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BOMBSGLX November-30th-2001 01:31 AM

Hello Everyone Newbie Here.......
:blue: I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I know i dont have a Mazda... But im into alot of cars. My girlsfriends brother has a second gen. He wanted me to look for a Fourm like the one i go too. or Both sites i have gotten alot of info about my car. He wanted to find a site that could help him learn more ideas and mods he can do to his car to perform at its best.. If you guys have any pics of you cars please post them here so i can show him whats out there on this site.. He will be registering soon too. Well take care.

Adam Bomb

Here are some pics of my car..

Take care

The Old Guy November-30th-2001 09:40 PM

Welcome, That's a nice Passat.

kenkong17 November-30th-2001 11:54 PM

nice car but why don't you put up pics of your engine bay and interior? what kinda mod you got?

P.S. you might want to get the license plate cover for obvious reasons.

mazdaspeedwest December-1st-2001 12:32 AM

Hey Adam, welcome. Nice Veedub! I am actually a VW man gone Mazda....i had a 84GTi, 84diesel, 85Jetta and a 85Golf then the Pro....

i'm sure your lady's bro will find a lot of good info and nice Pros, but sorry to say, there isn't a whole heck of alot for the 2nd gen Proteges....other than custom, but some engine swaps are possible. The performance market skipped a generation with the Proteges, and even at that, the 1st gen market has been opening up again and the 3rd gens are really taking off.....although i hope that the engine and suspension ppl are planning good things, not just the body kit and wings guys. But even at that, there is still more available for a 1st or 3rd gen, than a 2nd gen. Good Luck.

BTW, i like the tinted windsheild, looks tight :bt:

BOMBSGLX December-1st-2001 12:47 AM

Thanks for the nice welcomes. As far as Engine pics ill do that.. THe engine is stock and the interior is too. JUst all leather and woodgrain.. My plans for the car is just to make it look classy. I really dont want to do anything to the engine maybe a hks intake. Other then that im going to keep it stock. Im just going for classy looks thats why i went with chrome. I would love to sell the rims and get some 19s 20s wont fit on the car or else i woujld put them. Right now i have 18s. Im really hoping to paint the bottom where it is black and make the car all one color and get some clear corners and then work my way to a diffrent front end .. For the inside radio is stock for now.. In the future i would love to put some tvs inside(who wouldnt :)

Why should i get a plate cover?

thanks Adam Bomb

tresdos3 December-2nd-2001 08:27 AM

nice ride Adam!

i think kenkong17 was suggesting that cause' there's always a chance that someone can trace your plate back to your home address. i know for a fact that most of the organised car rackets here in Australia operate through someone on the inside..(e.g cut and shut jobs, changing vin numbers etc. etc.) thus while most people in the registry's are honest folk u will always find those that are there to rort the system.

is tinting the windshield legal in your state? anyhows it looks good!

p.s. welcome:)

BOMBSGLX December-2nd-2001 09:54 AM

No Its not legal here in the states to tint the windsheild.. But i never had a problem . This is my third car with it done. Alot of my friends have it done too. I guess you have to just be carefull. Here in fl if you get pulled over for tint its only a non moving violation that is 44 bucks.

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