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Mark_02DX July-9th-2003 06:03 PM

Got my boss in trouble
Well, ONE of them, anyway... I have 3.
He "borrowed" the digital camera without telling anyone, and then asked me to grab the pictures off it for him & burn them on a CD, because he knows NOTHING about technology... So i did it, and come to find out they're personal pictures. (nothing naughty or anything, but definitely not work-related) Time for some fun. I waited until he was talking to the owner (HIS boss) and then walked into his office, handed him the camera and the CD. He kind of glared at me, and as I'm walking out, I hear the owner saying, "Oh THAT'S where that went. I was looking for the camera! I had to go all the way home & get mine! So, what were you taking pictures of?"
I wanted to stick around to hear the answer, but I couldn't think of a good excuse to do so. I did get to see him squirm for a few seconds, though.

It made my day...It's the little things that mean so much...Heh heh heh.

choke on words July-9th-2003 07:10 PM


Is your manager a real dick?

TheGreat1x2002 July-9th-2003 08:33 PM

lolol...oh u got him good...wish i could do that to my thats tight:D :D :D

funkdaddysmack July-10th-2003 07:47 AM

Hopefully he didn't notice that it was intentional, you may have an ass raping in your near future :p

Mark_02DX July-10th-2003 07:02 PM

Originally posted by enderFound

Is your manager a real dick?

As far as I can tell, he has no personality at all under the business-school facade. Seen "Office Space?" Imagine Lumbergh but 5 years younger & no glasses...

demoninvictus July-11th-2003 03:51 AM

thats pretty damn bad, but i know where you're coming from... i think. i worked in HVAC with this guy for about 6 months, and one day, i was cleaning up around this house we were doing work in and here comes genius, walking out the back of the house with 3 doors in his arms... comes back in, gave him a wierd look, and he comes out with 3 more... surely enough, he walked out and loaded our truck with 7 doors, 2 full sheets of drywall, 10 lenghts of 2x4 and 6 sheets of ply wood, all crammed into the van... all in total, he walked out with close to 2,200 dollars worth of building materials for his house.. came up to me and said i wasn't to say anything about it. i gave him my word and we were buds from then on.. then low and behold, he gets me in DEEP shit with my boss and i end up getting my pay docked for 2 straight hours and not being able to work for the rest of the day. turned around and as i was packing my tools up into my car, ready to go home for the day, i asked him, "Yo Danny, how them doors fit in your house?" he turned bright fuckin red like he was going to tear my head off :p haha. low and behold, after 2 weeks of catching a materials list discrepancy, he was fuckin CANNED and left without work. heh, only thing sucks is i quit 2 weeks after that :rolleyes: but hey, you do what you gotta, just act your age and have fun at what you do... can't tell you how many jackasses i work with.

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