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5SpeedP5 October-27th-2002 02:14 AM

Its winter again... Problems of a Teen!
ACK...Its winter again, and its started. Around this time ever year, I start to have tons of stress and problems in my life. This week began the long season of winter problems for me. :(

The week started really last friday (not on the calender) but with what all happened.

Friday, me and my, then awesome, girlfriend were cruisin around, having a great night.... she ended up telling me she loved me for the first time (we had been dating for just under 3 months). So obviously, I was very happy! Well, we went to a friends party later on that night, hung out for a while, ended up watching a few movies alone in the other room.... and you know how that goes. But anyways, around midnight a friend comes in and decides, "Hey, lets go cruise around for a bit"... and I never have problems with that. so we had to take two cars, as we had a group of 3 girls (one of which was my friends girlfriend)... and since I was driving my P5, I ended up Taking them with me. So, him and my girlfriend Cassie ended up going alone in his car :( ... Which kind of up set me. Anywho, we start heading towards where we were going to cruise, and all of the sudden we lost them some how.
For about 30 min, they were no where to be found, and my friend (jonathan) left his cell at our friends house where he was staying that night, and I had Cassie's phone and purse in my car... so they were un-reachable. ACK, we ended up crusing around, talking a little, and stuff for a while... eventually we find them, or they found us... whatever. Well we just started heading back to our friends house, and they were still behind us most of the way, but eventually they meet up with us at a light, right beside us. So, i roll down the window and start to say "where did you guys go...?" well all of the sudden, he blerts out.... "fuck im loosing" they are both pretty close to naked, and he has a hicky that he didnt have before. Now, his explanation later on was he hit something... or some bullshit. That and he said they were playing piddle (where the person who doesnt yell it when a head light is out, has to take off a piece of clothing).
So needless to say i was angry, and so was his girlfriend Jaime. and before i could start swearing or something, I burnt a quick right turn and a quick left into the neighbor hoods. Basically I just lost his ass in the neighborhoods... (not that that has much to do with this, other than, damn I always forget how well this protege handles).
About 20 min. later they called from some gas station asking us to meet them at a park near by, so for some reason i get there, wait, wait, they dont show.... so i start to pull away, and see headlights turn on in another parking lot far away... and start to follow me... instantly i yell WTF. I pull out of the park, and see a green sundance in my mirror "FUCK, that was them following me" and for some reason the windows were fogged up (later found out, they were making out, what the fuck). I pull into a grocery store that my friends dad owns (diffrent friend)... and end up getting out before they park, and go in to pee... but anyways, i end up punching a hole in two walls in the bathroom i was so pissed, and then i go back out, and they are gone... AGAIN. I hear from Jaime, Jonathans girlfriend, that she went to look for me, and came out crying saying "Im sick of this, take me home" to Jonathan, as if she found me and i yelled at her. So obviously we thought something was up.

Well the night was a bad night, the next day Jaime broke up with Jonathan. He acted like he did nothing, and lied to her face. Then tryed to be nice with me as if nothing was happening.
Then, I dont hear from Cassie til Sunday, when she calls to try to get her purse. When we usually would talk every night between 2-4 hours... and she became the biggest bitch to me out of no where... hmm wtf

Well I just let it slide for a while as many other problems started to bubble up...

Saturday night I ended up hanging out with Jaime all night, as we were both in very much the same situation, she had just lost a 6 month long relationship, and was very depressed.

Well earlier that day Jonathan was at a friends house with all of us, and decided to go home to take a shower and said he'd be back in 20 min. Well he never showed back up (not that any of us wanted him to). Well, by then we had many suspicions about him and my girlfriend, so knowing him as well as I did, I made a bet of 20 bucks with a friend who didnt believe me, that he would be at Cassie's house around 8pm, while she was babysitting, and "isnt aloud to have any friends over" (as she told me).

Well, about 7:50, Jaime and I Roll out (lol)... Headed toward her house, in her car to stay unsuspicious. Anyways we take a odd way to her house, and pull up a little ways away, and stop. We could see her house and such. And at a little after 8, here pulls up a Sundance, pos, and out gets Jonathan. Heres the kicker though: He walks to the door, she opens it, first thing that happens to my surprise: She hugs him, and they start to kiss. I just about got out and went up to punch his ass. But Jaime, like a friend, wouldnt let me out to do it. So I whip out my cell, and call up Jonathan's Cell, He picks up and says "sup dog" like he does always as an idiot... but anyways, in the backround i hear him say its andrew to cassie, and she says "oh shit"... My word to him "we have to talk later, call me when you start heading back". Then i hang up... A little later i do the same to cassie, with the same reaction

Anyways, I got 20 bucks out of it, but I lost more than ever thought.

Then Jaime broke down crying back at my house.... ending up telling me more than I ever thought one person could, problem wise. This girl probably fits the text book image of a anorexic, and child from a divorced home better than 99% of kids out there with those problems. So, on top of all my other problems so far, I end up having her to worry about... in good reason though.

So sunday goes fast, and monday comes. Monday starts out ok, I thought all would be decent... i end up finding out that im not doing as well as i thought in pretty much all but one of my classes. So, im thinking ok, more work to take on, whatever. I go to work after school and kick back, and work my ass off, get home dead tired, and have parents yelling at me for a truancy call from school. Aparently they called and said I missed two classes at school, again. So I end up staying up 2 extra hours trying to talk some since into them... ack :eek:

Tuesday... oh comeon, this has to be a good day. Woops... any time i say good it goes bad. Well, I start off by sending my SE-R to the shop to get a tune up, a new battery (hey its free with my tune up, so whatever) since mine was 10 years old. And get my new snow tires mounted. Well later on that day it starts snowing, wtf. Anyways, drove the mp3 to school for the first time... hehe got many people jealous... but anyways, I end up getting a parking ticket, and have to pay 50 bucks for some damn reason.... agh, oh yeah and anothe truancy call.

Well wensday. about 4am I get a call from Jaimes mom, at the hospital, telling me she overdosed on perscription diet pills, and that she asked her to have me come immediately. I end up finding out that she has more than just overdosed, she is very underweight, and mal-nuroushed, because she hadnt eaten for almost two weeks. Crap, she almost died on me. Well, i leave there at about 6:30 or so to go home and get ready for school, and end up coming home halfway through because i felt so damn depressed my self. Well Wensday was my 3 month anniversary with Cassie, my girlfriend who i hadnt talked to since sunday (for 5 min). Who i thought loved me. Well I ended up hearing from another friend that I was an asshole to her or something, and she thought yadda yadda yadda about me.... well I didnt know what i did, or why. But I end up calling her, she yells at me very bitchy. And tells me, she isnt happy with our relationship, I told her it was over, and she says, well its for the best, im just doing this because jonathan, my best friend thinks its what i should do. WTF, this is the girl who said she loved me one week earlier. Well talk about a way to make someone depressed.

Anyways, I drop her purse off the next day, and get smacked for some reason and a door slammed on my face. And i didnt even get the copys of keys to my p5 and se-r back from her like she said she would give me. So later that day while i was at work i sent her a text message,saying i needed them back... two minuets later, while i am working, she decides to call and bitch at me for not calling and saying. For the 3rd time during this week she ends up yelling at me on the phone during work. Well of course, i call her back and told her to quit that, and not to ever talk to me again (the hardest thing ive ever had to do!).

So Cassie and I were over... ack

Well School became a issue that night, my parents got word of my grades, and were very mad. Ended up getting alot of crap for it to, then they got word of me being absent for school 32 out of 100 or whatever school days this year.... WTF, i dont skip school or anything, and im counted absent that many days.... umm problem

5SpeedP5 October-27th-2002 02:16 AM

Well anyways, as the week goes on I deal with that shit on and on, and am still dealing with my friend Jonathan who is now dating Cassie, as he convinced her i was an asshole, oh and now she has convinced two of my best friends the same.... ack

And now, im also grounded for my week off from school, because of grades, yay.... life is good.

But on the good side of things, i got some sweet new speakers in my SE-R and have had fun installing them with all my free time being grounded.

And now, with all my stress, my life has started the same shitty pattern of last year. I started smoking again this weekend, thats what happens when stress builds up, and I find a pack of cigarettes in my drawer from a while back..... baddddddd
And on top of it, i have 1000 dollars worth of crap to pay for next week, and i dont get paid for another week... ack

Oh well, another day comes another day goes, I can vent online for an hour of typing, and go to bed forgetting about everything :D

oh, if you read this all, boredom is the only word i have for you!;)

Sir Nuke October-27th-2002 03:23 AM

Andrew, I have one piece of advice....ditch Jonathan, he is NOT your friend.....not even close....

REAL friends....don't do that crap, and in this do NOT need anyone in your life that will treat you like that....and I am sorry for saying so....but that goes for your EX-girlfriend too. IF she had liked him....she should have just broken up with you....plain and simple....not done what she did.

YOU are better than that.....leave them behind and move on. Concentrate on your school work and your job.....and just let things happen.

redrims October-27th-2002 03:50 AM

Man, 5SpeedP5, thats a terrible week. I had the same thing basically happen with this so called girlfriend of mine except I didn't really know the other boy. The thing is after that she tried to be my best friend and act like we weren't that serious. Matter of fact she called to tell me Happy Birthday a couple of days ago. In my head I'm thinking "Is she on crack. Is she that dense". I mean, when she talks to me I basically blow her off. I think she still talks to me because her parents fell in love w/ me and they don't really know the story between us and also because I'm VERY sarcastic. Sometimes you can't tell whether I'm joking or being mean. Her father calls me his son and before I went to college told me he loves me like a son :eek:. Anyways I try to give her hints that I don't care for her at all, but I think she takes it for sarcasm. I can't blow her off totally because her parents are now close to me and I'll look like the bad guy. On my birthday, her father also told me he wants me as a son-in law:eek: :mad:, and right now I really, really, really, don't like her (I try not to hate ppl, but she's the closest to hate). Its a lot more to this but I don't want to bore y'all. My main problem is, How do I blow her off w/out offending her parents? I mean her parents even came to my graduation:(

redrims October-27th-2002 03:57 AM

Oh, one more thing. If I were you, I would knock the shit out of Jonathon.

I think you should change the Alarms on your car because after telling us that story I don't trust your girl. She might try to take one of your cars for a joyride. Thats one thing I think you should do right away.

I know how you feel. All I can say is don't let it over come you. Everything happens for a reason. Like my older sister says, "No use crying over spoiled milk", which means its over and you should put it behind you. Act like it never happened. I know it will be hard, it took me like 4-5months before I FULLY put it behind me. Because of that experience, I now know how to handle that type of situation. I now know how to control my emotions and feelings to where it won't get out of hand.

protetype October-27th-2002 06:36 AM

seems like everyone is having these problems lately. i just went through this last week too. my girl had been telling me she loves me, which made me happy. then, she said she didn't want a serious relationship with me. we broke up, she starts dating another guy immediately. i went to bennigans (sp, it's a restaraunt) with a friend to get some food on friday night, and she shows up a little after we do and sits down with this group of guys that showed up a few minutes before she did. well, a huge fight almost breaks out in the damn place because my boys came down to meet me, and these guys started talking shit because she told them who i was. so, i give her a call a few hours later to see what the fuck is going on, and she's in a movie with this new guy. she calls me back around 2am, i'm in bed. she tells me to meet her somewhere so i can bitch her out in person. so i get dressed and walk up to the grocery store behind my house. she asks me why i ever cared for her to begin with, then tells me the worst thing that couldve ever happened was us getting together. i got out of her truck and left. tagged a pole on my way home, and my right hand is pretty jacked up. we're all having shitty weeks it seems. but, it'll get better guys! stay up.

UCSBgeek October-27th-2002 07:06 AM

man that sucks... a lot of hurt for high-school...

I hope your friend Jaime is okay...

if it makes you feel any better... I've been kinda depressed lately... in fact i'm almost always depressed... aka clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder :(

but I dunno...coping lately sucks... I actually withdrew from college (temporarily) as I realize I'll just end up getting shitty grades and hurting my academic record.

it sucks how a friend can care the world about you and then suddenly not really give a shit... :(

biggyshake October-27th-2002 08:41 AM

here's waht you do:

1) Stay good friends with Jaime, do what you can to help her get better.
2) Get your keys back
3) ...
4) Profit!!

BL_Protege October-27th-2002 08:47 AM

damn . . that's crazy. 1st off i'd have 2 say once i'd see my "friend" gettin down wit my gyrl like that, i'd immediately jus get outta my car n bust open his n kick the shit outta him. since u didnt yet. . . lol i suggest u do. he's def. not a friend if he did that. and ur so called "gyrl" if f 'ed up in tha head sayin it was ur fault n all that shit she said bout u. i say u drop both of them. leave jonathan's forehead with the mazda emblem. . . . . lol j/p haha hope things turn out better in the future for ya. . later

hihoslva October-27th-2002 09:47 AM

Sorry man - your ex is a biotch, and that "friend" deserves a smack down.

Anyway - leave 'em dude - you're better off.

And - since your problems always seem to come around and revolve around the winter season (your words) - even think about moving out of NEBRASKA? ;) Hey man, if winter is the unlucky time, may as well hit the sunbelt. J/K

Don't fret, man - this is what being young is all about. I had a girl in high school who I loved with all my heart. She cheated on me with a friend of mine - he got punched, and she got dumped. Wanna know what happened to her? I fucking married her last month - over 10 years after all that bullshit. Shit happens when you're a teen - things work themselves out, as long as you stay strong and keep your sanity. Too many people cry "oh, poor me" and drown themselves in booze and drugs, mostly just so someone will pay attention to them. Don't do that shit - and don't worry about the smokes right now either, if you want to quit, you will eventually. Keep a level head, and take care of number one - always! This, too shall pass.

Take care.


MarkSpark October-27th-2002 10:00 AM

You dont want a girl like that anyway.

Just a thought. I find it odd that she said she "loves you" on the same day she hooks up with another guy. Think back to that day or previous week where you might have pissed her off because it seems like she planned this out. Or maybe your "friend" said that you were hooking up with someone else. Either way, these girls are young and dumb. You dont want them.

JRizzle October-27th-2002 11:46 AM

if i were you 5speedp5 i would definatly do what i could to make jaime feel better...just get over cassie, and send this jon kid a message, wether it be beating his ass sensless or trashing his car...whatever, its like tupac said, "revenge is the sweetest thing next to gettin pussy"

hihoslva October-27th-2002 12:11 PM

Originally posted by JRizzle
if i were you 5speedp5 i would definatly do what i could to make jaime feel better...just get over cassie, and send this jon kid a message, wether it be beating his ass sensless or trashing his car...whatever, its like tupac said, "revenge is the sweetest thing next to gettin pussy"
Well, a beat down is in order. Trashing someone's car or other property is a kinda pussy move, IMO. If you're gonna confront him, you gotta do it face to face. Generally, a beat down is done and over, while car-trashing can go on forever. And with your nice collection of rides, Maxx, I dunno if I'd get caught up in that shit.

And as far as Tupac's quote about revenge being sweet and all - well, we all know what happened to HIM.......


HS8 October-27th-2002 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke
Andrew, I have one piece of advice....ditch Jonathan, he is NOT your friend.....not even close....

REAL friends....don't do that crap, and in this do NOT need anyone in your life that will treat you like that....and I am sorry for saying so....but that goes for your EX-girlfriend too. IF she had liked him....she should have just broken up with you....plain and simple....not done what she did.

YOU are better than that.....leave them behind and move on. Concentrate on your school work and your job.....and just let things happen.

I agree 100% with SirNuke, that friend of your is shit, and like all shit we flush them down the toliet. Though i was surprise you taking it better than i would have, if i were in your place, with my short temper and all, someone would be serious beaten. Atleast you found out the "dark side" of your friend and your girl. Just to show us all inorder to know someone you must know both sides of the person.

Atleast you are a good friend to jamie, how is she? Keep us inform on her condition, i hope she gets better. BTW, i don't want to sound stupid or anything, but i think Jamie and urself could use each other company, not is a relationship matter, but friends, times like these require someone to talk to, in your case the both of you. Im not a preacher or something, tho ive been told to be one when others are in need, but only time can heal.

JAC October-27th-2002 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke
Andrew, I have one piece of advice....ditch Jonathan, he is NOT your friend.....not even close....

REAL friends....don't do that crap, and in this do NOT need anyone in your life that will treat you like that....and I am sorry for saying so....but that goes for your EX-girlfriend too. IF she had liked him....she should have just broken up with you....plain and simple....not done what she did.

YOU are better than that.....leave them behind and move on. Concentrate on your school work and your job.....and just let things happen.

I couldn't agree more.

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