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Bruce95fmla March-11th-2002 01:18 AM

new Volkswagen comercial (funny one)
I was watching tv tonight and then I caught this vdub comm. like half way through , anyway the guy is standing next to a silver jetta and he is on his phone speaking to someone saying ,, "yeah it is here a silver one , come down here hurry up ..." so he is standing next to it after he hangs up and then notices couple with a sales man in the dealership , the women points and the car, and jesters she wants it, so the guy is standing there and basically pondering what to do ,, so he can prevent them from getting the car.. So what does he do ,, he licks the door handle ,, lol I was rolling on the floor cause of this commercial .. I would have to say that this is by far the best comercial that I have seen in a long time .. cause it just totaly gets it's message transmitted effectively ,,,
you have go to see it

Makaveli March-11th-2002 01:20 AM

Old news bruce, where have you been?

Hehehe, but seriously that's a funny commercial, very good :)

KeiraP5 March-11th-2002 05:31 PM

Ya, that is kind of an old commercial, but it gets me laughing every time. :laugh2: :laugh:

Maxx Mazda March-11th-2002 05:41 PM

I still think the best Volkswagon commercial is the one where the guy locks his Jetta at a supermarket, and walks away. Seconds later, a shopping cart comes barrelling down on his car. He runs at it full speed and tackles it at the last second! That would SO be me!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Identity_X March-11th-2002 05:47 PM

I like both of these .....funny ass commercials....

have you guys seen the new ones where they are talking about Turbo's /????/

"It's not rocket science......well sort of "

funny shit.......:D

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