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hydrogaze July-18th-2003 01:31 PM

Alrighty, here we go

Last month my roommate Jules wanted to throw a party because the house he grew up in was being sold, and it was totally vacant.
During the party one of my friends Daniel took the tap off the keg, while he was doing this, my friend Chris came up to him. "Tell Brian (me), I'm gonna give the tap to him, the keg is done" says Daniel. So.. Chris comes up to me about 10 mins later and asked if Daniel gave me the tap? I have no clue what he was talkin about. Turns out that Daniel took off with the tap. so after the word got around to Jules he was goin nuts, lookin for daniel. Two nights later I talked to daniel and he told me that he did take it, but of course had no real reason for it. So I got the tap back.
::couples weeks later, my bday was on the 25th so I threw a party on the 27th::

Having a good time at the party, then Daniel shows up with his little dumbass friend Matt who is in this Suicidal Gang. "Look, I'm coming here chill, I hear that there is beef with me, and if something is gonna go down, things WILL get dirty, Trust me" I was half drunk so I was like whatever, get the fuck out of my face and walked away.
So during the party I'm talkin to my friend Chris and daniel joins the convo. Chris asks daniel " are we chill? about the whole tap thing?" Daniel said over and over "It's all good, dont worry....stop trippin...dont woorry, we're chill"...So me and chris were like OK, its all settled then.... Later, around 3 or so, I'm checkin up on the house to see if its been trashed or not, and chris comes runnin to me sayin "you gotta hide me , daniel and those fools are lookin for me..." so I let him settle in my sisters room and go outside lookin for daniel. As soon as he see's me he takes off with his friend matt.
What happen was Daniel was under the impression that Chris snitched on him about the tap. So daniel sucker punched chris and knocked him down. Matt came along and kicked chris in the head serveral times (matt doesnt even KNOW chris )
So...everyone is pissed at daniel...especially Matt.
Now back to the moral of this post

I was just informed this week that Matt was stabbed twice in the head for callin to black guys Nig***.. And then just today.. I found out he's goin to jail for possession of drugs with intent to sell while he's on probation. Now he's gonna be locked up for a long time :eek:
All of matt's friend feel are givin him pity...while Chris and his close homies are about to have a party for this lol
Chris: " I would love to shake that man's hand who stabbed him"

karma kicked his ass ;)

ZoomZoomH July-18th-2003 02:06 PM


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