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90210brandon September-13th-2002 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke SIT on your car? shame shame.....well...of course if you are wearing a skimpy swim suit when you do that its long as its YOUR car. :{D

I wash mine when ever it gets dirty at all....I don't drive mine FULL time like most of you do....I have a work truck....and a Harley......BUT I do not allow the precious P-5 to get dirty much at all....I TRY to keep in looking like I am about to leave for a show at all times.

Welcome, "there is a refigerator in the corner..." oh forget it.

SEA_P5 September-13th-2002 07:08 PM

Even if you do not have it open. Your passenger will roll down the window and lean on the door with their arm...maybe to talk to someone in another car or street. This could also do it....just some ideas....



SEA_P5 September-14th-2002 06:43 PM

No problem. Glade to be of service:bigthumb: :bigthumb:

Just a friend:tear:

Just kidding:blue:

Tell us what happens...

Geez it is a real nice day today in Seattle...might have to wash my car again.

Also how much and what type of Zaino Product is everyone taking about?

Funky Buddha September-16th-2002 04:28 PM

I wash mine once a week or every 2 weeks in the summer and a full cleaning in and out once a month. I keep my car relatively clean. Some armor all works great problems. I also don't let ppl eat or smoke inside the car and I tell people to knock their shoes before they come in.

Oh and it gets really hard in the winter because I can't let water sit overnight or I can't open my doors (no garage) so I wash it whenever I work on night shifts and park in the underground parkade. There's also a lot of rocks, salt and slush so it's disgusting.. I'm gonna have to park in the alley I guess.

BL_Protege September-16th-2002 05:01 PM

i just washed mine 2 days ago!

took those a lil bit after

SEA_P5 September-27th-2002 02:04 AM was the door the cause of the leak?

I also believe that it is time again to wash my car...pollen is evil...there always seems to be at least a nice layer on my car every morning....doh...

viral_override September-27th-2002 04:42 PM

I wash and wax mine about one a week. The weather here in Edmonton has been crappy. I think I had frost on my baby this morning and last week as i was driving out of the car wash it friggin hailed on me.

Well, at least the inside is perfect:( :mad: :(

viral_override September-27th-2002 04:45 PM

I wish i was in Florida:(

mazdaspeedwest September-27th-2002 10:03 PM

hehehehe, when i bought it new, it was litterally washed every day!!! that faded to once a week for a quite a few years, then faded more towards once a, i'm lucky if i wash it all...well, i use the drive thru at work to keep the outside clean biweekly, but i think i heard a growl when i put the vaccum to it and armor all'd the dash.....which it hadn't had in runs PERFECT! but it looks kinda bad up close. but she still takes a good pic :) You don't even want to see the may win a guiness spot for the most rust on a California car!!!

but it gets more washing now that we have the new Jetta, that sucker stays at a constant clean level.

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