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midnightblue97 November-21st-2002 05:50 PM

I'm appalled
I just saw on the news today that someone in Richmond Hill Ontario dumped gas on a kitten and set it on fire. Who the fuck could do this and what the fuck were they thinking?? I like to think that I've got a pretty strong stomach, but this just makes me fuckin SICK. I actually feel sick because of this.
Yes I know exactly what is in my signature.

semtex November-21st-2002 08:10 PM

yea i agree with you 100%, that is a sick thing to do and i hope this person sees whats comind his way

JAC November-21st-2002 08:43 PM

Even though I hate cats, that is just wrong. Someone did it to a Golden retriever like 4 months ago, I was so fucking pissed that I would have set the bastard on fire if I was given the chance.

igator210 November-21st-2002 09:57 PM

Not for the week of heart:

Human Society of North Texas

Really sad story about Daisy. But it has a happy ending. The pictures can be intense.

Another Article

Star Telegram

Rider69 November-21st-2002 11:15 PM

Re: I'm appalled

Originally posted by midnightblue97
I just saw on the news today that someone in Richmond Hill Ontario dumped gas on a kitten and set it on fire.
Damn, why didn't they use something cheaper than gas, hell it is $1.40/gal USD here. Maybe use lighter fluid or something!:D

***DISCLAIMER*** I am only kidding. Even though I would never own a cat, anyone who harms these animals (cats, dogs, birds, whatever) should be put through the same torture!

funkdaddysmack November-22nd-2002 07:06 AM

I hate people :mad:

UCSBgeek November-22nd-2002 08:13 AM

There was a case where I lived a few years ago about a guy who shot a barn owl with a slingshot because it's hooting was disrupting him from watching his football game :rolleyes: The pellet(s) destroyed one eye and ear drum.

edit: here's a little snippet about the bird's current status

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