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91ProtegeDX March-19th-2005 05:10 PM

inches from a head on colision today...stupid drivers
Not that anyone cares....but im bored and waiting for someone to call me so. Theres a really bad intersection near my house that theres an accident on almost every day and its rather complicated to explain but....after i made my way through this horrible intersection and was making my way down the road.....i was cruising at about 25-30 and there was really heavy traffic that was backed up in the opposing lane from me. So suddenly....someone in the oncoming (stopped) lane decides that they wanna cut in front of everybody to drive ahead and make there left since the road they were on eventually split into 2 lanes (one for strait, one for left turn only).......but here i am just driving normally and this asshat jumps into ONCOMING TRAFFIC (via ME) and starts driving in the other all happened so quick all i had time to do was jam the wheel to the right and floor brakes and elbo the was really close and i probably would have lost it.....had i been hit by a jackass on a cell phone who decides to cut the wheel and fly out into oncoming traffic.

well that was my day how about yours.

cornercarve98 March-19th-2005 08:55 PM

Sheesh, that's messed up. For some reason I seem to attract the occasional gray late model toyota sedan on the highway. I am just crusing in my lane when HEY I WANT TO CHANGE LANES NOW happens. Thank goodness for my Mazda's quick nature as I yank the wheel over just missing that car that cut in front of me. I love California

TeamPlayers March-19th-2005 11:15 PM

That sucks I hate cell phone drivers

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