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boricua September-17th-2003 08:12 PM

Fusion powered automobiles
This is for the tech gurus!!

i don't know if any of you have heard about this but i've heard that eventually internal combustion engines will be replaced by fusion powered engines. although i am not quite sure how it works, it utilizes hydrogen and another form of it called deuterium. the two elements are brought together with metals like palladium, titanium or nickel and only need electricity or acoustic energy to create the fusion effect. both these elements are found in abundance in ordanary water and have an energy capacity well, well beyond that of conventional fuels. basically i just want to know if anybody has heard of this and has any more info, and of course what you guys think.
MistyMagic live

pr5owner September-17th-2003 09:03 PM

WOW JUST LIKE STARTREK! they use deuterium and anti deuterium to POWER TEHAR WARP CORE!!!

LOL j/k yeah you mean a hydrogen fuel cell thingy?

onehawaiian September-17th-2003 09:35 PM

hmm, i have fusion in my car already.
really powerful stuff too. :eek:
check my sig...


boricua September-18th-2003 10:50 AM

no, i'm serious. fuel cells are another thing though. this is fusion, like cold fusion. many countries are currently researching the possibilities of using it as a major fuel source, whether it be in automobiles or in power plants. you laugh now, but sooner or later your Pro may be fusion powered :D
Roll Blunts

yellowdragon September-18th-2003 11:13 AM

<beanie cap>

I believe this month's Scientific American published an update on the cold fusion story. Although largely dismissed by the scientific community and rarely talked about today, some people are really measuring a bit more energy coming out their systems than what's put into it that cannot be explained by conventional means.

It seems that Fleishmann and Pons were after something after all...

Water powered Proteges... Hmmm..... :cool:

</beanie cap>

onehawaiian September-18th-2003 12:03 PM

i would think the problem would be safety and stability.
powerful indeed, but keeping the enviroment stable would be the issue i think. :)

yellowdragon September-18th-2003 12:35 PM

Granted, cold fusion is still sci-fi stuff and odds are that none of us will see a fusion powered plant... Even less a fusion powered car...

But it is fascinating just to think about the possibilities... :)

onehawaiian, I agree with you... It wouldn't make sense to have cheap power if the generators themselves were unsafe...

Protegé Menacé, I've never been to Idaho but have read a lot about EBR-1... When I was a kid (not *that* long ago... hehehe) many magazine predictied how "in a few years everything would be nuclear powered"...

Still waiting... :D

yellowdragon September-18th-2003 01:59 PM

Thanks for the pics... That thing is really amazing...

boricua September-18th-2003 04:27 PM

nonetheless, petroleum has to go. its going to be exhausted at current rates of consumption in a few decades. i think all automobile companies, and energy companies for that matter should start looking into alternative fuels sources. granted we have hybrids and fuel cells in the making, they still rely on the hydrogen in petroleum. if funds were dedicated to fusion research, it could quite possibly be in our future. and another thing i don't understand is whats the deal with deisel engines. VW has already practically perfected the deisel engine for automobiles (TDI) that gets sick mileage and low emissions. why haven't other companies caught on. it has so much potential. obviously, deisel fuel is cheaper, it gets great mileage, and the engines themselves need less maintenance than a similar gasoline engine. doesn't this bother anyone that we are still relying on gas as a fuel source? we need to get our shit together and focus our attention to utilizing alternative fuels, whether it be deisel, fuel cells, or even fusion. we have to stop relying on oil producing nations cuz its just going to lead to conflict.

^CL4RK^ September-18th-2003 04:45 PM

Protege that an experimental fusion plant? Maybe im not reading it right..

boricua September-18th-2003 06:20 PM

here is a good article on cold fusion. it basically explains how the energy is derived and its potential applications. its a little long but its really interesting
Homemade Herbal Vaporizer

yellowdragon September-18th-2003 07:14 PM

boricua... Only problem is that many (and I mean MANY) people suffer from the 'not made here' syndrome and would not accept a product that is not 100% of national origin...

Besides, diesels still have a stinky, loud reputation. In order to sell more diesels, VW would have to do a hughe marketing campaign... Like installing diesels on all trims of a certain model, just like Mazda did when they decided to equip all their 323's with fuel injection.

Protegé Menacé;

those were the days... :D

zerocover September-18th-2003 08:00 PM

Cold fusion in cars?
JUst not gonna happen it would be great and all but by the time the reactors are prefected cars will be all obsolite because we'll be all off on other planets.

Youd have a miniature fussion bomb in your car btw even if they did figure it out. Get into a big acident and there goes a city block. Tractor trailer over turnes and get into like a 10 car pile up its the appocalipse.

Besides they can still squezze alot more power out of current motors. The best combustuion engine is like 20% efficent., and after that like another 15-25% power is lost on the way to the wheels.

pr5owner September-21st-2003 05:56 PM

guess we have to step up to turbine engines then :)

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