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redrims February-12th-2003 11:46 AM

I am so Out of Shape
Not sure if anyone cares, but it made me feel bad.

Okay, well this morning I decided to go running because I haven't trained in a while and I thought I was getting a little out of shape. I was waayyy more than a little out of shape. I started jogging and I totally ran out of breath just a little before a 1/4 mile.
I never considered myself in tip top best condition, but I use to be able to run a mile pretty good.
Now it feels like I got a long way to go just to get the way I was before.:(

redrims February-12th-2003 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Protegé Menacé
maybe we should all start a protege club workout routine or soemthing ;)
Haha...anything to motivate me more.

ZoomZoomH February-12th-2003 12:02 PM

close to 1/4 mile??? that's not even a full lap around the track!!!!

you weakling!!!! :fight:

redrims February-12th-2003 12:20 PM

Originally posted by ZoomZoomH
close to 1/4 mile??? that's not even a full lap around the track!!!!

you weakling!!!! :fight:

:squint fi :crying:

Thanks for making me feel better about it.

redrims February-12th-2003 12:22 PM

Isn't 30 laps a mile?

ZoomZoomH February-12th-2003 12:27 PM

Originally posted by redrims
Isn't 30 laps a mile?
wtf are you talking about, the indoor track at the rec center????

1 full lap at a full-size 400m track is 1/4 mile....

redrims February-12th-2003 12:47 PM

Originally posted by ZoomZoomH

wtf are you talking about, the indoor track at the rec center????

My bad, I was thinking about a basketball court.

MinnowGT February-12th-2003 01:39 PM

Re: I am so Out of Shape

Originally posted by redrims
Not sure if anyone cares, but it made me feel bad.

Okay, well this morning I decided to go running because I haven't trained in a while and I thought I was getting a little out of shape. I was waayyy more than a little out of shape. I started jogging and I totally ran out of breath just a little before a 1/4 mile.
I never considered myself in tip top best condition, but I use to be able to run a mile pretty good.
Now it feels like I got a long way to go just to get the way I was before.:(

welcome to my world. :D
now shutup and pass the donuts. mmm donuts.

its worse when you go to a friends house with kids and get
tired just watching the kids run around all day.

blupro5 February-12th-2003 01:55 PM

Re: Re: I am so Out of Shape

Originally posted by MinnowGT

welcome to my world. :D
now shutup and pass the donuts. mmm donuts.

its worse when you go to a friends house with kids and get
tired just watching the kids run around all day.

:drool: :drool: :drool: I love donuts :D :D :D

fossil boy February-12th-2003 02:43 PM

Re: I am so Out of Shape

Originally posted by redrims
I started jogging and I totally ran out of breath just a little before a 1/4 mile.
I never considered myself in tip top best condition, but I use to be able to run a mile pretty good.

OK, 1st, shouldn't this be in the Racing section?

2nd, we can't really discuss anything until you provide numbers: How many footpounds of torque did you develop and what was your Time (Don't make me raise the BS Flag!)

3rd, are you non-aspirated, and were you huffing nitrous?

4th, as you willfully admit, you are NOT a racer, so why bother? This isn't about straight-line speed, but rather, enjoying the curves...

Now that all this is settled: Good luck!

ZoomZoomH February-12th-2003 02:46 PM

Re: Re: I am so Out of Shape

Originally posted by fossil boy
3rd, are you non-aspirated, and were you huffing nitrous?

whip it! into shape!

funkdaddysmack February-12th-2003 02:52 PM

I just started my membership at the Y yesterday, I am freaking sore today. I'm in decent shape, but I am way too lazy, so I decided to join. Luckily for me they had 50% special on their swanky membership, it works out to about $30/month... Not too bad.

I ran a mile to warm up and did chest exercises last night, I can barely move my arms today. Today it my day off lifting, so if I go, I'm going to go run and then do maybe some ab stuff. I dunno, I'll probably just be lazy and say F it. :D

silverspeed March-13th-2003 11:31 AM

I am trying to get in shape too but I am not that fa. I just need to build on what I already have.

pro00 March-13th-2003 08:00 PM

I am way out of shape
I try to work out in my house
using everyday appliances(book bag filled with books)
using a pillow, and practing hitting it (pretty fun)

once the weather is better, i will begin running outside
but if i make a mile, i will make a special thread about it:D :firehair:

gcs118 March-13th-2003 08:32 PM

I run track at my school and we practice 6 days a week. I run miles every day. It isn't that difficult, and I wouldn't say I am in excellent shape either. My last timed mile was 6:27.9, but I'm a sprinter so it's allowed to be that bad :p I run the short races, 100M, 200M and 400M (which sucks A LOT). You guys have any times to share?

NegatiZE March-13th-2003 08:52 PM

I hate going to gyms because I hate being surround by other people while I work out. I think I'm paranoid or something. I'm gonna buy a Bowflex, screw the gym!!!

ZoomZoomH March-13th-2003 09:41 PM

Originally posted by gcs118
I run track at my school and we practice 6 days a week. I run miles every day. It isn't that difficult, and I wouldn't say I am in excellent shape either. My last timed mile was 6:27.9, but I'm a sprinter so it's allowed to be that bad :p I run the short races, 100M, 200M and 400M (which sucks A LOT). You guys have any times to share?
I used to run, but it's WAY back then.... i'm not even close to the shape i was in... :(

Makaveli March-14th-2003 01:12 AM

back in middle school, we had these brutal runs that our PE class would put us through.........

12 minute runs :eek:

My best was 7 laps in 12 minutes.....

So that's about 2.5 miles in 12 minutes....... so around 5:30 per mile...... however I'm not a sprinter ;)

gcs118 March-14th-2003 06:00 AM

Congrats on the 5:30, let's see some today! Time to get back in's hard but definitely worth it.

hihoslva March-14th-2003 08:18 AM

Hmmm...lessee here;

Smoker for almost 15 years, and I don't work out at all, other than lots of lifting and stuff for work.

Basically, I can't run far at all. And even though my calorie intake is not very high, I only eat two meals a day usually, so my metabolism is all slow and shit and I could stand to lose maybe 15 lbs.

But underneath the fat layer is definitely some potential - in essence, my job is a muscle-building workout every day, and even though I've gotten fatter over the past 6 or 7 years, I've gotten a lot stronger, too.

Hmm....quit smoking, start a workout routine - maybe get on the rollerblades or the bicycle again, lose a few pounds...........

I gotta think about it. In the meantime, I have to push the cat out of my seat on the sofa and find my damn lighter ;).


funkdaddysmack March-14th-2003 10:41 AM

Well, as of Tuesday I've been going to the Y for a month. I usually go about 3-5 times a week, varying what exercises I do (mostly just chest and arm exercises though). I've also been playing raquetball occasionally (which is mad fun).

Anyway, I've actually GAINED 6-7lbs. I really hope it's muscle, because that would just piss me off! hehehe... I don't seem to be any more pudgy, so I'll just assume it's muscle :)

Pro_fan March-14th-2003 12:18 PM

Yeah, don't worry Funk. That's typical as muscle weighs more than fat and as you start to lose some fat, you'll notice the difference.

But puuhhleeezzeee, do some legs! This isn't directed at you Funk, as I have no idea of what your routine consists's just a peeve of mine. All too often I see people just doing upper body and neglecting the legs...nothing looks worse than a big guy riding a chicken! :eek:

DigginYellowP5 March-14th-2003 01:19 PM

When I was in high school I played soccer and baseball. Soccer is what got me into the best shape I ever was in. I ran the mile for gym class my senior year in 5:19.

I have been out of high school for 5 years now and noticed I wasnt in great shape like I used to be. So I started running again and ran the mile and got a 5:29 which isnt so bad 5 years later. Oh yeah I am getting back into shape cause I am now the coach of a high School girls soccer team and dont wanna look like a fool when I start running with them this coming summer camp.


funkdaddysmack March-14th-2003 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Pro_fan
Yeah, don't worry Funk. That's typical as muscle weighs more than fat and as you start to lose some fat, you'll notice the difference.

But puuhhleeezzeee, do some legs! This isn't directed at you Funk, as I have no idea of what your routine consiste's just a peeve of mine. All too often I see people just doing upper body and neglecting the legs...nothing looks worse than a big guy riding a chicken! :eek:

Well luckily pretty much all of me is scrawny. I usually run when I'm at the gym, but I don't really do many leg exercises. I really should start an actual routine one of these weeks.

Makaveli March-14th-2003 06:56 PM

gcs, what are your 100m and 200m times???

DigginYellowP5, soccer's the hardest sport if you ask me. I remember the first few practices of the season used to drain me out completely. I was going to pass out a few times after only like an hour, and then we had the practic game after conditioning.......

hihosilva, I thought that you install some bathroom stuff???

DigginYellowP5 March-14th-2003 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Makaveli
gcs, what are your 100m and 200m times???

DigginYellowP5, soccer's the hardest sport if you ask me. I remember the first few practices of the season used to drain me out completely. I was going to pass out a few times after only like an hour, and then we had the practic game after conditioning.......

hihosilva, I thought that you install some bathroom stuff???

Yeah Soccer is definitely the hardest sport. You have to be in such great shape cause its non stop running for like 80 to 90 minutes at all levels/ages. Conditioning is just crazy and yes after that your right about practice games and things.


marc93lx March-14th-2003 10:41 PM

I run track at my school and we practice 6 days a week. I run miles every day. It isn't that difficult, and I wouldn't say I am in excellent shape either. My last timed mile was 6:27.9, but I'm a sprinter so it's allowed to be that bad I run the short races, 100M, 200M and 400M (which sucks A LOT). You guys have any times to share?
I used to run track/ cross country in high school. Dude our warm up was a mile, but I was a distance runner. lol. I never thought I would miss running, but I do. A lot! My junior year was my best, my pr in the 5k was 18:32somethin. I loved to run the half mile during track season, never broke the 2 min mark but got damn close..2:03. I think my best mile time was around 5:05 or somethin...never could break 5 :(.
I've been thinkin about starting back up with my running but just can't seem to get motivated enough. I could probably bust out a mile or two even though Im out of shape, I could always do that.:)

onehawaiian March-14th-2003 11:55 PM

i'm getting old, but i'll still bust all these young punk's coming out of high school... :p and i tore my acl back in the 90's (anyone remember that decade?) man i'm old...

i'm still pretty fast, a lot stronger than my size would indicate and still very competitive. BUT, this is more an attribute of my willingness to work on my body and health. THAT was the hardest part. since i am extremely lazy, finding and keeping that will power was the real challenge :p

gcs118 March-15th-2003 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Makaveli
gcs, what are your 100m and 200m times???

My best 100M is 12.4 and 200M is 26.5 Those times aren't very good by any means, but that is only after a year of track beforehand. If I remember, I'll let you know of my new and improved times after some meets.

hihoslva March-15th-2003 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Makaveli

hihosilva, I thought that you install some bathroom stuff???

Ya - bathroom stalls. And the panels are generally about 58" x 58" X 1", and weigh anywhere from 65 to 150 lbs each (sometimes more - depends on size and material), and I have to move them around, carry them from storage to shitter on a jobsite, etc. Other parts will come several in a box (front pieces - called "pilasters" - up to 90" long, and boxes are usually about 12" wide) - often up over 150lbs/box. I'll carry three 30 lb doors at once.....etc.

Just for example, I and two other guys just spent two FULL days unloading a 200+ stall job in Brooklyn. Total material weight was over 15,000 lbs, and came on two trucks. That's a lot of lifting. Even though we have dollies and stuff, you still have to lift the material onto the dolly piece by piece, wheel it into a hoist, then off the hoist onto the floor, down a steep ramp, and unload it near the crappers. It's not light work.

Plus, when you're drilling thru metal all day long, often up at eye-level (as in, not on the floor where you can use your weight), it can be a damn good workout.

Plenty of days I have come home sore from work. The two days of unloading this past week (Mon and Tues) were tough - I was quite sore on wednesday.

So there's more physical labor than you might get off my neck. ;) just kidding.


Makaveli March-15th-2003 09:47 PM

Originally posted by gcs118

My best 100M is 12.4 and 200M is 26.5 Those times aren't very good by any means, but that is only after a year of track beforehand. If I remember, I'll let you know of my new and improved times after some meets.

Wow, 12.4 is awesome!!! I can't see myself breaking the 15 sec mark.... but I've never timed myself

hihosilva, I wasn't questioning your line of work hehe, just wanted to know......:p

gcs118 March-16th-2003 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Makaveli

Wow, 12.4 is awesome!!! I can't see myself breaking the 15 sec mark.... but I've never timed myself

I don't know about awesome, but thank you. I plan to be in the 11s this year, or if not, then definitely next year. It is going to take a lot of work.

eeterp March-17th-2003 12:08 AM

Originally posted by gcs118
I run track at my school and we practice 6 days a week. I run miles every day. It isn't that difficult, and I wouldn't say I am in excellent shape either. My last timed mile was 6:27.9, but I'm a sprinter so it's allowed to be that bad :p I run the short races, 100M, 200M and 400M (which sucks A LOT). You guys have any times to share?
In high school (4 years ago), I ran cross country, indoor track, and outdoor track. I was injured most of my junior and senior years but, I managed a PR of 4:44 mile and 16:50s 5k. I still couldn't hang with a few guys on my team, all of which ran varsity in college.

My HS track team would have beaten Univ. of MD in a dual meet :)
My HS teammates ran 3:18 in the 4X400m.

Good to see some fellow track people on here.

Makaveli March-17th-2003 05:22 PM

i bet that the best long distance people will be found on domestic forums, practice makes perfect..... (ouch, couldn't resist that one.. :D )

Shawn March-18th-2003 09:38 AM

Wow, it's great to see people talking about track in this forum. I've been in trackand field for the past 12 years. I'm not really a very fast sprinter but my best 100m is 11.14s, I haven't run a 200m in years but my best 300m is 35.68s. My 200m is probably around 22 seconds flat.

If you ask me, any run over 50 meters is too long. That's why I love jumping(triple jump, long jump). My best LJ is 7.42 meters or 24'4". My TJ is 16.15m or 53 feet. Jumps are great because the max limit for your approach is only 45 meters ;)

If anyone wants to talk about track, I'm totally in!

eeterp, that 3:18 4x400m is good!! Thats a 49.5s average split for everyone. Not too shabby.

Makaveli March-18th-2003 02:08 PM

So Shawn, how do you improve your speed? I can't imagine improving your sprint times by just running, etc.....

I'm pretty sure that you gotta work on your explosiveness, etc. but what muscles do you train, do you work-out, or what do you do???

Shawn March-18th-2003 03:18 PM

Lets see...I'll give my best hints.
1. I'm not certain as to your body type but obviously it's advantagous to rid yourself of extra body weight. Muscle is good but fat only hinders.

2. Do plenty of leg exercises. Full back squats, leg press, hamstring curls and calf raises should be enough. Rather than doing rediculously heavy weight, use a managable weight and be explosive when lifting the weight. THis way you train your muscles to be fast, rather than slower and stronger. I LOVE power cleans but these require a lot of technique. Do not attempt with much weight until you are confident you can do it properly.
I read an article a while ago where they did a study with average men. The test people timed the 40 yeard dash for these men then put them on a calf training regiment for a few months. Afterwards, they retimed the 40 yeard sprints. A noticable improvement was recorded. That being said, train your calves to be explosive. Do jumping workouts where you really blast your calves in an explosive motion, plyometrics come to mind.

3. Flexibility is SUPER important for sprinters. Besides the fact that many seem to pull hamstrings, good flexibility will make it easier to effortlessly take larger strides. If you can maintain your stride frequency but increase the length of each step by 2 inches, during a 100m sprint(~50 steps), thats 100", or 8'4". So stretch everything in your legs!! This is very important.

4. Core strength and stability. You are as strong as the weakest link and many people have very weak torso muscles. Do excercises for your lower and upper back as well as you abdominals and obliques. THis will help you to maintain form when sprinting.

5. Technique. To practise this, you will need a coach who can watch you and fix your mistakes one at a time. THis is probably the last thing most people will do because it requires joining an organized track and field club or hiring a personal coach.

The only way to be a faster sprinter is to sprint. This means lots of speed workouts at the track. Leaning to handle your body as it gets stronger is the most important thing. All of the above ideas can be done at a gym or home, but if you want to run fast, you need to practise all the time.

P.S. Don't forget to do a very good warmup.

eeterp March-18th-2003 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Shawn
My TJ is 16.15m or 53 feet.

Good lord. 53 ft.!?! was that in college? That's impressive. I think the women's world record is 50 or 55ft.

Shawn March-19th-2003 09:31 AM

I jumped that last month in Montreal, Feb 22nd I think.

The woman's triple jump world record is 15.50 meters (~50'10"). Although I try not to compare my best to the performances of females ;) Afterall, that's just not fair. Someday I intend to jump over 17 meters.

gcs118 March-19th-2003 04:03 PM

11.14 is a pretty good 100M time. Good job man. At the end of this year, I plan to be in the high 11s, maybe low 12s if I don't work hard enough. But next year, after training over the summer, we'll see how things go.

Also, I'd have to agree that stretching and the warm up/cool down are a large part to running. Flexibility is definitely a must as he said. A few tips for the form....try to make sure your knees come to almost parallel with the ground, and keep your arms locked at 90 degree angles. If you let your arms hang all the way straight down, it is wasted motion!

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