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Sweedenhouse April-6th-2002 03:12 AM

I feel so sorry for kids nowadays......
You know? Of course not, so I'm gonna tell you. Its because they have shit for cartoons. I mean I'm 25 now, and when I was kid aI had shit like G.I. Joe, Transformers, He-Man, fuck even those ghetto Go-Bots. But what d kids have to look to toady? Fuckin some fudgepacker who keeps monsters in his pcoket or sumthin? Some Pikachu fucker? Or better yet are like that sponge fucker or any of those other stupid cartoons, that don't provoke any thought? At least the toons I watched had a little bit of some kinda concept of reality, if not in sicence, social, or some other real issue, protrayed in a parallelistic point of view to inspire thought. FUCK POKEMON!!!

Deceptipro April-6th-2002 03:20 AM

Re: I feel so sorry for kids nowadays......

Originally posted by Sweedenhouse
You know? Of course not, so I'm gonna tell you. Its because they have shit for cartoons. I mean I'm 25 now, and when I was kid aI had shit like G.I. Joe, Transformers, He-Man, fuck even those ghetto Go-Bots. But what d kids have to look to toady? Fuckin some fudgepacker who keeps monsters in his pcoket or sumthin? Some Pikachu fucker? Or better yet are like that sponge fucker or any of those other stupid cartoons, that don't provoke any thought? At least the toons I watched had a little bit of some kinda concept of reality, if not in sicence, social, or some other real issue, protrayed in a parallelistic point of view to inspire thought. FUCK POKEMON!!! sounds like you've been holding that in for a while.

Sweedenhouse April-6th-2002 03:28 AM

sniff....snifff.... yes...yes I have. I feel better now though.....

mnkyboy April-6th-2002 04:07 AM

Alot of old cartoons are "politcally incorrect" nowadays. Take Speedy Gonzalez for instance, Cartoon Network will not run those cartoons because the so called "experts" say its degrading to Mexican/Latin people. This is BULLSHIT. There is some kind of Latin/Mexican Organization that put a petition together to get that cartoon back on the air.

This is just one example, there are many other cartoons that we might have loved when we were kids, but the a-hole liberals dont want our kids to watch. Its a shame....

onehawaiian April-6th-2002 04:16 AM

hey sweeden, thanx for the info. now we know. and knowing is half the battle! lol

yeah i know what ur saying. kids got lame@ss cartoons these days. i mean, the still fight and all, but they have faggoty@ss characters. pikachu? a damn rat. crap, the only cartoons worth watching aren't even for kids (simpsons, family guy, futurama, south park) well, those aren't the saturday morning regulars anyway...

bring back he-man where a guy can fall 100ft from a cliff, or flying thingy, roll and have the presence of mind to pull out his sword so he can fight.

damn society is making girls out of our kids...

BUT i like the new reggae pokemon: ghanja-mon! lol

mnkyboy April-6th-2002 04:18 AM

Heres a repost of my transfomers link...

Yo Sweedenhouse, you might like this link...


Sweedenhouse April-6th-2002 04:28 AM

Wow, you are guys are cool. Thanks for understanding me. And lol yeah onehawaiian, "knowing is the half the battle". Its aweseom I bought G.I. The Movie on DVD and it has all those public safety announcements at the end as a bonus feature. You can sleect which Joe and which scenario you want him to help with you. ANd He-Man falling off the 100ft cliff. Damn thos bring back memories. I was always pulling for Skeletor though. Beastman was a tard though. I think Skellie coulda pulled off conqueoring the universe if it weren't for Beastman a couple a times.

oh yeah those links were fresh too, thanks.

onehawaiian April-6th-2002 04:45 AM

the bad guys always have a goon. skeletor would have ponded he-man, but that clumsy oaf beastman was like, secretly helping he-man or something...i dunno.

i know most ppl would say, wtf??? but i liked the smurfs. 99 guys and one girl. heh/heh, kinky... :p

but we did have our version of pokemon back in the day. damn care bears and their bear stare!!!

ah, but what about the coolness of justice league? wonder twin powers activate! form of, a f#ckin thick@ss glacier in a little bucket! form of, a seagull! LOL

kids cartoons today just suck. they SUK!

mnkyboy April-6th-2002 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
Hahaha, well i'm 5 years younger so all i remember is M.A.S.K. and teenage mutant ninja turtles :p!!

I loved MASK! I use to have some of the toys. As for TMNT, I watched the show, but I was to old for the toys by the time the cartoon came out :P

protetype April-6th-2002 10:18 AM

MASK was the shit. I think I still have all that MASK shit somewhere in boxes in storage. I'm gonna have to go bust out the boxes, and find me a MASK mascot for my ride. :D

mp4life April-6th-2002 01:45 PM

I swear to god that these new children's cartoons are ruining the world. All the kids these days are little punks who dont care about anything. We were that bad, were we?

And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were definately the shit, along w/ Ghost Busters (yeah, im that young)

Sweedenhouse April-6th-2002 02:00 PM

Yeah for shezzy, TMNT was cool, I only caught M.A.S.K a few times but it was pretty cool what I saw of it. I even liked some the Disney cartoons ya know like Ducktales, Tailspin, Rescue Rangers. Those were cool too. TheMAN is right about anime though. Anime is very creative and thought provoking, but its aimed a different audience, I was more just talking about cartoons made for kids. And lol at Smurfs, since you mentioned it first, yeah I even wathced one, Gargamel was a dumbass.

ZoomZoomH April-6th-2002 02:05 PM

what about the Thundercats? they were awesome! :D

Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, Ho!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Nowadays, I watch animes, what have been watching lately? Initial D comes to mind :D

*** drift ***

Sweedenhouse April-6th-2002 02:10 PM

lol yeah...Thundercats was good too, I think I was also watchin Voltron about that time.

onehawaiian April-6th-2002 02:11 PM

zoomzoom- congrats on ur national title!

i was watching a cartoon with my cousins the other day, rugrats. damn, is it just me or does the animation suk? looking like little dolls and crap. and they're stoopid!

when our society crumbles, i'll be the one pointing my finger at the idiots who made cartoons in the new millenium. sorry kids, it's all f#cked up for you.

ZoomZoomH April-6th-2002 02:18 PM

Voltron rules too! I used to have a huge Voltron action figure that when all the lions/body parts combine, voila, Voltron!!!

thanks onehawaiian, I'm keeping that avatar/caption up until the end of April to celebrate our championship :)

mnkyboy April-6th-2002 03:44 PM

Did youl remember that show "Seizure Bots". Heres a link to refresh your memory...

onehawaiian April-6th-2002 06:17 PM

hmm, i think i had the toy when i was a kid...hawaii gets all the japanese stuff.

onehawaiian April-6th-2002 08:05 PM

um, dude, it was in the original post :p
ha ha, but we did mention a crapload of other cartoons, huh?

Makaveli April-6th-2002 10:33 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

when our society crumbles, i'll be the one pointing my finger at the idiots who made cartoons in the new millenium. sorry kids, it's all f#cked up for you.

Mos Definetely

I'm right behind you on that one. The last shows that I actually used to watch (even though I was 14 at the time, pssst) were SpiderMan and Captain Planet. Nothing compares though to Transformers and He-Man. Also did you guys have the Star Wars cartoons? I forgot what they were called, but we had them in Yugoslavia. We also had those little guys that used to live in trees that also came off of one of the Star Wars movies.

Smurfs were always over rated..... Bugs Bunny used to be good, but would get boring sometimes. Woody Woodpecker was good too. However, none as good as the previously mentioned ones

onehawaiian April-7th-2002 04:38 PM

i remember the ewoks cartoon (out of SW). bugs bunny in the 80's was the bomb! slapstick cartoons at it's best! that's what's missing nowadays...humor! and i don't buy this crap about kids are different so they have to roll with the times. BS. the digital babysitter will work in nearly any generation. as long as it's animated, kids will watch it. trust me, i've been working with kids for over 7yrs and as long as digital nanny is there, it's all good. damn, you could animate the home shopping channel and they'd watch it! lol :D

vkyolv April-8th-2002 09:48 AM

Originally posted by protetype
MASK was the shit. I think I still have all that MASK shit somewhere in boxes in storage. I'm gonna have to go bust out the boxes, and find me a MASK mascot for my ride. :D
Dude I miss the MASK toy car (knight rideresque) that would turn in to the speed boat, and had the gullwing doors. That was my favorite toy.
*sniff, sniff*...........AHHH better yet *snarf..snarf*

Fulminatus April-8th-2002 06:59 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

i know most ppl would say, wtf??? but i liked the smurfs. 99 guys and one girl. heh/heh, kinky... :p

kinky? nah.. this would probably be how it's like...

"Hey is it my turn to smurf yet?? how many more smurfs in front of me smurfing? 70 more? What the Smurf?!?!

2 days later...

"Smurfin'.. my turn! What? Smurfette's time of the month? Aw my smurfin' luck.. I smurfin' gotta smurfin' wait another smurfin' god damned smurfin week?!! WHY THE SMURF IS THERE ONLY 1 SMURFETTE!!!!!!"

heheahha.. sorry.. just needed to release.

mnkyboy April-8th-2002 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Fulminatus

kinky? nah.. this would probably be how it's like...

"Hey is it my turn to smurf yet?? how many more smurfs in front of me smurfing? 70 more? What the Smurf?!?!

2 days later...

"Smurfin'.. my turn! What? Smurfette's time of the month? Aw my smurfin' luck.. I smurfin' gotta smurfin' wait another smurfin' god damned smurfin week?!! WHY THE SMURF IS THERE ONLY 1 SMURFETTE!!!!!!"

heheahha.. sorry.. just needed to release.

LMAO! :laugh: :3way:

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