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lateotw January-17th-2004 11:33 AM

Learn driving
I'm a new driver and just got a new 03 protege, the thing is that I'm still very nervous on the road, and still can not park properly (street or garage), can anyone please recommend some practising tips or learning resource? I'm trying not to be a threat to others' and my own life. thx

fraay January-17th-2004 01:47 PM

The best thing to do is take drivers training.. whether you have yet or not.. more can't hurt.. and there's nothing more valuable than a professional instructor in your situation.. (if you can afford a brand new car for your first vehicle.. you can afford proper training!).. go to your local AMA or AAA (is that what it is in the US??) and tell them you want some training on parking... they'll help you with whatever aspects you are finding intimidating..

As far as tips.. I have one to offer that may or may not apply to you.. I happen to be rather short, and can't see the front end of my car.. I found it very helpful to have a friend stand at each corner of the car while I was sitting in the drivers seat, so I could get familiar with where each corner was.. to me, the car feels a lot bigger then it really is..

lateotw January-17th-2004 06:48 PM

Thanks for your reply fraay, I'm buying the car on 6 year financing and pay out <200 each month, while one driving lesson would cost me >70, and to be honest with you, I didn't learn much out of my 6 hours training with them. Today I went shopping with a friend, who is an experienced driver, he corrected me a lot, and gave me great tips... I guess the best I could do it to practise more (in safe areas such as parking lots), and learn from the seasoned drivers, what do you think? also, I wonder if anyone knows of good books/websites that gave good insights of practising driving?

Redfyre January-17th-2004 09:13 PM

Welcome to the club.

Experience may be what you need, get to know how your car handles. Get out there on smaller roads with less traffic and practice your driving. Find and empty parking lot on Sunday afternoon and practice some driving skills for an hour. Don't be nervous, if millions can drive, so can you. Good luck and have fun!

Pro2Go January-17th-2004 09:42 PM

Get on an open road and go as fast as you can until you crap your pants. Then you won't be scared anymore.

The best way to learn is by doing. Push the limits... of yourself AND your car once you feel safe doing so. You're going to be nervous for a while. It goes away eventually. And after it goes away you'll notice you spend a lot of time trying to get that feeling back, oddly enough.

lateotw January-17th-2004 11:49 PM

Thank you Redfyre and Pro2Go for your encouraging words, I'll try to practice more, and someday I might become a good (safe) driver;-) who knows...

skr33t_rac3r January-18th-2004 01:19 PM

go really fast and pull the e-brake try to spin the car completley around if u do this u wont be scared and ull be having fun

midnightblue97 January-18th-2004 04:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by skr33t_rac3r
go really fast and pull the e-brake try to spin the car completley around if u do this u wont be scared and ull be having fun

skr33t_rac3r January-18th-2004 07:46 PM

well midnight have u ever done this cause ull be suprised how much fun it is to just spin a car completely around just find a bigass parking lot hit the gas once u get up like 45 pull the ebrake its so cool

Redfyre January-19th-2004 11:47 AM

Originally posted by midnightblue97
:D Roger that Ryan!

Lateotw, you'll get the hang of it. I was nervous my first few times driving also. After a while you will get comfortable with it.

steve_protege January-21st-2004 01:23 PM

Easiest way to learn how to park is by going to an empty parkin lot. Go to a big one, like at a high school or college, and practice straight-in parking, back in parking and parallel parking. Just get an idea of what you have to do and then practice practice. If you have to, put up cones or something along those lines and get a feel as to how big each spot is and the angle at which you have to pull in at. Then when you're done, have some fun. Floor the pedal and get a feel of your car's limits. Then just skid out, spin wheels etc.

Pro2Go January-21st-2004 01:56 PM

Buy a set of those little Soccer cones from the sporting goods department at Wal-Mart. Like $5 for the set of 4. Use those for practising driving in a parking lot.

steve_protege January-21st-2004 04:30 PM

Thats the same thing I would do. I was drawing a blank as to where he could go to get some cones at.

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