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SEA_P5 September-5th-2002 11:03 AM

How much Espresso or Coffee does it take to start your day?
Curious on how many cups or gallons of espresso and coffee everyone drinks daily?

Sir Nuke September-5th-2002 12:41 PM

typically I will drink coffee all through the day....the actual amount really depends on how busy we get. MORE busy = less intake.

bougha September-5th-2002 01:07 PM

I love coffee ! First some espersso in the morning, then 5-10 mugs at the work and some espresso when I'm back home. And of course, also tee is quite good in the morning and just before getting into bed...

islandpro September-5th-2002 01:53 PM

This poll comeing from a person living in seattle. that doesnt suprise After living out there for two year my coffee intake has gone up:yumyum:

titocruzsd September-5th-2002 02:28 PM

Re: How much Espresso or Coffee does it take to start your day?

Originally posted by SEA_P5
Curious on how many cups or gallons of espresso and coffee everyone drinks daily?
none! :bt: some people are veteran coffee drinkers, yet nowadays, coffee has become a cultural object....the "in" thing to do. even if i did drink coffee, i'd refuse to step foot inside starbucks (or the dozens of other coffee shops)! <---- sorry, i'm taking 5 sociology classes this semester, and i've been having to analyze everything lately. :p :laugh::dunno:

SEA_P5 September-5th-2002 06:38 PM

What is the quote on this...give's you wings?:eek:

BPT MX-3 September-5th-2002 07:49 PM

well my roommate drinks about one full pot of coffee before he leaves for school. then he makes another pot of coffee and takes it with him TOO school. and this isnt that cheap shit you get at the grocery store. he buys this starbucks coffee in a bag and the bastard has his own ESPRESSO maker. thank god im at work while hes doing all this. but i guess he balances it out cause hell have him a little smoke before he leaves. hes such an idiot.:pantdrop:

SEA_P5 September-5th-2002 07:59 PM

With the work that I do, coffee is a must. We currently go through many Industrial pots here. (by wearing out the dispense button):eek:

Coffee though is a must in Seattle...and that even includes Starbucks:p

fossil boy September-6th-2002 08:56 AM

Caffeine is a drug and out to be illegal (tee hee - see smoker's thread). It victimizes poor old Juan Valdez, who earns 30 cents a day toiling on the volcanic slopes of Columbia (fortunately for him, HE's chewing cocoa leaves)
This will be my latest crusade, eliminating the evil dreaded addition that, in truth, is the number one cause of food-related auto accidents:
("Gee officer, that 180 degree cup of Joe spilled and scalded my testicles, momentarily distracting me - I'm suing Mickey D's!")
So, who like's it from a French Press?
real men grind their own beans...

David September-6th-2002 10:48 AM

None. tea has more caffine and it will stay with you longer. this is my way of having poor old Juan Valdez lose his job.

SEA_P5 September-6th-2002 11:06 AM

Why go through Juan Valdez when I can get the coffee direct from my relatives plantation in Asia?

One small 6 oz cup of the stuff will make you fly off the wall. Unfortunately, I only drink that coffee when I need to stay awake for a week:chug: :evilgrin:

SEA_P5 September-27th-2002 02:05 AM

might as well bring this back up due to the long hours.

viral_override September-27th-2002 10:47 AM

Triple Espresso short at 6am.

Latte at 9aM

Latte at noon

Triple espresso at 6pm if its a late night.

hmm Red bull is for weekends LOL:D

lost_concept September-27th-2002 10:55 AM

Does Red Bulls Work ? Do they give u energy

Red bull gives u wings !

Poor Bunny

SEA_P5 September-27th-2002 10:59 AM

Hey Richard...only moderators can modify the poll...could you add 0 as one of the options


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