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zgrieger December-12th-2001 02:29 PM

HEY GUYS! Check out Britney's THONG!!!

I would like to give credit to

nightowl December-12th-2001 10:02 PM

damn :eek: :bt:

GqRiCeBoi December-12th-2001 11:27 PM

Looks a lil re-touched with digital imaging but it still looks DAMN good... :bt: We can still let our imaginations run though rite guys?? =P

sunbyrne December-13th-2001 03:01 AM

I believe that's really her. Check out this link:,,2001570616,00.html

Good British humor in the commentary...

mnkyboy December-15th-2001 08:24 AM

I think it was Photoshopped, hip huggers dont droop down the in back like that. But hey, maybe her designer designed them that way! Shes a slut you know... :D

Megatron December-20th-2001 10:05 PM

I like sluts.:bt:

mnkyboy December-21st-2001 07:19 AM

That would be nice, but I doubt it. BUt if you wait about 5-6 more years, I bet she will be in Playboy! :bt:

MikeD December-21st-2001 09:05 AM

She's got dumps like a truck truck truck..!!! I agree with mnkyboy, she will end up in Playboy in the next decade. And yours truly will be throwing the people's elbow on anyone who impedes my ability to get my hands on a copy at the newstand!!! I have no shame fellas.
For now, she just needs to stop fakin her virginity and drop that little princess of a boyfriend from N'Stink. As far as the picture is concerned, it does look a bit doctored. But hey, Playboy's gonna do the same thing.
Oh and one more thing....stop calling her a slut!!! She's been through a lot of drama in her life, with the looks, the millions of dollars, and never having to work a forty hour work week, so cut her some slack...she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth like us protege owners.

GNO December-21st-2001 02:07 PM

About a week ago, I was listening to Mancow and they said she agreed to pose nude in a magazine. I didn't get to catch the details though :(

mnkyboy December-21st-2001 05:26 PM

Re: Britney

Originally posted by MikeD cut her some slack...she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth like us protege owners.
Hey? I didnt get a silver spoon :dunno:


orangealpha December-21st-2001 08:06 PM

dumps like a truck lol
I think mikeD was bein sarcastic about the whole silver spoon thing. . .And agreed she has to lose that "delicate" boyfriend of hers. I dont think the virginty thing is an act though everytime u see them together their moms are like 2 feet away. What a shame; just look at that ass:eek:

MikeD December-21st-2001 09:18 PM

Britney's thong
Thanks Orangealpha! By the way, Britney's Mom got ass too!!! :eek:

Protege5online December-21st-2001 10:20 PM

You know, Justin is from the Memphis area. That being said, my brother worked at Walgreens last christmas & guess what pictures came through to be developed! Here are a couple of Britney & Justin last christmas (Remember, this was before they where "officially dating").

And you thought nobody looked at your pictures when you took them to walmart & walgreens! Britney & Justin have both been spotted throughout Memphis on numerous occassions. Too bad I dont get out enough to ever even get a chance to see anyone!! Mandy Moore was here last year too. Got those pics around here somewhere :blue:

orangealpha December-21st-2001 10:46 PM

Nice work mitch's brother!!!
LOL that is funny. . .You shoulda sold em to some tabloid Mitch. You probably coulda made some dough considering it was b4 they were "officially" dating. And thats why i try to use my digital camera as much as possible when i am taking pics that are either incrimanating or embrassing cuz i know those knuckleheads take good long looks at all the pics they r developing but i know i would have done the same thing as Mitch's brother.:bt:

MP3-Owner December-26th-2001 01:07 AM

Thank goodness for my digital camera! hehe :p
I used to do the same thing at Winn-Dixie after the photos were developed. :D Not all of them, just the ones that never got picked up. :bt:

Rayman December-27th-2001 02:07 AM

i really think that pic is photoshopped, the waistline of the pants just looks weird....i unno

as to those secret photos...thats awesome hehe.

not that i care for "celebrity" lives....i have this thing against celebs....other than entertaining us once in a few while...they have no contribution to society, but yet they get all the attention, the wealth, and people talk about them like they know them personally.....and all them tv shows like ET, Access Hollywood which talk about celebs and follow their lives......pointless if u ask me.....but thats just my lil grudge cuz im not making their kinda money and im doing more than they are :sigh:

onehawaiian January-6th-2002 01:43 AM

who the hell cares if it's fake or not? :dunno: not me! if her @ss was re-touched, i'd like to know who touched it first? i know it wasn't that fairy from N'stink... damn, i wish it was me cause then i'd be singing oops! i did it agian...

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