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Protege52003 February-14th-2003 06:07 PM

Home-alone on 2/14.......
Well, it is 6:51, I am home alone, with my dirty-martini in one hand, and my mouse in my other hand surfing this girlfriend is working till 11:30 tonight. My v-day thing is going to happen tomororw night.

I almost want to give my single guy friend a call and maybe go hit up a bar or pool-club and see what I can find tonight. Was out playing pool with him last night just chilling. We will see what will happen??????

I almost want to go work on my car tonight but it is way-too cold out. I am going to work on custom putting some 4 inch mid-range speakers on the rear deck of my PR5 powered from a 25RMS x2 amp. Might have to work on that next week though.

Just wanted to drop a line....anyone else chillin in tonight.....drop a line back and i'll keep in touch.

till later.......

Ambient February-14th-2003 06:27 PM

I am alone too...

In the dorm room. Got my computer(read: porn) some tissues and a few 40oz's

I guess I crack the books and study.

It's raining too, more reason for me not to go out.

Protege52003 February-14th-2003 06:37 PM

I think I always did worse when trying to study early when I was in school........I seemed to do better when studying the night before although I do not want to encourage you to do that.

I am waiting for Sabrina The Teenage Witch to come on. She is hot........

I guess i can look at porn, too.....there is nothing wrong with that.

funkdaddysmack February-14th-2003 06:38 PM

I'm alone as well. I just got back from the Y, and I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. Probably a whole lot of nothin'. Maybe I'll run down to circuit city to see if they have any good PS2 games. Ugh. V-Day can eat me! hehehe :)

Protege52003 February-14th-2003 06:40 PM

What kind of beer are you drinking??????

MinnowGT February-14th-2003 07:43 PM

yup me and the dog are eating ribs and watching
blackhawk down again.

maybe going to hit bestbuy on the way home for
some games or another movie.

wish i had more money for a good :tit: bar though.

Protege52003 February-14th-2003 08:09 PM

Hey, any one is welcome to IM me at TMobile2001 for AOL IM

Would love to chat for a bit.......

jowettw February-14th-2003 08:32 PM

... i don't feel as bad after reading this thread.

thought i'd be the only one studying ! ... only 3 more years of school!!!! :cool:

katiandcarlos February-14th-2003 08:58 PM

at least you all are at home .... i am still at work ...... why could i have not been born rich ?????????? life is just like that .... well see all of you soon

Witchdoktor February-14th-2003 08:58 PM

jeez fellas, brighten up!
A) look at the money your not spending on some hyped up bullshit "Holiday" - more money for your real sweety, the Pro'

B)you buds studying, just think of the money your job will pay once your studies are finished - enough money to buy HO's on any night of the week

igator210 February-14th-2003 09:49 PM

I stopped by the bar for a quick drink after work, but now I'm about to go pop a dvd in.

Anyone want to come over?

funkdaddysmack February-14th-2003 10:59 PM

Originally posted by igator210
I stopped by the bar for a quick drink after work, but now I'm about to go pop a dvd in.

Anyone want to come over?

Sure what are you watching? It's only like a 5 hour drive, hehe

TheMAN February-14th-2003 11:01 PM

she had to see a nasty politician speak instead of seeing you?

that's lame

Originally posted by Protegé Menacé
studying on a friday night?!?!?!?


yeah my friend and i had to postpone our date since she was going to see some politician speak or some BS. So after all it turns out im alone tonight :(

me and 4 friends (EVEYRONE else on campus went home) are just gunna celebrate valentines day by getting trashed :X

Jesse, will you be my valentine?

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