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Liquid_Ag July-27th-2003 09:31 PM

lack of direction
up until the latest developments in the iraq conflict, ive been 100 percent behind bush and his administration. i intended to persue a career in the intelligence field, and to work for the gov't. now, however i am finding my self unable to stomach the fact that i would be working for people whose sole purpose is political gain. the whole world is politics, and frankly, back stabbing in the name of diplomacy, or in the bush/tenet case lack there of is not my thing. now im stuck about to enter college and i dont know what i want to do any more. im extremely interested in cars, have a knack for working on them (changed my friends mr2 head with him in less then a day, his clutch the next...just an example) and i could see myself working with or on cars for the rest of my life...but i dont know if i would be able to look back and say id made a difference...but then again if u have to compromise urself to make a difference does it matter? sorry...ive had like 4 hours of sleep in the last 3 days...if anyone can give some advice or whatever, thanx

kc5zom July-27th-2003 10:42 PM

Let me just put it this way. It's nice to do what you like, but you aren't going to conquer the world with a 2 year technical degree. If you have the chance to go to school for four years, take it. You will be mentally and financially more rewarded.

If you really want to make a positive difference then teach. You will hurt in the wallet some, depending on where you live. But it is the most spiritually rewarding job I can think of. Most people who are in other positions to "make a difference" are usually driven more by personal greed/gain and could give damn about anyone else unless it benefits them.

duncanslx July-27th-2003 11:02 PM

Just remember that what you do is not nessacerily who you are.............

Sir Nuke July-28th-2003 03:00 AM

first off I think it would be difficult to be in INTELLIGENCE and the GOVERNMENT at the same time...they are opposites!! lol

seriously.....the best job you can have is doing something that you love.....unfortunately for a lot of people....the things we love the most don't pay that well and we can not make a true living at that. so they do what they can to make a living and then pursue what they love as a hobby. I do think however that you need to pursue a carrer in some area that makes you feel good about what you do.....and challanges you in the process so that you don't get bored.

demoninvictus July-28th-2003 03:01 AM

i recently was looking into this field, and after talking to a lot of well respected mechanics, i have chosen eitherwise... go and talk with some local mechanics... some aged... some young and see what everyone says. it's the best type of first hand experience you could ever here man... i'd recommend that and it's highly dependant upon who you are as a person!

dewey July-28th-2003 07:15 AM

Re: lack of direction

Originally posted by iwokeupfrmadrea
i am finding my self unable to stomach the fact that i would be working for people whose sole purpose is political gain.
There are jobs in the intelligence field outside of government. Check out They provide intelligence-type reports to the business world. Also, many journalistic organizations make use of intelligence experts. Of course, probably all of these places expect some experience in government, so you'll probably have to do at least some time in Washington.

But no matter what field you go into, you'll probably be working for somebody else's gain (political or otherwise) unless you are really lucky and find a cool company to work for or else go into business for yourself.

Liquid_Ag July-29th-2003 05:21 PM

demon, im not looking to be a simple mechanic, rather i aspire to own a tuner shop of my own...wilmington is an untapped resource(bunch of rich daddies boys) id get paid $$ to make cars go fast ;)

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