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messenjah October-6th-2002 06:07 PM

My girl has got me trippin..
Okay here is the deal. Ive been with my girlfriend for about 2 years, but last January she moved 8hrs away to another city. Everything was going good in the begining since we would get to talk frequently on the phone and i would go visit her. But the past few months in things have been getting worse and worse. I always try to call her to see whats going on but i never can seem to get ahold of her. Ive gone close to two weeks with out hearing from her. And when i do finally get to talk to her she tells me she has just been busy and hasnt had time to call me. :( But this has been going on for a long time and im to the point now where i cant take it. I understand she has responsibilitys, but when your in a long distance relationship the only thing that holds things together is being able to talk on the phone, and she has taken that from me.I havent asked her for much but about 5 minutes out of the week, so im not very demanding. I dont worry about her cheating on me or anything like that; cause i know her heart and she is good girl. But i just cant take this anymore. We have discussed this alot but she never seems to change. I really feel like i am the only one putting out any effort and i still get no response. I have gone to see her 4 times (8-9 hour drive) and she hasnt come to see me once. For those of you who dont know me im one of the good guys and am nothing but nice to people, especially women. So i just dont understand what her problem is and what i should do. The hardest part is i planned on proposing to her in December, but now i have changed my mind:( . Well thanks for reading this, sorry i just had to vent to someone and who better than my Mazda family...Much Love...

messenjah October-6th-2002 06:45 PM

have you ever sent her flowers?
Dude, see thats the thing for every special occasion or holiday and even just out of the blue, i am always coming up with something creative to do for her. I have done the whole flower thing many times, plus things like building her a hope chest, some other furniture, art work, etc... Basically anything she has needed for the past 2 yrs i have given it to her. Trust me when it comes to nice gestures i have gone above and beyond, but i guess its just not enough...I dunno, thanks for the advice... :(

1st MP3 in NH October-6th-2002 08:07 PM

Originally posted by messenjah

Dude, see thats the thing for every special occasion or holiday and even just out of the blue, i am always coming up with something creative to do for her. (

Try suprising her by jumping out at her with a french tickler while wearing a space helmet.

LitlRay October-6th-2002 10:41 PM

aww sweetie! Im so sorry to hear that :(

I know what its like to be in a relationship and give and give and give ... it stinks... but I think Foxy is right... Im sure she loves you to death but maybe she's just ready to move on :( What does she tell you when you talk to her ??

if you wanna talk im here bud.. just IM me or email me or something - hey call me if ya want .... whatever- Im sorry to hear this :( PM me and let me know if you need someone to talk to

90210brandon October-6th-2002 11:23 PM

Dude I totally understand your story. I'm in sort of the same situation. I love this girl too. I was told several times "if you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you, it loves you". It has been 5 months of going back and forth and I now believe this advice. So don't believe that your all alone. We have/are gone/going through the samething.

1st MP3 in NH October-7th-2002 07:14 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda
the best advice that anyone ever gave to me was that bfs and gfs come and go...
Not always. I have been with the same girl for almost 7 years now, and I am only 21. However we went though periods most relationships wouldn't survive. One being her moving to Ohio for school.

Rider69 October-7th-2002 07:15 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda
and if you need some of us girls to go down
Wow!, I never realized this was an option!:D

1st MP3 in NH October-7th-2002 07:35 AM

It not so much being lucky as it is we are two people that have chosen to work out our problems and differences. If in a relationship one of the 2, or 3 if your lucky:D , stop being willing to work on a situation then the relationship is over!

funkdaddysmack October-7th-2002 09:10 AM

Re: My girl has got me trippin..
I'm sorry to hear about this, I was/am in a similar situation a few months ago. I was seeing this girl for a few years (which is really really long for me), and I was sure that she was the one, I have never met anyone that was so sweet or good to me. I'll spare you the details, but she broke my heart a few times, but I wanted to be with her more than anything. We were still seeing each other when she left for school in August. As soon as she got there I knew it wouldn't work out. We'd still chat and everything, but I could tell that things weren't the same. I'd ask her about visiting her, and before she left she wanted to see me as much as possible, but since she was at school she said she was too busy. I wasn't about to keep being strung along, no matter how much I loved her. Now, I can't say that this is a similar situation or something, just wanted to share my sob story with you. Why can't nice guys find nice girls? :(

1st MP3 in NH October-7th-2002 09:56 AM

Re: Re: My girl has got me trippin..

Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
Why can't nice guys find nice girls? :(
You can just don't put up with any BULLSHIT.

Pudge0878 October-7th-2002 10:03 AM

FYI... I am extremly nice....

Hey messenjah: How are you doing sweetie? How are things going with you and the girl?

At any rate I hope you are well.

1st MP3 in NH October-7th-2002 10:09 AM

Originally posted by blue LEDz

yeah, that's what they all say, till they rip our hearts out:( i have accepted the fact that all men are assholes, and all women are crazy. life makes more sense that way:D

I find peace by just telling my self that they are all mentaly damaged from birth and its not realy there fault. Seems to have a calming effect.:D

90210brandon October-7th-2002 10:14 AM

Re: Re: My girl has got me trippin..

Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
Why can't nice guys find nice girls? :(
Yeah, let's ask Foxy. Maybe she knows. How come Foxy? We're nice guys, why do 'you' 'play' with us???

Pudge0878 October-7th-2002 10:14 AM

Alright... I can live with that...

I will admit I am crazy, but I can be nice.

Pudge0878 October-7th-2002 10:21 AM

Hey I know I am crazy...... And I am ok with that. After all the crazy ones can have more fun too... I have done alot of crazy things. I will not get into right now.... :)

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