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ne3ek May-5th-2003 07:29 PM

The Escort is gone...
Head on collision man... two girls with their saturn lunged in front of me trying to take a left.. I skidded and totalled my car. I am hurt man.. I feel like shit, physically. Nothing broken.. thank god! Right as I was striken from the front, another car slammed into my rear passenger tire.. Totalled the rear also. My car is so dead it's not even funny. Best part.. the car that hit me in the rear, took off. I'm so screwed. AND I GOT A TICKET! Speeding, I was doing 30 in a 25... wtf. I am so pissed. Damn man.. I cant believe the scort is gone. I loved that car so much ):

240SXSR20DET May-5th-2003 08:49 PM

i think id hunt down the person who rearended me and murder their entire family

jporky99 May-5th-2003 08:57 PM

shit that sux.

if it makes you feel any better, before i bought my protege i bought a 95 civic.....

3 DAYS after i bought it i was driving in traffic when some idiot in a full size truck ( i mean this thing was FULL SIZE) slams into the back of my car at like 40mph, hurling me into the back of some lady in her town car. Then, the same truck had so much momentum that it hit my rear AGAIN.

Well needless to say the little bitty civic was destroyed. I'm surprised i didnt break anything.

Although on a positive note, now i own my 94 Protege LX which is such a sweet ride anyway.

limpgtx May-6th-2003 12:08 AM

30 in a 25 and you gotta ticket, what bs is that? hopefully you remember the car that was behind you. he prolly have no insurance so thats why he took off. if i were you id go around town and try to find that car for a couple hours on my day off.

SEA_P5 May-6th-2003 01:14 AM

Contest currently have approximately 7mph as max tolerance.

In court, it will be thrown out.

Who's fault is it?

THEGOLDPRO May-6th-2003 05:48 AM

dude thats bunk. and all day on saturday, we were talking bout the scort. sorry man.

ne3ek May-6th-2003 07:02 AM

ya man.. I'm gonna fight the ticket because they are tryng to say we're both at fault.. BS man.

The other car came from a side street and slammed my rear qauter panel milliseconds before I collided with the plastic saturn.. So I never even knew it hit me until I saw my car. All I know is I got thrown around that thing. I'mma try to get another one man.. If I get some money.. I want a 93 GT. I Still have a spare BP and tranny.. So I guess my 3 will be BP'd.. and still try to turbo it. I'ma try to snap some shots of the car today.. give you an idea of how it felt :/ I remember seing my fuse box from under the hood something like 50ft from the car.. down the street.

Morphector May-6th-2003 10:24 AM

Happy that you didnt get hurt, my 323 is totaled too :(
Asshole police who gave you a ticket when your car is totaled...

Try to find the person who hit you in the rear and make him pay A LOT if you can or you'll call the police on him (just go to te same spot the next week at approx same hour)..... That's what I would do...

Bruce95fmla May-6th-2003 10:12 PM

I am really glad to see you are allright , I hope you are gonna be better and will be able to start over your project

ne3ek May-7th-2003 08:41 AM

Ya I met my attorney yesterday... great guy already set me up for a chiropractor appointment and went to the body place to take pics of my car.. all within a 2 hour time frame lol. He said he's gonna represent me in court to fight the speeding ticket because its BS.

ne3ek May-13th-2003 06:39 PM

Guess what! My attorney calls me today and leave a message (I was in the Bronx at the time) He's like I called Geico and they said that the Saturn the hit me hadn't been insured since last summer... WTF

The other car was ahit and run, my insurance doesn't cover medical or collision, wtf now !? I'm in therapy for this shit, and I just got another car.. I owe EVERYONE I KNOW MONEY! This sucks so bad.. and I need my old escort back.. Anthony's (the place that toed my car after the accident) needs money before I can take it.. I need my plates to transfer over to this new car, that I don't have the money to pay for. Life sucks man :/ I think I need to start selling shit, I was out of work this whole time because of my injuries, so I have no money.

Sorry guys, just venting.

TrexPro5 May-14th-2003 04:38 AM

Oh man, Im so sorry to hear that. Uninsured motorist need to be f*cking killed. Your attorney(sp) will help you Im sure. *Hopefully* he will get your money from the Saturn owners. Don't worry about it, seriously, everything will work out just fine. Im sure you have been asked this many many many times, but just for our refrence, do you know what kind of car hit you from the rear? was there any witnesses? Do the girls in the car know what kind of car hit you?

These things happen, you will be just fine, your attorney seems to be working well with you, just keep him informed and he will do the same for you. Keep the faith man! Everything will be cool.

ne3ek May-14th-2003 04:48 AM

Thanks man, I'm hoping so too.. There were about 2 witnesses.. they saw a light purple car with a white male driving. I didn't even know the car hit hit me until afterwards.

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