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chiefmg November-4th-2005 04:22 PM

I have to share
My girlfriend sent me this today, and I have to share it with my Protege brethren and sistren, because I know you will appreciate it. It's a little long, but I got a nice little tingle of satisfaction when I read it.

"Had to go downtown to K's, which is a nightmare because the garage we usually park in is under construction, the other garage is full due to that one being closed.

So, after driving around, I parked in this one place. You pull in and the guy parks your car for you. Oh, I failed to mention, this is all in your car. So, I'm like "Oh s***", but there was no where else to park. So, I hand this guy your keys. He's older. Than us, anyways. I'm like, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze take care of this car. This is my boyfriend's, and he is VERY PICKY about it!!!! He's like, "Oh, it's the people that park their own cars that mess them up, etc...". So, he probably thought I was just being a b****, but I was just like, ok, but don't let anything happen to it.

When I get back, he's like "Oh, I love that little car! That's a hot little car! He really keeps it clean! You can tell he really takes care of it! It's so nice,blah blah blah..." He showed me his car ( a Mercedes), and tells me people can't believe he's had his car for over 20 years, because he takes such good care of it. I'm like, yeah, you don't know the half of it! I told him this was "one" of your babies. He loves the color, too. He said next to a house, a car is the most important investment you can make, and one you should take care of. Should I give him your name and number so you two can drool over your cars together? ----)

Then, I leave, go around the corner, and at a light, I see K and L walking, so I yell hi, and K's like " I love that little car!" And some guy walking down the street with this woman yells, " So do I!"

This is what I call "priceless."

kargoboy November-4th-2005 05:05 PM

Yeah, I know, the feeling is great...I love my car for what it is, and try and make it unique...but it's all for me, no one else, I couldn't care less if someone hated it.
BUT, when someone yells, "Nice ride", or something as you cruise past, it's a great feeling and validates everything you've worked for to that point.

Jackelope November-4th-2005 05:17 PM

Someone was asking me about my car yesterday while i was pumping gas :) - wanted to know what mods i had done to it. Said it was the 1st "speed" he'd seen around here besides his buddys - then went on to tell me that all his buddy had was a boost controller and that he ran 15 flat @ the track... :) - only thing i thought was funny was that he said he wasnt sure what boost his buddy was running, but he thought it was 3... i said.. umm. stock boost is more than that... maybe he meant 3 more? dunno...

kargoboy November-5th-2005 10:28 AM

Hehe, maybe he was talking metric.

chiefmg November-5th-2005 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by kargoboy
Yeah, I know, the feeling is great...I love my car for what it is, and try and make it unique...but it's all for me, no one else, I couldn't care less if someone hated it.
BUT, when someone yells, "Nice ride", or something as you cruise past, it's a great feeling and validates everything you've worked for to that point.

Exactly. I just wish I had been there to experience it.

Originally Posted by jackelope
Someone was asking me about my car yesterday while i was pumping gas - wanted to know what mods i had done to it. Said it was the 1st "speed" he'd seen around here besides his buddys - then went on to tell me that all his buddy had was a boost controller and that he ran 15 flat @ the track... - only thing i thought was funny was that he said he wasnt sure what boost his buddy was running, but he thought it was 3... i said.. umm. stock boost is more than that... maybe he meant 3 more? dunno....

I can't believe the lack of knowledge among the younger generation. One of my gf's sons has friends over all the time, we're talking HS grads and seniors. Some of the questions they ask me are amazing. I just tell them what I know. I was floored one day when one guy asked me how high I revved the engine, 4-5,000 rpm. I said no, I used redline if I was moving. Guess he thought the redline was a place you should never go.

JDM-P5 November-5th-2005 11:04 AM

No just teach her to do sexually charged things when she's pumping your gas.
That's when you know you've made it bro!

Ok..seriously, you got yourself a great girl there.

*watch the langauge....again*

chiefmg November-5th-2005 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by JDM-P5
No just teach her to do sexually charged things when she's pumping your gas.
That's when you know you've made it bro!

Ok..seriously, you got yourself a great girl there.

*watch the langauge....again*

I agree, but dude, you don't know the half of it. Someday when I have the time I will tell you about how much she is doing for me (starts with taking care of my kids while I am gone, I have custody since the ex died in May). She amazes me every day.

JDM-P5 November-6th-2005 01:13 AM

That's very nice of her! Definitely stepping up and taking care of the kids is a huge deal. Sounds like a keeper!

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