arguing among ourselves going to make the situation any better?? I don't think so.

Cry me a river, build a bridge and get the fuck over it.

TheMAN March-24th-2003 03:50 PM

uhh... here in America you GET free health care if you're fucking broke... there's a difference between selective health care for people who truely need it and widespan health care for everyone including rich bastards... I rather have people who have a choice over what they want.. not what big brother decides for them... if they don't want health care (aka health insurance) then that's them... that's their problem if they get sick... if I want it, I pay for it and ensure the pool of money I paid benefits me and no one else

but we're getting off topic here

Originally posted by Pro_fan

I kinda agree w/ you here. A lot of people abuse the healthcare system which ruins it for everybody. Yet, I'd rather have that than a system where the rich get all the care while the poor are left untreated. I guess there's a happy medium somewhere...just not on this planet :(

TheMAN March-24th-2003 03:54 PM

people who don't want war, poverty, utopia, etc are idealists

sorry, nothing is perfect... it's GOOD to try to eliminate the bad things, but we're chasing our own tails

I'll stick to reality, thank you

Originally posted by midnightblue97
There is a war, who cares, arguing amongst ourselves isn't gonna stop it. Its not likely that a few thousand, a few hundred thousand, or a few million protesters are going to stop it. Can anyone here remember a time when there wasn't a war going on somewhere in the world?? Probably not. War is a fact of life, there will always be wars, like it or not. Nobody has to like it. Is arguing among ourselves going to make the situation any better?? I don't think so.

Cry me a river, build a bridge and get the fuck over it.

kc5zom March-24th-2003 04:06 PM

Originally posted by TheMAN
I said this:

now... otoh when people spout off bullshit protesting about some shit without a fucking clue, they ought to shut the fuck up, get a fucking clue before opening their mouths again


Reminds me of that time you spouted off about economics there expert boy. Of course you are the mighty expert on all things to do with the Middle East. I just listen to NPR, watch Newshour most evenings, and read things other than CNN. Its called background, look into it.

BTW... We managed to blow up a bus full of civilians today when they were, get this, DRIVING across a bridge (those bastards). Of course I heard that on NPR, there isn't a damn thing about it on CNN yet. But hey maybe they will catch up.

Edit: Finally found it. It was only important enough to be buried off the front page, while a report on the fact that we are treating Iraqi wounded (hello Geneva conventions) has been up since at least this morning.

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