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-=SP20=- February-6th-2003 11:02 PM

my new website
g'day all
just thought I'd post this, to let ya'll know that I have a new website now...

it's a design portfolio mainly, it hasn't been fully populated yet I still have to upload alot of my work etc..

enjoy :)

Bruce95fmla February-6th-2003 11:08 PM

you desighned those pages yourself ,, what course did you take to learn webdesighn and what editor do u use

-=SP20=- February-6th-2003 11:19 PM

I've been working in the graphic design and multimedia industry for just over 5 years now... I also completed graphic design and advertising diplomas part time while I was working full time...

how about yourself? are you interested in this sort of thing? :)

turbonium959 February-6th-2003 11:24 PM

From one webmaster to another - Thats a hell of a site. I only have two years experience with HTML, and my site is nowhere near yours. Good luck, I hope some one likes your resume.

Bruce95fmla February-6th-2003 11:26 PM

i know that is what I am saying ,,I have been playing with webD for like 3 years or so , since I had my pro, I want to learn to do sites like what he just posted, cause there is a certain way I want my site to look but I just don't have the skills in web desighn to do it ... I may take a graphic desighn course when I get the chance

-=SP20=- February-6th-2003 11:28 PM

oops I forgot to tell you what editor I use...
the site I just finished I used flashMX for the shell of it... but all the complex actionscripting was done in a text editor called ultraedit (it has nice tag highlighting etc...)

I use dreamweaver for more complex html, like stuff with lots of embedded tables etc... otherwise I just use a text editor to do it...

As for the design of my latest site I did it all in photoshop and then took it into flash and did a vector trace to keep the file size down...

I hope this helps

-=SP20=- February-6th-2003 11:32 PM

thanks for the kind words :)

I hope this site goes well also...

I still have to do some programming here and there to get the news section up to scratch, am looking at using php and xml to grab news feeds off the major design sites, and then formatting the information so it looks nice in my flash interface...

sort of like this site but in flash and with just one news section...

Bruce95fmla February-7th-2003 12:12 AM

I need to download flash mx and practice it , but I don't know a dang thing of what to do with flash , i tried to use the turorial , but that was a wrap from the beginning

-=SP20=- February-7th-2003 12:23 AM

flash is definately worth learning...

it helps if you already understand vector illustration, plus a basic knowlege of animation and timelines is also useful...

Once you get you head around all the animation stuff, get into action scripting, it's almost identical to javascript, and if you set your movies up right you do most of the stuff on the fly with script instead of using the timeline style animation...

flashMX is good because it has all this pre-built stuff like scroll bars and form items etc... although I don't use them because I like to make all my own stuff from scratch, that way you get total control over how it looks and behaves :)

funkdaddysmack February-7th-2003 07:39 AM

That is probably the best-designed site I've seen. I'm all about the clean, unclustered look. I am in awe.

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