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Sir Nuke September-24th-2002 03:35 PM

his head is up his butt
Okay....I am sure that some of you may have heard about this in the news this morning...certainly those of you in the southeast did.

NOW, after reading this...the guy worked in these gardens for a while, he is the director of the palce for god's sake...and you are going to lead me to believe that they didn't know this gator was in this thing?, or even a CHANCE that he might be in there? I THINK NOT....and do you think you could get ME or anyone with any sence in 4 feet of water KNOWING that there MIGHT be a gator in there? oh yeah right.....NOT THIS BOY!!!!

Read on.

Alligator Bites Off Man's Arm at Florida Garden
Tue Sep 24, 3:54 PM ET
By Jane Sutton

MIAMI (Reuters) - An 11-foot bull alligator tore off a man's arm and swallowed it at a north Florida botanical garden, wildlife officials said on Tuesday.

Trappers killed the alligator and recovered the severed arm from its stomach but doctors said it was too badly mangled to try reattaching it. Nuke/gator.jpg

The injured man, Dan Goodman, was listed in fair condition at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, where he was "in good spirits," a spokeswoman said.

Goodman, 58, is the director of the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens near the north central Florida city of Gainesville.

He was weeding a lily pond on Monday, standing in about 4 feet of water, when he apparently stepped on the 392-pound male alligator, Capt. Roy Brown of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said.

The alligator "lunged up and grabbed ahold of his right arm and severed it just below the elbow," Brown said.

Goodman climbed out of the pond and shouted for a co-worker, who took off his shirt and fashioned it into a tourniquet to help stanch the bleeding until paramedics arrived.

Trappers harpooned the alligator and hoisted it to the bank, where a sheriff's deputy shot it in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun and killed it, Brown said.

"I physically slit the alligator open, reached in, and I could feel the victim's arm in the stomach," Brown told Reuters by phone. "I was able to sever the stomach and pull the victim's arm out."

The arm was recovered about 90 minutes after the attack, he said. Paramedics took it to the hospital but it was too badly damaged to be reattached.


Goodman will need hospital care for at least several more days, said Dr. Larry Chidgey, who operated on him.

"The biggest risk now is infection," Chidgey told a news conference. "He will need additional surgery to try and make sure there are no other dead tissues present that could lead to infection."

He said Goodman was alert enough to describe the attack when he arrived at the hospital.

"He did recall that the alligator obviously grabbed his arm, there was a twisting type action," the doctor said.

The alligator was a wild alligator that lived at a nearby pond and occasionally wandered into the lily pond at the botanical garden, where workers called it Mo-Jo.

Goodman told wildlife officials he did not see the alligator until it attacked.

They said the alligator might have mistaken Goodman's splashing the pond for that of a duck or wading bird, their natural prey. Because it was used to being around people, it had probably lost its natural fear of humans, Brown said.

Signs posted around the gardens warn people to watch out for alligators.

Florida wildlife officials have documented 300 alligator attacks on humans, 12 of them fatal, since they began keeping records in 1948. Brown estimated Florida's alligator population at 1 million.

"When you say Florida, that's almost synonymous with alligators," he said.

Rider69 September-24th-2002 05:26 PM

Down here in florida, any body of water has a risk of a gator being in it. For the most part they will avoid you, if you don't mess with them. This gator probably would not have attacked this guy had it not felt attacked first by being stepped on.

No body of water is completely safe, not even pools!

Sir Nuke September-24th-2002 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Rider69
Down here in florida, any body of water has a risk of a gator being in it. For the most part they will avoid you, if you don't mess with them. This gator probably would not have attacked this guy had it not felt attacked first by being stepped on.

No body of water is completely safe, not even pools!

I am well aware...we have plenty of gators here in south fact we have a LOT right here on our job site....there is one old guy that is 15 foot!

and at least in a can see the bottom! lol

JAC September-24th-2002 06:16 PM

why did they kill the gator? the man was negligent, period.

I mean, the alligator is just lying there chilling and then some dude comes and steps on him, I would have done the same thing if I was the gator.:p

Rider69 September-24th-2002 09:10 PM

Originally posted by JAC
why did they kill the gator? the man was negligent, period.
Yes, the man was negligent. But I think it is because once these gators get a sense of human meat/blood they are even more trouble.

Plus, how else were they supposed to get the arm out?

JAC September-24th-2002 09:23 PM

I don't know how they were suposed to get the arm out (or if they had the right to) but I think it's unfair to kill the gator because of the man's fault.

Rider69 September-24th-2002 09:42 PM

It probably made for some good eatin' though!

titocruzsd September-25th-2002 12:34 AM

we caught a small alligator last drill weekend. he was just hangin' out on the flightline by one of the F-15's! :cool: they found a safe spot for him, and let him go.

titocruzsd September-25th-2002 11:57 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda
Dont mess with the oldest reptiles!! Not even modern age machine can stop them! lol.
well in this case, a 12 gauge shotgun stopped 'em! :mach:

bougha September-25th-2002 12:18 PM

So is his butt In his head.

Sorry about this, I couln't resist

Maxx Mazda September-25th-2002 12:30 PM

JESUS FUCK!!! That is some sick shit Bougha! LOL! :D :booty:

Maxx Mazda September-25th-2002 12:41 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda

It came from what did you expect??

Ya, that site is fucked in the head. One of my buddies showed me a section called "Fecal Japan." Need I say more? :barf:

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