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VagaBond-X February-27th-2003 04:16 PM

I love drifting the pro
You gotta admit (the people who do it)

Don't you just love frifting in the snow.... and even on surfaces without snow

I love going into corners and doing a handbrake drift in the snow... and coming out of the turn with such speed....

thas the best part of winter.... also going into a parking lot and doing doughnuts and shit is cool too.

its funny i see my friend trying to drift and well he can't smoothly come out of the turn, and he's fishtailing and shit. hehe den he watches me in the pro... and i come straight outta the curve smoothly.. no fishtail and everything... I love our pros.... :D

hmmm i wonder how my brakes like me doing handbrake drifts lol.... they probably don't like it much lol!!! :D

oh well i just wanted to say I LOVE DRIFTING in the snow...

webmaster February-27th-2003 10:42 PM

hehe .. i love that fact that i don't have to use the handbrake when drifting ... ;)

KpaBap February-28th-2003 01:37 AM

Drifting in the Pro?

Is that like doing auto-x in a cadillac?

eeterp February-28th-2003 12:02 PM


Man, I can't drift at all. All I can do is understeer, understeer, understeer. I had some fun on 2 days ago sliding around in a parking lot.

Someone needs to post a vid of fwd drifting in a protege. I've got some old vids 323 awd drifts.

VagaBond-X February-28th-2003 12:40 PM

well i dunno if you wanna call it a drift drift....

i use the handbrake....

hmm if i had a video camera i would have shown you guys.... hmmm if i can get one b4 the snow melts i'll record some of my handbrake drifting.... :D

I probably don't do it right tho... :D ... but i styll like to think i'm drifting properly :D

hmm anyone near Brampton, Ontario have a video camera ;)

Jurrell February-28th-2003 09:52 PM

I don't think you can drift in a FWD car, I think the correct term is called "Sliding out of control"

now thats a drift

pr5owner February-28th-2003 10:46 PM

you can drift in a FWD, just not properly :)

Hong Kong Fever February-28th-2003 10:53 PM

Actually I think its called a "Power Slide"

hihoslva February-28th-2003 11:56 PM

Two winters ago, I learned how to drift my Miata quite well in the snow. I spent several hours in a local LARGE parking lot after a good snow. This particular lot is not fully plowed - they just plow maybe 20 feet wide around the perimeter and leave the center as-is. Sorry guys, but to me that looks like a RACE TRACK!!!!!

I actually got to the point where I was kicking the tail out at about 35 mph - I would hit the straight, accelerate, and with that little car, all you need to do is a quick "blip" on the gas with the wheel turned and the ass would slide very controllably - so little drama! Then it's just a matter of modulating the gas all the way around the turn to keep the tail out there and maintaining control and speed.

I was actually going the full 180 degrees of "turns one and two" (think NASCAR oval) with the tail out, and snapping it back perfect for the straightaways.

FWD is fun with the handbrake, especially with a manual trans. But RWD is much more fun and challenging to me - and you get to keep both hands on the steering wheel ;)

Hehe - we hit the same lot two weeks ago when it snowed like hell here. Of course, this time was in the wifes Jeep, and we didn't stick to the "track" - we were plowing through 20" of snow in the un-plowed center of the lot :bt:

Oh and powerslides are more for AWD cars. FWD, in a nutshell - sucks.


VagaBond-X March-1st-2003 10:09 AM

ye FWD does SUCK!!!!....

but i gotta make do with what i got.....

I just want my Turbo II, and then i'll be doing some proper RWD drifting..... which is what i really wanna do.... RWD rocks IMHO.... but seeing that i only have FWD.... I have to handbrake drift.

Imagine pushing a 450hp+ FD through a corner :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
But i styll can't wait for my FC...hopefully i can buy one this summer.... or end of summer... or something like that....

Jurrel: I ain't outta control :D , but that is an awesome drift pic...

Jurrell March-1st-2003 12:39 PM

If you think that pics awsome, you should check out the video......that guy is the master at drifting.

Funky Buddha March-1st-2003 02:12 PM

Here are some drifting vids

ProtegePrincess March-1st-2003 02:46 PM


millionflame March-1st-2003 05:57 PM

Man, I really need to learn how to drift. I just don't want to go out there and screw my car up for a while and have to spend money fixing it when I could make it look better or handle better.

Are there any places I can go that explain how to drift, give tips, stuf like that???


Stueck April-20th-2005 08:57 AM


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