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juddz March-29th-2005 08:38 AM

Here we go.... another week in my crazy life
Hey, how is this for nuts? I added up all the days that I have been gone from home since New Years, and the total will come to 30 days after this week. So far, this is how my year is shaping up:

1) Minnesota - 6 days in January
2) Japan - 15 days in February
3) Germany - 6 days in late February/ early March
4) Mexico - my flight takes off tomorrow at 6:20am.

All of these trips have been for business. Throw in the personal trip I took to Seattle for Christmas and my planned three day getaway to San Francisco in April, and you can see that I pretty much have been living out of a suitcase.

kargoboy March-29th-2005 11:04 AM

Yeah, I feel so bad for you, lol.
All you need is a guitar case and some groupies and you'll really be living the life.
Wanna buy a beautiful old Strat?

Phantom Cruiser March-29th-2005 11:31 AM

I'd love to travel for business. I find myself daydreaming about all the places I could go...

chiefmg March-29th-2005 05:09 PM

Try this on for size. The job I have been working for the last four years had me gone overseas for four months, then home for 2 1/2 months. I am now unemployed, but wherever I end up working I will be on roughly the same schedule. It makes for a very disjointed life when home. Luckily I don't have much longer before I get in 20 years, then I can find a real job!

BTW Phantom Cruiser, overseas travel isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's amazing the things you take for granted, you don't realize until they aren't there. I have been to some nice places, but it is always great to be back in the USA.

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