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Rider69 September-18th-2002 10:08 PM

FastLane on Fox?
Searched and didn't see anything on this. But, did anyone watch the new series on Fox called Fastlane. I watched it and think it might be alright. There is some action and comedy in it. Nice cars and fast action. Just curious if anyone else saw it and what did you think?

lost_concept September-18th-2002 10:40 PM

I liked it :squint::squint::squint:


VagaBond-X September-19th-2002 12:02 AM

when I saw the commerical for FastLane, I thought it was a new movie, until it said on FOX this fall, lol
but I seriusoly thought it was some movie
I haven't seen the show yet, I want to, but keep on forgetting, but from what i know, I think it looks pretty alrite

YellowPR5 September-19th-2002 08:27 AM

I only got to see pieces of it while doing other things around the house. From what I saw, I thought the acting stunk. I'll have to watch a whole episode I guess to see if I really like it or hate it though.

Sir Nuke September-19th-2002 09:35 AM

I watched it...and liked it...Cool Show...I will watch it again.

I have but one problem with action shows like this....they destroy nice cars all the time just for the sake of entertainment......of course the GT-40 wasn't a real one...DUH!...but it was a nice kit if nothing else.

GTRsi September-19th-2002 10:17 AM

it was gay

"black guys dont surf!"

best line so far

derrick1623 September-19th-2002 11:32 AM

"maybe you got my BLOCKBUSTER card!"

hahaha, they destroyed that damn cobra too. bastards

Sir Nuke September-19th-2002 01:07 PM

Originally posted by derrick1623

they destroyed that damn cobra too. bastards

well we KNOW that the cobra wasn't in the trailer when they flipped it.....but we watched them send that GT-40 kit into the air.

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