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Red Racer December-11th-2002 02:59 PM

Mini Nitrous kit on Ebay
Has anyone seen this yet?

Ebay Mini Nitrous

biggyshake December-11th-2002 08:41 PM




never thought you could ever buy medical grade laughing gas off of E-Bay

dhchin December-11th-2002 08:57 PM

Check it out though, his feedback is private, and he has one comment in there which is negative. :bsflag:

Sir Nuke December-11th-2002 10:05 PM

I find it hard to believe that even if that system was worth a damn that those tiny cartridges hold enough gas to do you much good....

Maxx Mazda December-12th-2002 12:09 AM

Watch the "demonstration video." What the hell does a revving engine have to do with anything? LOL! :laugh:

JDMstuff December-12th-2002 05:25 AM

Can I put those underneath my seat? I can flip up the seat bottom just before the start of a 4 car, 5 minute, 1/4 mile race.

Sir Nuke December-12th-2002 05:31 AM

I got a better idea....if that stuff is in fact medical grade....get a regulator...and a mask....put the stuff on YOURSELF..and by the end of the race if you loose you will be laughing your ass off and won't care either way! lol

Red Racer December-12th-2002 07:44 AM

I thought the whole thing was a joke. Then I realized, hey they're serious. They must be on something.:cookoo:

NoahsMP5 December-12th-2002 07:47 AM

I saw that the other day. The engine demo was great.

deckedoutmp5 December-12th-2002 08:05 AM

they work good on my gas powered blender! but thats not saying much since its only a 9 horse b&s and not a 2.0 litter...

i guess you could sniff them all day and feel good.

JJB December-12th-2002 08:40 AM

Originally posted by dhchin
[B]Check it out though, his feedback is private, and he has one comment in there which is negative.[B]
add to that the note that of the seven positives only one is from a unique user!

RiceWagon December-12th-2002 10:24 AM

"First of all, Nitrous Oxide has miniscule amounts of sulfur (like 3 parts per million) which are there to keep people from huffing it. The reason nitrous systems inject "dangerous" amounts of nitrous oxide is because they have to to raise cylinder pressure, which is what increases horsepower. Secondly, 100 POUND BOTTLES?! Thats a lot of nitrous. Maybe in F&F2, but most bottles are 10-20 pounds of N20 and another 10-15 of metal. And you spend "hundreds of dollars refilling them" because N20 costs money. I'll bet the same amount of nitrous in CO2 cartriges would cost 5 times as much. Everyone knows refills are cheaper than disposable stuff. Is it easy to install? I hope so. I could easily punch a hole in my CAI and stick a basketball needle in it, then duct tape the needle in place. But it wouldn't make my car faster . Are they cheap? Yeah, but piston return springs give you more horsepower for less money . And I've yet to see a $4000 nitrous system. And they start at much less than $700, too.
And the #1 reason the Nitrous Mini is total BS....(drumroll please)
no triggering system. The site says no electronics, so how do you activate it?! By screwing in the cartridges. So either experience the rush of NAWZ parked with your hood up, or get a friend to screw about 20 of those cartridges into your intake hanging out the window while you zoom down the 1/4 mile.
In conclusion, the Nitrous Mini is safe. So is farting in your intake tube. But neither will make your car faster."

Courtesy of qwik99gt

Maxx Mazda December-12th-2002 10:31 AM

Re: BS

Originally posted by RiceWagon
...So either experience the rush of NAWZ parked with your hood up, or get a friend to screw about 20 of those cartridges into your intake hanging out the window while you zoom down the 1/4 mile.
ROTFLMAO!!! I can see it now! Suddenly "riding shotgun" has an entirely new meaning! :laugh:

NoahsMP5 December-12th-2002 11:09 AM

Does that mean I should stop farting in my intake too.

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