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ProtegeMaster July-31st-2002 09:08 PM

Halleluiah! (Rant Warning!)

Ford is going to discontinue the damn Excursion!

I've been waiting for people to come to their senses for years since that fuckin' thing was released, and I'm very happy to see its unreliable, mammoth sized, inefficient, unsafe, irresponsible ass gone forever.

In a time when our collective fuel consumption is the highest in decades (due to everyone's undying love for SUV's), I was personally offended when Ford rolled out the Excursion. Here we had a huge, lumbering, hulk of a vehicle that averaged 10 mpg, pumping out literally tons of pollution every year, tons more than the average family sedan-- I couldn't believe anyone in their right minds could look at that thing and even think about buying it. I consider the Excursion the worst vehicle ever built; from a combined conscientious, safety, efficiency, and reliability standpoint. Nothing has ever been worse, and nothing has ever been more irresponsible to buy.

Sorry to all of you huge-ass Excursion lovers, but this vehicle is a blight on our civilization, and never should have come to pass in the first place. It's terrible in every way, and I say good riddance. There's no logical reason for needing a vehicle that big. It's a huge, frivolous waste.

turbonium959 July-31st-2002 09:54 PM

I am glad too. I had to do a presentation on how these big ass chunks of metal are useless, and do not serve their purpose in this world, well at least 93% of them are not. Anyhow, just a little note, if the Exursion were to hit our Protege at 25 mph, because the damn thing weight, the impact would be the same as if the Protege would hit the wall dead on at 40 mph. So watch out for those i-think-can-make-this-yellow-light-shit-i-cannot-oops-i-just-smashed-someone assholes.

kc5zom July-31st-2002 10:04 PM

Two questions:

1. When is it going to require a commercial drivers license to drive these behemoths?

2. When the hell is the Suburban going to be discontinued?

I for one am sick of some dumb asshole/bimbo driving a huge SUV/pickup on the freeway, going faster than I am (and I average 25-30 above the speed limit), pushing people aside just because they happen to be driving some huge piece of shit that nothing on the road even comes close to being comparable in size to. We have a frickin 55MPH speed limit in Houston now because these people buy these huge vehicles and then commute 45-60 minutes every morning all alone.

Rant - o - matic

Makaveli August-1st-2002 12:36 AM

I agree 100% with ALL of you!!!:D

I hate SUV drivers.......

If someone played Grand Theft Auto III, on the radio they always play the commercial (in the game)

'I just bought this monstrocity of an SUV, it's so big that we lost Jimmy in the back! True that I will never go through anything bigger then a puddle of water and never venture outside of the city, but it's nice to know that if I want, I can. I love talking on the phone and doing my makeup while driving this big thing.'

funny, but true

turbonium959 August-1st-2002 12:42 AM

Originally posted by kc5zom
We have a frickin 55MPH speed limit in Houston now because these people ...

Rant - o - matic

I actually read about that in a work Memo when I worked for Waste Management. The speed limit used to be 70 mph, but since everyone was going so fast, the pollution amounts increased dramatically. That was one of the main reasons they lowered the speed limit there.

fossil boy August-1st-2002 08:30 AM

All you freaks/geeks make me proud to frequent this board! Ford's "Excursion" was more a trip in non-reality, where the wide-open roads are endless and the gas, 25 cents/gal. I feel a bit safer knowing the days of those beasts are numbered...

Now, if only the Hummer were next on the chopping block!

Sir Nuke August-1st-2002 08:50 AM

Originally posted by turbonium959

I actually read about that in a work Memo when I worked for Waste Management. The speed limit used to be 70 mph, but since everyone was going so fast, the pollution amounts increased dramatically. That was one of the main reasons they lowered the speed limit there.

in reality the polution did NOT go up....just a THEROY that some ecology group had....WE (the city) has since done some real studies and found out its all BS....and are going to raise the limit back up to 70....its just not going to happen till right after the first of the year. They also found that the traffic has NOT slowed down one only gave the city more places to set up speed traps and get a little money....and when SOME people would actually drive the caused a greater hazzard than if everyone was at least driving 70.

rodslinger August-1st-2002 09:09 AM

The part about the whole SUV craze that I never understood is how the appeal is generated. Hardly anyone goes out and buys conversion vans anymore but will gladly take that same Ford van with a slightly altered interior and front, add $20,000 to the price and buy them all day long.

turbonium959 August-1st-2002 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke

in reality the polution did NOT go up....just a THEROY that some ecology group had....WE (the city) has since done some real studies and found out its all BS....and are going to raise the limit back up to 70....its just not going to happen till right after the first of the year. They also found that the traffic has NOT slowed down one only gave the city more places to set up speed traps and get a little money....and when SOME people would actually drive the caused a greater hazzard than if everyone was at least driving 70.

I agree with, but come to think about it - why the hell do we need to go that fast? Really, whats the damn hurry. Yes, we all like driving fast, and all, but who really wants to end up off the highway upside down? Not all cars handle that well 70 mph, not to mention trucks and suvs.

alcoholiday August-1st-2002 09:40 AM

i hate those fucking trucks. i was behind one the other day. i swear that, given a ramp, i could have driven right into the cargo space in the back. like knight rider. oh wait. that would have been pretty cool.

never mind.

the roads of this city are filled with huges SUVs and big-ass pickups with one driver. ridiculous. redneck oiltown.

Sir Nuke August-1st-2002 11:57 AM

Originally posted by turbonium959

I agree with, but come to think about it - why the hell do we need to go that fast? Really, whats the damn hurry. Yes, we all like driving fast, and all, but who really wants to end up off the highway upside down? Not all cars handle that well 70 mph, not to mention trucks and suvs.

that is why the highways here are 3, 4 and in some places 5 lanes the parts where they are not under which is SOMEWHERE in the city for the last 30 or so years...ANYWAY... where I was going with this is....

if you NEED or WANT to drive slower, do so, BUT....GET YOUR ASS ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!......and allow the regular traffic to flow!!

kc5zom August-1st-2002 12:39 PM

Especially if your in a frickin dually and fixing to rub the side of the road with your useless extra tires. I have only seen one person I know buy a dually and actually use it to tow anything.

And pollution in Houston has increased, a lot of it because of people driving fast but a lot because the makeup of the vehicle landscape has been altered. There are a lot more large vehicles than there used to be. We need another fuel crisis.

ZoomZoomH August-1st-2002 12:50 PM

Originally posted by kc5zom
We need another fuel crisis.
Dubya and his oil buddies won't EVER let that happen, especially in Texas, where everything is BIGGER :D

David August-1st-2002 01:07 PM


sandman August-1st-2002 11:56 PM

the best anti SUV site ever
check it out:

the whole site is bust-a-nut funny

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