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ClownKiller September-14th-2005 04:13 PM

Gen1GT American Hater
I'm over from the G.R. MotorSports forum. I have been lurking for a while now on this forum. One of your own, Gen1GT, has been taking shots at Americans nearly every time he posts. I just wanted to share his passive aggressive posts with you. Gen1GT hates Americans, and the American way of life. He is an ex-welfare, ex-carwasher that feeds off negative energy he generates from the GRM forum. He is another arrogant marginally educated Canadian that glows in his own self-importants.
Here are some links to GRM:

Back to lurking....

Roddimus Prime September-14th-2005 04:26 PM

if that's how you're going to introduce yourself to this community you can continue to lurk.

I persoanlly can't stand GEN1gt (as a person)...i find him to be arrogant and abrassive. HOWEVER he can say whatever the hell he feels like saying. (within reason). I hate to break it to you bub but I'm not real happy with America lately either. according to our polling 64% of Americans aren't happy with america right now. Why should he be any different?

Gen1GT doesn't come on here and start shit with us. Why are you trying to stir shit up for him? Drop it or go away. We're all friends here.

Jackelope September-14th-2005 04:28 PM

^ what he said :) (cant read the comments myself, Firewall)

ClownKiller September-14th-2005 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by Roddimus Prime
if that's how you're going to introduce yourself to this community you can continue to lurk.

I persoanlly can't stand GEN1gt (as a person)...i find him to be arrogant and abrassive. HOWEVER he can say whatever the hell he feels like saying. (within reason).
I hate to break it to you bub but I'm not real happy with America lately either. according to our polling 64% of Americans aren't happy with america right now. Why should he be any different?

Gen1GT doesn't come on here and start shit with us. Why are you trying to stir shit up for him? Drop it or go away. We're all friends here.

I can as well say what ever I want. I can say it wherever I want as well. I noticed searching Gen1GT on this forum that he never starts shit with you. That's just great, but why not stir shit up for him? No harm is done, no rules are broken, no foul, no fault. I will not drop it as you suggest or go away. I will continue as always.
Gen1GT is different for he is a Canadian taking shots at you. I am Canadian as well, and am sick of the attitude that exudes from the North.

kargoboy September-14th-2005 05:17 PM

This is a bloody CAR forum, dude.
As long as he doesn't start any off-topic $hit here and just posts about CARS I don't really give a crap what he thinks, arrogant or not.
And even if he does, but keeps his opinion expressed within the forum rules, he has that right as well and it's it's my choice whether or not I refute his post.
There is no reason for you to come on here and *warn* us about this guy or try to start trouble. If that's the only reason you signed on, you're not welcome here as far as I am concerned.
But if you wanna play nice like the rest of us, you will be as welcome as anyone else.
CAR FORUM. Remember that.

ClownKiller September-14th-2005 05:27 PM

Off topic area allows me some latitude to stray from cars. If I posted this somewhere else I would accept this critisism. Proper place, proper time.

macdaddyslomo September-14th-2005 05:32 PM

Regardless of the forum, the Moderators(myself included) here don't tolerate sh** stirring, just for the sake of it....

If that is the only reason you subscribed, expect to be banned, and soon

What a member does on another site isnt going to cause him problems here, unless he does the same thing here. PERIOD. :bt:

Gen1GT September-14th-2005 08:23 PM

Wow, looks like I'm quite infamous. As I said on the GRM board, I think it's hilarious that I can get people so rattled for having an opinion...

macdaddyslomo September-14th-2005 08:57 PM

Actually I read those threads Gen1GT was supposedly USA "bashing" in.

His arguements have merit...I didnt see anywhere in there where he stated he hates Americans, or the American way of life...actually what I read was that he simply disagrees with the way the American govmt was treating canadiens and it's own citizens poorly....I would have to agree with him.

P.S. that is not an open invitation to start an arguement here, so please dont carry it over to this board

Phantom Cruiser September-14th-2005 10:00 PM


Roddimus Prime September-14th-2005 10:06 PM

as someone banned from other forums for expressing opinions I have a sweet spot for button-pushers like gen1gt but he has created 0 problems here and clownkiller, YOU have.

I'm not going to immediatly ban you. I'm going to publicaly warn you about starting fights. It is NOT tolerated here no matter what section you post in. If you continue you will be banned and just to spite you we'll name that day "Gen1GT Day" and we'll come up with some flashy way to poke fun at you.


ClownKiller September-14th-2005 10:18 PM

"1. Yes, I do not like the USA. I am constantly given many reasons to feel this way, and in general, I don't dislike any given American. But more and more people in this forum, which I used to find well educated, well mannered and well spoken, are starting to make me believe there is a common mentality of ignorance. I know 300 million people don't think the same of course, but most of you aren't making a good case for yourselves. "

Over all Gen1Gt has an anti-American tone. If you read all the posts, he slams the US constantly. I noted in a passive aggressive way. Take a look at who can get aid from FEMA before you agree with him.

His source seems to be his ex-girlfriends cousin. With the amount of press on the hurricane anything negative would have been exploding in the news.


Roddimus Prime September-14th-2005 10:23 PM

dumbass can't take a hint no matter how obvious it is.... now he'll have to try again in a year.


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