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onehawaiian November-11th-2002 05:08 AM

Girls (plural) Problems?
okay, some of you who know me my have noticed i was gone for a little while, and i wanna ask you (as well as shed some light on my absence) if anyone has ever experienced TRUE LOVE? here's the deal:

i found this girl who is almost exactly like me, except female and pretty. short story version, i fall for her. at the same time, i'm getting social time from 3 other girls (who don't know about each other). now here's the problem, things didn't workout the way i planned with girl #1, and even tho i still go out with the others i cannot get #1 out of my head. it's pissing me off cause i was so SURE she would be the one. wtf? i'm pretty good at reading situations and ALL the signs were there... how the hell do i move on? i need to move on cause it sucks cause now when women flirt with me, i don't even play anymore. i just smile and shrug it off. :eek:

am i screwed? is there such a thing as TRUE LOVE (hiho, are you there mr. newly wed?) do i move on or wait quietly/patiently on the side. this is new territory for me as i am obviously NOT in control of my emotions or the situation.

help? :(

oh yeah, and the other girls are real nice, and they seem to like me, but i don't like them. i can't like them. i'm too involved with girl #1. and that's not fair to #'s 2 thru 4.

help? :(

onehawaiian November-11th-2002 05:10 AM

oh crap, this post ^^^ is pretty pathetic. :( thought i had it under control and here i am posting my sh!t on a protege forum.

i need a magic lamp/genie. that'll solve everything...

funkdaddysmack November-11th-2002 07:09 AM

Originally posted by blue LEDz
well, falling for a chick is hard, but giving her up is harder
A-freaking-men brother. I'm sure we've all been in this situation before, hell I'm in it right now :p Just curious, but why didn't things work out with this other girl? Anyway, as great as you thought she may/might have been, you may be passing up on 3 other lovely ladies because you won't give them a chance? I know how you feel though... Minus all the girls being interested in me, hahaha :D

onehawaiian November-11th-2002 12:56 PM

trying to maintain the friendship with #1, but it's hard for me to draw the line btwn friendship and intamacy. sux, cause even tho she says no, everything she does says yes. but i try to keep everything on the "friendly" level. as for the others, yes they are nice, and yeah they are pretty, but i don't seem to click with them the way i do #1. so anyhoo, i'll just wait it out and see what happens.

life's little curve balls can really be annoying sometimes... :rolleyes:

JAC November-11th-2002 03:19 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian
trying to maintain the friendship with #1, but it's hard for me to draw the line btwn friendship and intamacy.
I hear ya brother, something similar happened with my ex. I'm 19 and I had never fallen in love for anyone until last year, It was my last year of highschool and I was at a new school, I made some of my current best friends there and I also became best friends with this girl, of course I liked her more than just as a friend but it took me a while to realize this. Well, shortly after we finished school (1st weekend) she became my girlfriend, she was also my best friend at the time. It went well for about 2 months, then it all went downhill till she, as B Ledz said, "ripped my heart out and ran over it" she still said the "I want us to ramain as friends" crap, but you just can't be "just friends" with someone you love and if you do, you're just lying to yourself. It's been about a year since that and even though I rarely think about her now, there are still some feelings left, but I think I made the right choice.

In a nutshell, my advice to you is: do what you think is right and do it now, if it's over/not meant to be, so be it, it sucks not to know what's going on or what's going to happen, I spent one of the worst months of my life like that during the breakup with this girl and I'm never ever going to go through that again.

Rider69 November-11th-2002 03:33 PM

1HWN, well glad you are back and sorrry to hear about the women problems. Now, I am a bit older than you, but that doesn't matter. Let me tell you my story. I met this girl a while back and was smitten, I was in deep smit. Well we were with each other more or less for a year but even though I felt she was the one, she was not ready to make any type of commitments. After about 10 months of off/on relationship, I finally told myself to just let her go. This was over the Holidays, which makes it even more difficult. That Christmas hurt me, emotionally. Well, come the 2nd week of January 1996, I get a call from her. She couldn't stop thinking about me over the holidays. Well, we were married in May, 1997 and have been married for 5 happy years.

Moral: It sounds very cliche' but, If you truely love something set it free, If it comes back then it is meant to be.

I think you should distance yourself from girl#1. I know it is difficult, real difficult, but it is something that needs to be done if you are ever going to find out if it is meant to be. Good luck brother!

Makaveli November-11th-2002 05:15 PM

Definetely distance yourself from #1, and be more open-minded with the other three chicks.........

Words of Wisdom

kc5zom November-11th-2002 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Rider69

Moral: It sounds very cliche' but, If you truely love something set it free, If it comes back then it is meant to be.

Sounds corny doesn't it? But it works.

I've been in a couple of relationships I thought were perfect before. The perfect ones never work out for me. The one that worked out was one I didn't think was going anywhere. I didn't have a particular reason but we do not have a lot in common either. She hates politics, technology, cars, etc and I could care less about whatever it is she is interested in (j/k). But we have been living together for awhile now and I'm happier every day (I know that sounds corny too).

I guess my advice would be to look at the fish that were biting and see where those go. No harm in walking down a couple of dead end roads as long as you get back to the main path when they end.

onehawaiian November-12th-2002 05:11 AM

i wish i could light up some magic herb and let all my problems float away... wait, i can. i'll be right back. :smoke:
hehe, yeah. i decided to let her go. no sense sticking around to become some sort of crazy stalker (they never get the girl!) lol if she wants me, she'll know where to find me. sux, but i guess it has to be done. :(

onehawaiian November-12th-2002 01:24 PM

what blows is, i'm okay with the "friends" deal, but everytime i see her (we work together) and i "flirt" with other girls or they flirt with me, she gets all bent out of shape! so i'm like, um, wtf??? u made it clear that we should be friends, and now you're getting salty cause some girl is making nice nice to me?

what is up with these mixed signals? aaaaaargh! :mad:

oh well, kinda sux that she is 20 and i'm...not. :p

onehawaiian November-12th-2002 02:12 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda
she obviously likes you. But even IM confused about why she gets all mad over you flirting. Shit I flirt all the damned one can stop me from flirting...:evilgrin: Maybe she feels threatened.
that's my whole thing, if she makes it clear that we should be just friends, why does she get all salty when other girls talk to me? does she expect me to wait around like a love-sick puppy until she's ready? skip dat.

ZoomZoomH November-12th-2002 02:48 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda
It was always no you're a really good friend it wouldnt work out. blah blah :rolleyes:
I don't believe you get that kind of sh!t from any guy

guys should be falling all over the place for you ;)

onehawaiian November-12th-2002 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ZoomZoomH

I don't believe you get that kind of sh!t from any guy

guys should be falling all over the place for you ;)

hey now, no flirting. this is my thread. hijacking a broken heart thread is not allowed... :p

yeah, i would drop her, except i see her a lot and it's hard not to think about her, sep when she plays those silly antics... i know she's attracted to me, but now isn't the time and blah blah blah... :rolleyes:

kc5zom November-12th-2002 09:43 PM

I'm going to agree with blue Ledz on that one. I think she is just trying to make you into her whipped little monkey. And there is no man that needs that. Tell her ass to stop teasin and start pleasin!

onehawaiian November-13th-2002 01:27 AM

hehe, actually, i do have women who come in asking for me and they aren't ugly by a long shot. i play along cause it's fun and nice to have ladies checking me out, but i'm not really a vindictive person when it comes to females. i don't like to hurt a girl's feelings, even if she rips my heart into pieces.

but it's all done already. i've let her go. i don't call, i hardly talk to her and i'm keeping my distance without looking like i'm keeping my distance. we'll see where i really stand come the holidays i guess...

but in the meantime... :evilgrin:

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